Background: #fff
Foreground: #000
PrimaryPale: #8cf
PrimaryLight: #18f
PrimaryMid: #04b
PrimaryDark: #014
SecondaryPale: #ffc
SecondaryLight: #fe8
SecondaryMid: #db4
SecondaryDark: #841
TertiaryPale: #eee
TertiaryLight: #ccc
TertiaryMid: #999
TertiaryDark: #666
Error: #f88
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
<div class='header' role='banner'>
  <div class='headerShadow'>
    <span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
    <span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
  <div class='headerForeground'>
    <span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
    <span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div id='mainMenu' role='navigation' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='sidebar'>
  <div id='sidebarOptions' role='navigation' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
  <div id='sidebarTabs' role='complementary' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea' role='main'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
body {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}

a {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
a:hover {background-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
a img {border:0;}

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]]; }
h1 {border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
h2,h3 {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}

.button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.button:active {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}

.header {
	background: -moz-linear-gradient(to bottom, [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]], [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]);
	background: linear-gradient(to bottom, [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]], [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]);
.header a:hover {background:transparent;}
.headerShadow {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.headerShadow a {font-weight:normal; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.headerForeground {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.headerForeground a {font-weight:normal; color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}

.tabSelected {
	border-left:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];
	border-top:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];
	border-right:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];
.tabUnselected {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.tabContents {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.tabContents .button {border:0;}

#sidebar {}
#sidebarOptions input {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {border:none;color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:active {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}

.wizard { background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]]; }
.wizard__title    { color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border:none; }
.wizard__subtitle { color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border:none; }
.wizardStep { background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; }
.wizardStep.wizardStepDone {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.wizardFooter {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}
.wizardFooter .status {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.wizard .button {
	color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border: 1px solid;
	border-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];
.wizard .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.wizard .button:active {
	color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: 1px solid;
	border-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];

.wizard .notChanged {background:transparent;}
.wizard .changedLocally {background:#80ff80;}
.wizard .changedServer {background:#8080ff;}
.wizard .changedBoth {background:#ff8080;}
.wizard .notFound {background:#ffff80;}
.wizard .putToServer {background:#ff80ff;}
.wizard .gotFromServer {background:#80ffff;}

#messageArea { background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; }
.messageToolbar__button { color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; border:none; }
.messageToolbar__button_withIcon { background:inherit; }
.messageToolbar__button_withIcon:active { background:inherit; border:none; }
.messageToolbar__icon { fill:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; }
.messageToolbar__icon:hover { fill:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; }

.popup {
	background: [[ColorPalette::Background]];
	color: [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];
	box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];
.popup li a, .popup li a:visited, .popup li a:hover, .popup li a:active {
	color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: none;
.popup li a:hover { background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; }
.popup li a:active { background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; }
.popup li.disabled { color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; }
.popupHighlight {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.popup hr {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border-bottom:1px;}
.listBreak div {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.popupTiddler {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.tiddler .defaultCommand {font-weight:bold;}

.shadow .title {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.title {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.subtitle {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.toolbar {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.selected .toolbar a:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}

.tagging, .tagged { border: 1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; background-color: [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; }
.selected .tagging, .selected .tagged { background-color: [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; border: 1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; }
.tagging .listTitle, .tagged .listTitle {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}
.tagging .button, .tagged .button {border:none;}

.footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.error, .errorButton {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Error]];}
.warning {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.lowlight {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}

.zoomer {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.imageLink, #displayArea .imageLink {background:transparent;}

.annotation { background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; }

.viewer .listTitle {list-style-type:none; margin-left:-2em;}
.viewer .button {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.viewer blockquote {border-left:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.viewer th, .viewer thead td, .twtable th, .twtable thead td { background: [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; color: [[ColorPalette::Background]]; }
.viewer td, .viewer tr, .twtable td, .twtable tr { border: 1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; }
.twtable caption { color: [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; }

.viewer pre {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.viewer code {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.viewer hr {border:0; border-top:dashed 1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.highlight, .marked {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]];}

.editor input {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.editor textarea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; width:100%;}
.editorFooter {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.readOnly {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];}

#backstageArea {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
#backstageArea a {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageArea a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; }
#backstageArea a.backstageSelTab {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageButton a {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageButton a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstagePanel {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border-color: [[ColorPalette::Background]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button {border:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageCloak {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; opacity:0.6; filter:alpha(opacity=60);}
body { font-size:.75em; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; margin:0; padding:0; }

* html .tiddler {height:1%;}

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;}
h1,h2,h3 {padding-bottom:1px; margin-top:1.2em;margin-bottom:0.3em;}
h4,h5,h6 {margin-top:1em;}
h1 {font-size:1.35em;}
h2 {font-size:1.25em;}
h3 {font-size:1.1em;}
h4 {font-size:1em;}
h5 {font-size:.9em;}

hr {height:1px;}

dt {font-weight:bold;}

ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}

.txtOptionInput {width:11em;}

#contentWrapper .chkOptionInput {border:0;}

.indent {margin-left:3em;}
.outdent {margin-left:3em; text-indent:-3em;}
code.escaped {white-space:nowrap;}

a {text-decoration:none;}

.externalLink {text-decoration:underline;}

.tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold;}
.tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-style:italic;}

/* the 'a' is required for IE, otherwise it renders the whole tiddler in bold */
a.tiddlyLinkNonExisting.shadow {font-weight:bold;}

#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkExisting,
#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkNonExisting,
#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-weight:normal; font-style:normal;}
#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;}

.header {position:relative;}
.headerShadow {position:relative; padding:3em 0 1em 1em; left:-1px; top:-1px;}
.headerForeground {position:absolute; padding:3em 0 1em 1em; left:0; top:0;}

.siteTitle {font-size:3em;}
.siteSubtitle {font-size:1.2em;}

#mainMenu {position:absolute; left:0; width:10em; text-align:right; line-height:1.6em; padding:1.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; font-size:1.1em;}

#sidebar {position:absolute; right:3px; width:16em; font-size:.9em;}
#sidebarOptions {padding-top:0.3em;}
#sidebarOptions a {margin:0 0.2em; padding:0.2em 0.3em; display:block;}
#sidebarOptions input {margin:0.4em 0.5em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {margin-left:1em; padding:0.5em; font-size:.85em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {font-weight:bold; display:inline; padding:0;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel input {margin:0 0 0.3em 0;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents {width:15em; overflow:hidden;}

.wizard { padding:0.1em 2em 0; }
.wizard__title    { font-size:2em; }
.wizard__subtitle { font-size:1.2em; }
.wizard__title, .wizard__subtitle { font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0; margin:0.4em 0 0.2em; }
.wizardStep { padding:1em; }
.wizardFooter { padding: 0.8em 0; }
.wizardFooter .status { padding: 0.3em 1em; }
.wizardFooter .button { margin:0.5em 0 0; font-size:1.2em; padding:0.2em 0.5em; }

#messageArea { position:fixed; top:2em; right:0; margin:0.5em; padding:0.7em 1em; z-index:2000; }
.messageToolbar { text-align:right; padding:0.2em 0; }
.messageToolbar__button { text-decoration:underline; }
.messageToolbar__icon { height: 1em; width: 1em; } /* width for IE */
.messageArea__text a { text-decoration:underline; }

.popup {position:absolute; z-index:300; font-size:.9em; padding:0.3em 0; list-style:none; margin:0;}
.popup .popupMessage, .popup li.disabled, .popup li a { padding: 0.3em 0.7em; }
.popup li a {display:block; font-weight:normal; cursor:pointer;}
.popup hr {display:block; height:1px; width:auto; padding:0; margin:0.2em 0;}
.listBreak {font-size:1px; line-height:1px;}
.listBreak div {margin:2px 0;}

.tiddlerPopupButton {padding:0.2em;}
.popupTiddler {position: absolute; z-index:300; padding:1em; margin:0;}

.tabset {padding:1em 0 0 0.5em;}
.tab {margin:0 0 0 0.25em; padding:2px;}
.tabContents {padding:0.5em;}
.tabContents ul, .tabContents ol {margin:0; padding:0;}
.txtMainTab .tabContents li {list-style:none;}
.tabContents li.listLink { margin-left:.75em;}

#contentWrapper {display:block;}
#splashScreen {display:none;}

#displayArea {margin:1em 17em 0 14em;}

.toolbar {text-align:right; font-size:.9em;}

.tiddler {padding:1em 1em 0;}

.missing .viewer,.missing .title {font-style:italic;}

.title {font-size:1.6em; font-weight:bold;}

.missing .subtitle {display:none;}
.subtitle {font-size:1.1em;}

.tiddler .button {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}

.tagging {margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0; float:left; display:none;}
.isTag .tagging {display:block;}
.tagged {margin:0.5em; float:right;}
.tagging, .tagged {font-size:0.9em; padding:0.25em;}
.tagging ul, .tagged ul {list-style:none; margin:0.25em; padding:0;}
.tagged li, .tagging li { margin: 0.3em 0; }
.tagClear {clear:both;}

.footer {font-size:.9em;}
.footer li {display:inline;}

.annotation { padding: 0.5em 0.8em; margin: 0.5em 1px; }

.viewer {line-height:1.4em; padding-top:0.5em;}
.viewer .button {margin:0 0.25em; padding:0 0.25em;}
.viewer blockquote {line-height:1.5em; padding-left:0.8em;margin-left:2.5em;}
.viewer ul, .viewer ol {margin-left:0.5em; padding-left:1.5em;}

.viewer table, table.twtable { border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0.8em 0; }
.viewer th, .viewer td, .viewer tr, .viewer caption, .twtable th, .twtable td, .twtable tr, .twtable caption { padding: 0.2em 0.4em; }
.twtable caption { font-size: 0.9em; }
table.listView { margin: 0.8em 1.0em; }
table.listView th, table.listView td, table.listView tr { text-align: left; }
.listView > thead { position: sticky; top: 0; }

* html .viewer pre {width:99%; padding:0 0 1em 0;}
.viewer pre {padding:0.5em; overflow:auto;}
pre, code { font-family: monospace, monospace; font-size: 1em; }
.viewer pre, .viewer code { line-height: 1.4em; }

.editor {font-size:1.1em; line-height:1.4em;}
.editor input, .editor textarea {display:block; width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; font:inherit;}
.editorFooter {padding:0.25em 0; font-size:.9em;}
.editorFooter .button {padding-top:0; padding-bottom:0;}

.fieldsetFix {border:0; padding:0; margin:1px 0;}

.zoomer {font-size:1.1em; position:absolute; overflow:hidden;}
.zoomer div {padding:1em;}

* html #backstage {width:99%;}
* html #backstageArea {width:99%;}
#backstageArea {display:none; position:relative; overflow: hidden; z-index:150; padding:0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageToolbar {position:relative;}
#backstageArea a {font-weight:bold; margin-left:0.5em; padding:0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageButton {display:none; position:absolute; z-index:175; top:0; right:0;}
#backstageButton a {padding:0.1em 0.4em; margin:0.1em;}
#backstage {position:relative; width:100%; z-index:50;}
#backstagePanel { display:none; z-index:100; position:absolute; width:90%; margin-left:3em; }
.backstagePanelFooter {padding-top:0.2em; float:right;}
.backstagePanelFooter a {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}
#backstageCloak {display:none; z-index:20; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100px;}

.whenBackstage {display:none;}
.backstageVisible .whenBackstage {display:block;}
StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
#sidebarOptions {font-size:1.05em;}
#sidebarOptions a {font-style:normal;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {font-size:0.95em;}
.subtitle {font-size:0.8em;}
.viewer table.listView {font-size:0.95em;}
@media print {
  #mainMenu, #sidebar, #messageArea, .toolbar, #backstageButton, #backstageArea { display: none !important; }
  #displayArea { margin: 1em 1em 0em; }
<div class='toolbar' role='navigation' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
[[Tiddlyhost|]] is a hosting service for ~TiddlyWiki.
    <script src=""></script>
    <h1>AES encrypt/decrypt online using CryptoJS</h1>

  <br>text:<input id='text' type='text' value='0.1'/>

  <br>password:<input id='pass' type='text' value='cool'/>
    <br><button onclick="encrypt()">encrypt</button>

    <br>result:<br><span id='result'></span>

    <br>decoded:<br><span id="decrypted"></span>

    <br><button onclick="decrypt()">decrypt</button>

        function encrypt(){
         var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(document.getElementById("text").value, document.getElementById("pass").value);   
            document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = encrypted;
            document.getElementById("decrypted").innerHTML = '';
        function decrypt(){
         var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(document.getElementById("result").innerHTML, document.getElementById("pass").value).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
            document.getElementById("decrypted").innerHTML = decrypted;
            document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = '';

Among all the blog systems, I choose tiddlywiki classic because it is wysiwyg, extensible, portable and can be modified online. Modern flat design blog systems (including tw5) are similar in appearance and fixed in layout, a strength in branded and marketed web but shortage in personal cyber space. Compare  with hexo blog, you will be amazed at the abundance of 80s web desgin.

Below is my PGP public key. 

|SiteIcon SiteTitle SiteSubtitle||||StyleSheet|

* Save local [[backup|]]
* Comment moderation : [[Disqus|]]

<<paletteView [[ColorPalette]]>>

* GettingStarted
* [[TiddlyHost|]]
* OLD : [[TiddlySpot tweeks|TiddlySpotTweeks]]
* OLD : [[TiddlySpace Documentation|]]

!Installed plugins
* TagCloudPlugin : present a 'cloud' of tags (or links) using proportional font display
* ImageSizePlugin : adds support for resizing images
* SectionLinksPlugin : allow tiddler sections in TiddlyLinks to be used as anchor points
* FullScreenPlugin : Toggle between viewing tiddlers fullscreen and normally. Very handy for when you need more viewing space.
* HoverMenuPlugin : Provides a hovering menu on the edge of the screen for commonly used commands, that scrolls with the page. Configured at HoverMenu .
* InlineJavascriptPlugin : Insert Javascript executable code directly into your tiddler content. With more information at InlineJavascriptPluginInfo .
* GotoPlugin : view any tiddler by entering it's title - displays list of possible matches.
* GATrackerPlugin : Google Analytics tracker
* TiddlerToCPlugin : Tiddler Table of Contents generator
* BreadcrumbsPlugin : list/jump to tiddlers viewed during this session plus "back" button/macro. With more information at BreadcrumbsPluginInfo
* QuotePlugin : Create a direct link to a tiddler using a normal button and a button that expands the specified tiddler inside the current tiddler.
* TiddlersBarPluginMP : A bar to switch between tiddlers through tabs (like browser tabs bar).
** StyleSheetTiddlersBar
** DisplayOptions
* SinglePageModePlugin - Show tiddlers one at a time with automatic permalink, or always open tiddlers at top/bottom of page.
** SinglePageModePluginInfo
* [[E.A.S.E]] - this framework allows you to easily create commands that work on the current tiddler text selection in edit mode.
** [[easyFormat]] - the format command format selection according to your choice.
** [[easyInsert]] - insert text template at caret position.
* [[TiddlyTagMindMap2Plugin]] - Create mind-maps from tags
** [[jit-yc]]
** [[MapNodeTemplate]]
** [[MindMapContent]]
* [[DisqusTiddlyWikiExtension]] - from the [[disqus space|]] - Enable comments on TiddlyWiki in your TiddlySpace with htmljs and this.
** [[HtmlJavascript]] - Add {{{/bags/common/tiddlers/jquery.js}}}
** [[ViewTemplate]] - Add {{{<div macro="disqus"></div>}}}

!Installed Macros
* BibRefMacro - A TiddlyWiki Macro to create links to anchors in a bibliography tiddler.
* ImageMacro - A TiddlyWiki Macro to create configurable links to images.
* ContentTimelineMacro - A TiddlyWiki Macro to show timelines (modified, created) for tiddlers tagged 'Content'
* PaletteViewMacro - Displays color palettes.
* UnsavedChangesPlugin - show droplist of tiddlers that have changed since the last time the document was saved.

!Installed Tweaks
* CoreTweaks - generic tweaks
** DefaultTiddlerText - Configure default new tiddler text
* HTML serialization - produces bag, receip
** HtmlJavascript - Call external javascript code on serializing

!!~TiddlyWiki tools
* [[tiddlypocketbook|]] - A guide to ~TiddlyWiki syntax
* [[TiddlyVault|]] - An index of ~TiddlyWiki extensions
* [[Tiddly Tools|]] 
* [[abegoExtensions|]] - UdoBorkowski's Extensions for TiddlyWiki

* [[Martin's wiki|]] - Martin Budden's plugins and extensions for TiddlyWiki 
@@color:#c4d6ed; ^^
Description: Administration functionality for this wiki. 

.txt .text .js .vbs .asp .cgi .pl
.htm .html .hta .htx .mht
.xml .xsl .xslt
.jpg .jpe .jpeg
.tif .tiff
.au .snd
.ra .rm .ram
.mid .midi
.mpg .mpeg
.qt .mov .qtvr
.ai .eps .ps
.xls .xls3 .xls4 .xls5 .xlw
.ppt .pps
.com .exe .dll .ocx
[[AttachFilePlugin]] reads binary data from locally-stored files (e.g., images, PDFs, mp3's, etc.) and converts it to base64-encoded text that is stored in tiddlers tagged with<<tag attachment>>. [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]] allows you to use those tiddlers in place of the external path/file references that are normally part of the image and external links wiki syntax.

[[FileDropPlugin]] and [[FileDropPluginConfig]] allow you to quickly create attachment tiddlers simply by dragging files directly from your system's desktop folder display and dropping it onto an open TiddlyWiki document.  Text files are automatically created as simple tiddlers, while binary files are automatically encoded and attached.
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Requires|AttachFilePluginFormatters, AttachFileMIMETypes|
|Description|Store binary files as base64-encoded tiddlers with fallback links for separate local and/or remote file storage|
Store or link binary files (such as jpg, gif, pdf or even mp3) within your TiddlyWiki document and then use them as images or links from within your tiddler content.
> Important note: As of version 3.6.0, in order to //render// images and other binary attachments created with this plugin, you must also install [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]], which extends the behavior of the TiddlyWiki core formatters for embedded images ({{{[img[tooltip|image]]}}}), linked embedded images ({{{[img[tooltip|image][link]]}}}), and external/"pretty" links ({{{[[label|link]]}}}), so that these formatter will process references to attachment tiddlers as if a normal file reference had been provided. |
>see [[AttachFilePluginInfo]]
!!!!!Inline interface (live)
>see [[AttachFile]] (shadow tiddler)
><<tiddler AttachFile>>
2011.02.14 4.0.1 fix OSX error: use picker.file.path
2009.06.04 4.0.0 changed attachment storage format to use //sections// instead of embedded substring markers.
|please see [[AttachFilePluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.07.20 1.0.0 Initial Release
// // version
version.extensions.AttachFilePlugin= {major: 4, minor: 0, revision: 1, date: new Date(2011,2,14)};

// shadow tiddler
config.shadowTiddlers.AttachFile="<<attach inline>>";

// add 'attach' backstage task (insert before built-in 'importTask')
if (config.tasks) { // for TW2.2b or above
	config.tasks.attachTask = {
		text: "attach",
		tooltip: "Attach a binary file as a tiddler",
		content: "<<attach inline>>"

config.macros.attach = {
// // lingo
	label: "attach file",
	tooltip: "Attach a file to this document",
	linkTooltip: "Attachment: ",

	typeList: "AttachFileMIMETypes",

	titlePrompt: " enter tiddler title...",
	MIMEPrompt: "<option value=''>select MIME type...</option><option value='editlist'>[edit list...]</option>",
	localPrompt: " enter local path/filename...",
	URLPrompt: " enter remote URL...",

	tiddlerErr: "Please enter a tiddler title",
	sourceErr: "Please enter a source path/filename",
	storageErr: "Please select a storage method: embedded, local or remote",
	MIMEErr: "Unrecognized file format.  Please select a MIME type",
	localErr: "Please enter a local path/filename",
	URLErr: "Please enter a remote URL",
	fileErr: "Invalid path/file or file not found",

	tiddlerFormat: '!usage\n{{{%0}}}\n%0\n!notes\n%1\n!type\n%2\n!file\n%3\n!url\n%4\n!data\n%5\n',

// // macro definition
	function(place,macroName,params) {
		if (params && !params[0])
			{ createTiddlyButton(place,this.label,this.tooltip,this.toggleAttachPanel); return; }
		var id=params.shift();
	function(place,panel_id,params) {
		if (!panel_id || !panel_id.length) var panel_id="_attachPanel";
		// remove existing panel (if any)
		var panel=document.getElementById(panel_id); if (panel) panel.parentNode.removeChild(panel);
		// set styles for this panel
		// create new panel
		var title=""; if (params && params[0]) title=params.shift();
		var types=this.MIMEPrompt+this.formatListOptions(store.getTiddlerText(this.typeList)); // get MIME types
		var html=this.html.replace(/%id%/g,panel_id);
		if (config.browser.isGecko) { // FF3 FIXUP
		return panel;
	function (e) {
		if (!e) var e = window.event;
		var parent=resolveTarget(e).parentNode;
		var panel = document.getElementById("_attachPanel");
		if (panel==undefined || panel.parentNode!=parent)
		var isOpen ="block";
			anim.startAnimating(new Slider(panel,!isOpen,e.shiftKey || e.altKey,"none"));
		else = isOpen ? "none" : "block" ;
		e.cancelBubble = true;
		if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
	function(text) {
		if (!text || !text.trim().length) return "";
		// get MIME list content from text
		var parts=text.split("\n----\n");
		var out="";
		for (var p=0; p<parts.length; p++) {
			var lines=parts[p].split("\n");
			var label=lines.shift(); // 1st line=display text
			var value=lines.shift(); // 2nd line=item value
			out +='<option value="%1">%0</option>'.format([label,value]);
		return out;
// // interface definition
	".attachPanel { display: none; position:absolute; z-index:10; width:35em; right:105%; top:0em;\
		background-color: #eee; color:#000; font-size: 8pt; line-height:110%;\
		border:1px solid black; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-right-width: 3px;\
		padding: 0.5em; margin:0em; -moz-border-radius:1em;-webkit-border-radius:1em; text-align:left }\
	.attachPanel form { display:inline;border:0;padding:0;margin:0; }\
	.attachPanel select { width:99%;margin:0px;font-size:8pt;line-height:110%;}\
	.attachPanel input  { width:98%;padding:0px;margin:0px;font-size:8pt;line-height:110%}\
	.attachPanel textarea { width:98%;margin:0px;height:2em;font-size:8pt;line-height:110%}\
	.attachPanel table { width:100%;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;color:inherit; }\
	.attachPanel tbody, .attachPanel tr, .attachPanel td { border:0;margin:0;padding:0;color:#000; }\
	.attachPanel .box { border:1px solid black; padding:.3em; margin:.3em 0px; background:#f8f8f8; \
		-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px; }\
	.attachPanel .chk { width:auto;border:0; }\
	.attachPanel .btn { width:auto; }\
	.attachPanel .btn2 { width:49%; }\
		attach from source file\
		<input type="file" id="attachSource" name="source" size="56"\
		<div id="attachFixPanel" style="display:none"><!-- FF3 FIXUP -->\
			<input type="text" id="attachFixSource" style="width:90%"\
				title="Enter a path/file to attach"\
			<input type="button" style="width:7%" value="..."\
				title="Enter a path/file to attach"\
		</div><!--end FF3 FIXUP-->\
		<div class="box">\
		<table style="border:0"><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			embed data <input type=checkbox class=chk name="useData" %IEdisabled% \
				onclick="if (!this.form.MIMEType.value.length)\
					this.form.MIMEType.selectedIndex=this.checked?1:0; ">&nbsp;\
		</td><td style="border:0">\
			<select size=1 name="MIMEType" \
				onchange="this.title=this.value; if (this.value==\'editlist\')\
					{ this.selectedIndex=this.form.useData.checked?1:0; story.displayTiddler(null,config.macros.attach.typeList,2); return; }">\
				<option value=""></option>\
		</td></tr><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			local link <input type=checkbox class=chk name="useLocal"\
		</td><td style="border:0">\
			<input type=text name="local" size=15 autocomplete=off value=""\
				onchange="this.form.useLocal.checked=this.value.length" \
				onkeyup="this.form.useLocal.checked=this.value.length" \
				onfocus="if (!this.value.length) this.value=config.macros.attach.localPrompt;">\
		</td></tr><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			remote link <input type=checkbox class=chk name="useURL"\
		</td><td style="border:0">\
			<input type=text name="URL" size=15 autocomplete=off value=""\
				onfocus="if (!this.value.length) this.value=config.macros.attach.URLPrompt;"\
		<table style="border:0"><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
		</td><td style="border:0" colspan=2>\
			<textarea name="notes" style="width:98%;height:3.5em;margin-bottom:2px"></textarea>\
		</td><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			attach as&nbsp;\
		</td><td style="border:0" colspan=2>\
			<input type=text name="tiddlertitle" size=15 autocomplete=off value="%title%"\
				onkeyup="if (!this.value.length) { this.value=config.macros.attach.titlePrompt;; }"\
				onfocus="if (!this.value.length) this.value=config.macros.attach.titlePrompt;" %disabled%>\
		</td></tr></tr><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			add tags&nbsp;\
		</td><td style="border:0">\
			<input type=text name="tags" size=15 autocomplete=off value="" onfocus="">\
		</td><td style="width:40%;text-align:right;border:0">\
			<input type=button class=btn2 value="attach"\
			--><input type=button class=btn2 value="close"\
				onclick="var panel=document.getElementById(\'%id%\'); if (panel) panel.parentNode.removeChild(panel);">\
// // control processing
	function(here) {
		var form=here.form;
		var list=form.MIMEType;
		var theFilename  = here.value;
		var theExtension = theFilename.substr(theFilename.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase();
		// if theFilename is in current document folder, remove path prefix and use relative reference
		var h=document.location.href; folder=getLocalPath(decodeURIComponent(h.substr(0,h.lastIndexOf("/")+1)));
		if (theFilename.substr(0,folder.length)==folder) theFilename='./'+theFilename.substr(folder.length);
		else theFilename='file:///'+theFilename; // otherwise, use absolute reference
		theFilename=theFilename.replace(/\\/g,"/"); // fixup: change \ to /
		form.useLocal.checked = true;
		form.local.value = theFilename;
		form.useData.checked = !form.useData.disabled;
		for (var i=0; i<list.options.length; i++) // find matching MIME type
			if (list.options[i].value.indexOf(theExtension)!=-1) { list.selectedIndex = i; break; }
		if (!form.tiddlertitle.disabled)
			form.tiddlertitle.value=theFilename.substr(theFilename.lastIndexOf('/')+1); // get tiddlername from filename
	function (here) {
		// get input values
		var form=here.form;
		var src=form.source; if (config.browser.isGecko) src=document.getElementById("attachFixSource");
		var when=(new Date()).formatString(config.macros.timeline.dateFormat);
		var title=form.tiddlertitle.value;
		var local = form.local.value!=form.local.defaultValue?form.local.value:"";
		var url = form.URL.value!=form.URL.defaultValue?form.URL.value:"";
		var notes = form.notes.value;
		var tags = "attachment excludeMissing "+form.tags.value;
		var useData=form.useData.checked;
		var useLocal=form.useLocal.checked;
		var useURL=form.useURL.checked;
		var mimetype = form.MIMEType.value.length?form.MIMEType.options[form.MIMEType.selectedIndex].text:"";
		// validate checkboxes and get filename
		if (useData) {
			if (src.length) { if (!theLocation) var theLocation=src; }
			else { alert(this.sourceErr); src.focus(); return false; }
		if (useLocal) {
			if (local.length) { if (!theLocation) var theLocation = local; }
			else { alert(this.localErr); form.local.focus(); return false; }
		if (useURL) {
			if (url.length) { if (!theLocation) var theLocation = url; }
			else { alert(this.URLErr); form.URL.focus(); return false; }
		if (!(useData||useLocal||useURL))
			{ form.useData.focus(); alert(this.storageErr); return false; }
		if (!theLocation)
			{ src.focus(); alert(this.sourceErr); return false; }
		if (!title || !title.trim().length || title==this.titlePrompt)
			{ form.tiddlertitle.focus(); alert(this.tiddlerErr); return false; }
		// if not already selected, determine MIME type based on filename extension (if any)
		if (useData && !mimetype.length && theLocation.lastIndexOf('.')!=-1) {
			var theExt = theLocation.substr(theLocation.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase();
			var theList=form.MIMEType;
			for (var i=0; i<theList.options.length; i++)
				if (theList.options[i].value.indexOf(theExt)!=-1)
					{ var mimetype=theList.options[i].text; theList.selectedIndex=i; break; }
		// attach the file
		return this.createAttachmentTiddler(src, when, notes, tags, title,
			useData, useLocal, useURL, local, url, mimetype);
	function(src,def) {
		var ext = src.substr(src.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase();
		var list=store.getTiddlerText(this.typeList);
		if (!list || !list.trim().length) return def;
		// get MIME list content from tiddler
		var parts=list.split("\n----\n");
		for (var p=0; p<parts.length; p++) {
			var lines=parts[p].split("\n");
			var mime=lines.shift(); // 1st line=MIME type
			var match=lines.shift(); // 2nd line=matching extensions
			if (match.indexOf(ext)!=-1) return mime;
		return def;
	function (src, when, notes, tags, title, useData, useLocal, useURL, local, url, mimetype, noshow) {
		if (useData) { // encode the data
			if (!mimetype.length) {
				form.MIMEType.selectedIndex=1; form.MIMEType.focus();
				return false;
			var d = this.readFile(src); if (!d) { return false; }
			displayMessage('encoding '+src);
			var encoded = this.encodeBase64(d);
			displayMessage('file size='+d.length+' bytes, encoded size='+encoded.length+' bytes');
		var usage=(mimetype.substr(0,5)=="image"?'[img[%0]]':'[[%0|%0]]').format([title]);
		var theText=this.tiddlerFormat.format([
			usage, notes.length?notes:'//none//', mimetype,
			useLocal?local.replace(/\\/g,'/'):'', useURL?url:'',
			useData?('data:'+mimetype+';base64,'+encoded):'' ]);
		store.saveTiddler(title,title,theText,config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),tags);
		var panel=document.getElementById("attachPanel"); if (panel)"none";
		if (!noshow) { story.displayTiddler(null,title); story.refreshTiddler(title,null,true); }
		displayMessage('attached "'+title+'"');
		return true;
// // base64 conversion
	function (d) {
		if (!d) return null;
		// encode as base64
		var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
		var out="";
		var chr1,chr2,chr3="";
		var enc1,enc2,enc3,enc4="";
		for (var count=0,i=0; i<d.length; ) {
			enc1=chr1 >> 2;
			enc2=((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
			enc3=((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
			enc4=chr3 & 63;
			if (isNaN(chr2)) enc3=enc4=64;
			else if (isNaN(chr3)) enc4=64;
		return out;
	decodeBase64: function(input) {
		var out="";
		var chr1,chr2,chr3;
		var enc1,enc2,enc3,enc4;
		var i = 0;
		// remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =
		input=input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
		do {
			chr1=(enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
			chr2=((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
			chr3=((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
			if (enc3!=64) out=out+String.fromCharCode(chr2);
			if (enc4!=64) out=out+String.fromCharCode(chr3);
		} while (i<input.length);
		return out;
// // I/O functions
	readFile: // read local BINARY file data
	function(filePath) {
		if(!window.Components) { return null; }
		try {"UniversalXPConnect"); }
		catch(e) { alert("access denied: "+filePath); return null; }
		var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
		try { file.initWithPath(filePath); } catch(e) { alert("cannot read file - invalid path: "+filePath); return null; }
		if (!file.exists()) { alert("cannot read file - not found: "+filePath); return null; }
		var inputStream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
		inputStream.init(file, 0x01, 00004, null);
		var bInputStream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIBinaryInputStream);
	function(filepath,data) {
		// TBD: decode base64 and write BINARY data to specified local path/filename
	askForFilename: // for FF3 fixup
	function(target) {
		var msg=config.messages.selectFile;
		if (target && target.title) msg=target.title; // use target field tooltip (if any) as dialog prompt text
		// get local path for current document
		var path=getLocalPath(document.location.href);
		var p=path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (p==-1) p=path.lastIndexOf("\\"); // Unix or Windows
		if (p!=-1) path=path.substr(0,p+1); // remove filename, leave trailing slash
		var file=""
		var result=window.mozAskForFilename(msg,path,file,true); // FF3 FIXUP ONLY
		if (target && result.length) // set target field and trigger handling
			{ target.value=result; target.onchange(); }
		return result; 
if (window.mozAskForFilename===undefined) { // also defined by CoreTweaks (for ticket #604)
	window.mozAskForFilename=function(msg,path,file,mustExist) {
		if(!window.Components) return false;
		try {'UniversalXPConnect');
			var nsIFilePicker = window.Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
			var picker = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
			picker.init(window, msg, mustExist?nsIFilePicker.modeOpen:nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
			var thispath = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
			if (!=nsIFilePicker.returnCancel)
				var result=picker.file.path;
		catch(ex) { displayMessage(ex.toString()); }
		return result;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|run-time library for displaying attachment tiddlers|
Runtime processing for //rendering// attachment tiddlers created by [[AttachFilePlugin]].   Attachment tiddlers are tagged with<<tag attachment>>and contain binary file content (e.g., jpg, gif, pdf, mp3, etc.) that has been stored directly as base64 text-encoded data or can be loaded from external files stored on a local filesystem or remote web server.  Note: after creating new attachment tiddlers, you can remove [[AttachFilePlugin]], as long as you retain //this// tiddler (so that images can be rendered later on).
This plugin extends the behavior of the following TiddlyWiki core "wikify()" formatters:
* embedded images: {{{[img[tooltip|image]]}}}
* linked embedded images: {{{[img[tooltip|image][link]]}}}
* external/"pretty" links: {{{[[label|link]]}}}
''Please refer to AttachFilePlugin (source: for additional information.''
2009.10.10 [4.0.1] in fileExists(), check for IE to avoid hanging Chrome during startup
2009.06.04 [4.0.0] changed attachment storage format to use //sections// instead of embedded substring markers.
2008.01.08 [*.*.*] plugin size reduction: documentation moved to ...Info
2007.12.04 [*.*.*] update for TW2.3.0: replaced deprecated core functions, regexps, and macros
2007.10.29 [3.7.0] more code reduction: removed upload handling from AttachFilePlugin (saves ~7K!)
2007.10.28 [3.6.0] removed duplicate formatter code from AttachFilePlugin (saves ~10K!) and updated documentation accordingly.  This plugin ([[AttachFilePluginFormatters]]) is now //''required''// in order to display attached images/binary files within tiddler content.
2006.05.20 [3.4.0] through 2007.03.01 [3.5.3] sync with AttachFilePlugin
2006.05.13 [3.2.0] created from AttachFilePlugin v3.2.0
// // version
version.extensions.AttachFilePluginFormatters= {major: 4, minor: 0, revision: 1, date: new Date(2009,10,10)};

if (config.macros.attach==undefined) config.macros.attach= { };
if (config.macros.attach.isAttachment==undefined) config.macros.attach.isAttachment=function (title) {
	var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
	if (tiddler==undefined || tiddler.tags==undefined) return false;
	return (tiddler.tags.indexOf("attachment")!=-1);

// test for local file existence - returns true/false without visible error display
if (config.macros.attach.fileExists==undefined) config.macros.attach.fileExists=function(f) {
	if(window.Components) { // MOZ
		try {"UniversalXPConnect"); }
		catch(e) { return false; } // security access denied
		var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
		try { file.initWithPath(f); }
		catch(e) { return false; } // invalid directory
		return file.exists();
	else if (config.browser.isIE) { // IE
		var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
		return fso.FileExists(f);
	else return true; // other browsers: assume file exists

if (config.macros.attach.getAttachment==undefined) config.macros.attach.getAttachment=function(title) {

	// extract embedded data, local and remote links (if any)
	var text=store.getTiddlerText(title,'');
	var embedded=store.getTiddlerText(title+'##data','').trim();
	var locallink=store.getTiddlerText(title+'##file','').trim();
	var remotelink=store.getTiddlerText(title+'##url','').trim();

	// backward-compatibility for older attachments (pre 4.0.0)
	var startmarker="---BEGIN_DATA---\n";
	var endmarker="\n---END_DATA---";
	var pos=0; var endpos=0;
	if ((pos=text.indexOf(startmarker))!=-1 && (endpos=text.indexOf(endmarker))!=-1)
	if ((pos=text.indexOf("/%LOCAL_LINK%/"))!=-1)
	if ((pos=text.indexOf("/%REMOTE_LINK%/"))!=-1)

	// if there is a data: URI defined (not supported by IE)
	if (embedded.length && !config.browser.isIE) return embedded;

	// document is being served remotely... use remote URL (if any)  (avoids security alert)
	if (remotelink.length && document.location.protocol!="file:")
		return remotelink;  

	// local link only... return link without checking file existence (avoids security alert)
	if (locallink.length && !remotelink.length) 
		return locallink; 

	// local link, check for file exist... use local link if found
	if (locallink.length) { 
		locallink=locallink.replace(/^\.[\/\\]/,''); // strip leading './' or '.\' (if any)
		if (this.fileExists(getLocalPath(locallink))) return locallink;
		// maybe local link is relative... add path from current document and try again
		var pathPrefix=document.location.href;  // get current document path and trim off filename
		var slashpos=pathPrefix.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashpos==-1) slashpos=pathPrefix.lastIndexOf("\\"); 
		if (slashpos!=-1 && slashpos!=pathPrefix.length-1) pathPrefix=pathPrefix.substr(0,slashpos+1);
		if (this.fileExists(getLocalPath(pathPrefix+locallink))) return locallink;

	// no embedded data, no local (or not found), fallback to remote URL (if any)
	if (remotelink.length) return remotelink;

	// attachment URL doesn't resolve, just return input as is
	return title;
if (config.macros.attach.init_formatters==undefined) config.macros.attach.init_formatters=function() {
	if (this.initialized) return;

	// find the formatter for "image" and replace the handler
	for (var i=0; i<config.formatters.length && config.formatters[i].name!="image"; i++);
	if (i<config.formatters.length)	config.formatters[i].handler=function(w) {
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) // Simple bracketted link
			var e = w.output;
				var link = lookaheadMatch[5];
				// ELS -------------
				var external=config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink(link);
				if (external)
					if (config.macros.attach.isAttachment(link))
						e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
						e.title = config.macros.attach.linkTooltip + link;
						e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
					e = createTiddlyLink(w.output,link,false,null,w.isStatic);
				// ELS -------------
			var img = createTiddlyElement(e,"img");
				img.align = "left";
			else if(lookaheadMatch[2])
				img.align = "right";
				img.title = lookaheadMatch[3];
			img.src = lookaheadMatch[4];
			// ELS -------------
			if (config.macros.attach.isAttachment(lookaheadMatch[4]))
			// ELS -------------
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
	// find the formatter for "prettyLink" and replace the handler
	for (var i=0; i<config.formatters.length && config.formatters[i].name!="prettyLink"; i++);
	if (i<config.formatters.length)	{
		config.formatters[i].handler=function(w) {
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
			var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
			if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
				var e;
				var text = lookaheadMatch[1];
				if(lookaheadMatch[3]) {
					// Pretty bracketted link
					var link = lookaheadMatch[3];
					if (config.macros.attach.isAttachment(link)) {
						e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
					else e = (!lookaheadMatch[2] && config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink(link))
						? createExternalLink(w.output,link)
						: createTiddlyLink(w.output,link,false,null,w.isStatic);
				} else {
					e = createTiddlyLink(w.output,text,false,null,w.isStatic);
				w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
	} // if "prettyLink" formatter found
config.macros.attach.init_formatters(); // load time init
if (TiddlyWiki.prototype.coreGetRecursiveTiddlerText==undefined) {
	TiddlyWiki.prototype.coreGetRecursiveTiddlerText = TiddlyWiki.prototype.getRecursiveTiddlerText;
	TiddlyWiki.prototype.getRecursiveTiddlerText = function(title,defaultText,depth) {
		return config.macros.attach.isAttachment(title)?
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Documentation for AttachFilePlugin|
Store or link binary files (such as jpg, gif, pdf or even mp3) within your TiddlyWiki document and then use them as images or links from within your tiddler content.
!!!!!Inline interface (live)
>see [[AttachFile]] (shadow tiddler)
><<tiddler AttachFile>>
''To display the attach file control panel, simply view the [[AttachFile]] shadow tiddler that is automatically created by the plugin, and contains an instance of the inline control panel.''.  Or, you can write:
<<attach inline>>
in any tiddler to display the control panel embedded within that tiddler.  Note: you can actually use any unique identifier in place of the "inline" keyword.  Each unique id creates a separate instance of the controls.  If the same ID is used in more than one tiddler, then the control panel is automatically moved to the most recently rendered location.  Or, you can write:
(with no ID parameter) in SidebarOptions.  This adds a command link that opens the controls as a floating panel, positioned directly to the left of the sidebar.
Binary file content can be stored in three different locations:
#embedded in the attachment tiddler (encoded as base64)
#on your filesystem (a 'local link' path/filename)
#on a web server (a 'remote link' URL)
The plugin creates an "attachment tiddler" for each file you attach.  Regardless of where you store the binary content, your document can refer to the attachment tiddler rather than using a direct file or URL reference in your embedded image or external links, so that changing document locations will not require updating numerous tiddlers or copying files from one system to another.
> Important note: As of version 3.6.0, in order to //render// images and other binary attachments created with this plugin, you must also install [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]], which extends the behavior of the TiddlyWiki core formatters for embedded images ({{{[img[tooltip|image]]}}}), linked embedded images ({{{[img[tooltip|image][link]]}}}), and external/"pretty" links ({{{[[label|link]]}}}), so that these formatter will process references to attachment tiddlers as if a normal file reference had been provided. |
When you attach a file, a tiddler (tagged with<<tag attachment>>) is generated (using the source filename as the tiddler's title).  The tiddler contains //''base64 text-encoded binary data''//, surrounded by {{{/%...%/}}} comment markers (so they are not visible when viewing the tiddler).  The tiddler also includes summary details about the file: when it was attached, by whom, etc. and, if the attachment is an image file (jpg, gif, or png), the image is automatically displayed below the summary information.
>Note: although you can edit an attachment tiddler, ''don't change any of the encoded content below the attachment header'', as it has been prepared for use in the rest of your document, and even changing a single character can make the attachment unusable.  //If needed, you ''can'' edit the header information or even the MIME type declaration in the attachment data, but be very careful not to change any of the base64-encoded binary data.//
Unfortunately, embedding just a few moderately-sized binary files using base64 text-encoding can dramatically increase the size of your document.   To avoid this problem, you can create attachment tiddlers that define external local filesystem (file://) and/or remote web server (http://) 'reference' links, without embedding the binary data directly in the tiddler (i.e., uncheck "embed data" in the 'control panel').

These links provide an alternative source for the binary data: if embedded data is not found (or you are running on Internet Explorer, which does not currently support using embedded data), then the plugin tries the local filesystem reference.  If a local file is not found, then the remote reference (if any) is used.  This "fallback" approach also lets you 'virtualize' the external links in your document, so that you can access very large binary content such as PDFs, MP3's, and even *video* files, by using just a 'remote reference link' without embedding any data or downloading huge files to your hard disk.

Of course, when you //do// download an attached file, the local copy will be used instead of accessing a remote server each time, thereby saving bandwidth and allowing you to 'go mobile' without having to edit any tiddlers to alter the link locations...
!!!!!Syntax / Examples
To embed attached files as images or link to them from other tiddlers, use the standard ~TiddlyWiki image syntax ({{{[img[tooltip|filename]]}}}), linked image syntax ({{{[img[tooltip|filename][tiddlername]]}}}) , or "external link" syntax ({{{[[text|URL]]}}}), replacing the filename or URL that is normally entered with the title of an attachment tiddler.

embedded image data:
embedded image data with link to larger remote image:
>{{{[img[click for larger view|AttachFileSample][AttachFileSample2]]}}}
>[img[click for larger view|AttachFileSample][AttachFileSample2]]
'external' link to embedded image data:
>{{{[[click to view attachment|AttachFileSample]]}}}
>[[click to view attachment|AttachFileSample]]
'external' link to remote image:
>{{{[[click to view attachment|AttachFileSample2]]}}}
>[[click to view attachment|AttachFileSample2]]
regular ~TiddlyWiki links to attachment tiddlers:
>{{{[[AttachFileSample]]}}} [[AttachFileSample]]
>{{{[[AttachFileSample2]]}}} [[AttachFileSample2]]
!!!!!Defining MIME types
When you select a source file, a ''[[MIME|]]'' file type is automatically suggested, based on filename extension.  The AttachFileMIMETypes tiddler defines the list of MIME types that will be recognized by the plugin.  Each MIME type definition consists of exactly two lines of text: the official MIME type designator (e.g., "text/plain", "image/gif", etc.), and a space-separated list of file extensions associated with that type.  List entries are separated by "----" (horizontal rules).
!!!!!Known Limitations
Internet Explorer does not support the data: URI scheme, and cannot use the //embedded// data to render images or links.  However, you can still use the local/remote link definitions to create file attachments that are stored externally.  In addition, while it is relatively easy to read local //text// files, reading binary files is not directly supported by IE's FileSystemObject (FSO) methods, and other file I/O techniques are subject to security barriers or require additional MS proprietary technologies (like ASP or VB) that make implementation more difficult.  As a result, you cannot //create// new attachment tiddlers using IE.
Import (or copy/paste) the following tiddlers into your document:
* [[AttachFilePlugin]] (tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>)
* [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]] ("runtime distribution library") (tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>)
* [[AttachFileSample]] and [[AttachFileSample2]] //(tagged with <<tag attachment>>)//
* [[AttachFileMIMETypes]] //(defines binary file types)//
> Important note: As of version 3.6.0, in order to //render// images and other binary attachments created with this plugin, you must also install [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]], which extends the behavior of the TiddlyWiki core formatters for embedded images ({{{[img[tooltip|image]]}}}), linked embedded images ({{{[img[tooltip|image][link]]}}}), and external/"pretty" links ({{{[[label|link]]}}}), so that these formatter will process references to attachment tiddlers as if a normal file reference had been provided. |
2009.06.04 4.0.0 changed attachment storage format to use //sections// instead of embedded substring markers.
2008.07.21 3.9.0 Fixup for FireFox 3: use HTML with separate text+button control instead of type='file' control
2008.05.12 3.8.1 automatically add 'attach' task to backstage (moved from BackstageTweaks)
2008.04.09 3.8.0 in onChangeSource(), if source matches current document folder, use relative reference for local link.  Also, disable 'embed' when using IE (which //still// doesn't support data: URI)
2008.04.07 3.7.3 fixed typo in HTML for 'local file link' so that clicking in input field doesn't erase current path/file (if any)
2008.04.07 3.7.2 auto-create AttachFile shadow tiddler for inline interface
2008.01.08 [*.*.*] plugin size reduction: documentation moved to ...Info
2007.12.04 [*.*.*] update for TW2.3.0: replaced deprecated core functions, regexps, and macros
2007.12.03 3.7.1 in createAttachmentTiddler(), added optional "noshow" flag to suppress display of newly created tiddlers.
2007.10.29 3.7.0 code reduction: removed support for built-in upload to server... on-line hosting of binary attachments is left to the document author, who can upload/host files using 3rd-party web-based services (e.g., ) or stand-alone applications (e.g., FTP).
2007.10.28 3.6.0 code reduction: removed duplicate definition of image and prettyLink formatters.  Rendering of attachment tiddlers now //requires// installation of AttachFilePluginFormatters
2007.03.01 3.5.3 use apply() to invoke hijacked function
2007.02.25 3.5.2 in hijack of "prettyLink", fix version check for TW2.2 compatibility (prevent incorrect use of fallback handler)
2007.01.09 3.5.1 onClickAttach() refactored to create separate createAttachmentTiddler() API for use with FileDropPluginHandlers
2006.11.30 3.5.0 in getAttachment(), for local references, add check for file existence and fallback to remote URL if local file not found.  Added fileExists() to encapsulate FF vs. IE local file test function (IE FSO object code is TBD).
2006.11.29 3.4.8 in hijack for PrettyLink, 'simple bracketed link' opens tiddler instead of external link to attachment
2006.11.29 3.4.7 in readFile(), added try..catch around initWithPath() to handle invalid/non-existent paths better.
2006.11.09 3.4.6 REAL FIX for TWv2.1.3: incorporate new TW2.1.3 core "prettyLink" formatter regexp handling logic and check for version < 2.1.3 with fallback to old plugin code.  Also, cleanup table layout in HTML (added "border:0" directly to table elements to override stylesheet)
2006.11.08 3.4.5 TEMPORARY FIX for TWv2.1.3: disable hijack of wikiLink formatter due to changes in core wikiLink regexp definition.  //Links to attachments are broken, but you can still use {{{[img[TiddlerName]]}}} to render attachments as images, as well as {{{background:url('[[TiddlerName]]')}}} in CSS declarations for background images.//
2006.09.10 3.4.4 update formatters for 2.1 compatibility (use this.lookaheadRegExp instead of temp variable)
2006.07.24 3.4.3 in prettyLink formatter, added check for isShadowTiddler() to fix problem where shadow links became external links.
2006.07.13 3.4.2 in getAttachment(), fixed stripping of newlines so data: used in CSS will work
2006.05.21 3.4.1 in getAttachment(), fixed substring() to extract data: URI (was losing last character, which broken rendering of SOME images)
2006.05.20 3.4.0 hijack core getRecursiveTiddlerText() to support rendering attachments in stylesheets (e.g. {{{url([[AttachFileSample]])}}})
2006.05.20 3.3.6 add "description" feature to easily include notes in attachment tiddler (you can always edit to add them later... but...)
2006.05.19 3.3.5 add "attach as" feature to change default name for attachment tiddlers.  Also, new optional param to specify tiddler name (disables editing)
2006.05.16 3.3.0 completed XMLHttpRequest handling for GET or POST to configurable server scripts
2006.05.13 3.2.0 added interface for upload feature.  Major rewrite of code for clean object definitions.  Major improvements in UI interaction and validation.
2006.05.09 3.1.1 add wikifer support for using attachments in links from "linked image" syntax: {{{[img[tip|attachment1][attachment2]]}}}
2006.05.09 3.1.0 lots of code changes: new options for attachments that use embedded data and/or links to external files (local or remote)
2006.05.03 3.0.2 added {{{/%...%/}}} comments around attachment data to hide it when viewing attachment tiddler.
2006.02.05 3.0.1 wrapped wikifier hijacks in initAttachmentFormatters() function to eliminate globals and avoid FireFox crash bug when referencing globals
2005.12.27 3.0.0 Update for TW2.0.  Automatically add 'excludeMissing' tag to attachments
2005.12.16 2.2.0 Dynamically create/remove attachPanel as needed to ensure only one instance of interface elements exists, even if there are multiple instances of macro embedding.
2005.11.20 2.1.0 added wikifier handler extensions for "image" and "prettyLink" to render tiddler attachments
2005.11.09 2.0.0 begin port from old ELS Design adaptation based on ~TW1.2.33
2005.07.20 1.0.0 Initial release (as adaptation)
example of encoded data attachment
example of external attachment (no embedded data)
|Created by|Andre' de Carvalho|
|Description|A TiddlyWiki Macro to create links to anchors in a bibliography tiddler.|

{{{<<BibRef "Parnas 1972">>}}}
<<BibRef "Parnas 1972">>
{{{<<BibRef Berard>>}}}
<<BibRef Berard>>

Import (or copy/paste) this tiddler into your document and tag it with "systemConfig". Change the wikify path to suit your bibliography page and anchor style ( I use SectionLinksPlugin ).

version.extensions.BibRef= {major: 1, minor: 0 , revision: 0, date: new Date(2012,6,17)};
//Created by André de Carvalho
config.macros.BibRef = {};
config.macros.BibRef.handler= function(place,macroName,params) {
   var bref=params[0];
!Flowers for Algernon
Really touching and impressive. I listened to it when I was about to enter colleage. 
!Flowers for Algernon
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|list/jump to tiddlers viewed during this session plus "back" button/macro|
This plugin provides a list of links to all tiddlers opened during the session, creating a "trail of breadcrumbs" from one tiddler to the next, allowing you to quickly navigate to any previously viewed tiddler, or select 'home' to reset the display to the initial set of tiddlers that were open at the start of the session (i.e., when the document was loaded into the browser).
see [[BreadcrumbsPluginInfo]]
<<option chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs>> automatically create breadcrumbs display (if needed)
<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>> show/hide breadcrumbs display
<<option chkReorderBreadcrumbs>> re-order breadcrumbs when visiting a previously viewed tiddler
<<option chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink>> omit 'Home' link from breadcrumbs display
<<option chkBreadcrumbsSave>> prompt to save breadcrumbs when 'Home' link is pressed
<<option chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs>> show breadcrumbs for 'startup' tiddlers
<<option chkBreadcrumbsReverse>> show breadcrumbs in reverse order (most recent first)
<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimit>> limit breadcrumbs display to {{twochar{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimit>>}}} items
<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>> limit open tiddlers to {{twochar{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>>}}} items

2012.06.10 2.1.5 refactored default options to eliminate global variable and use init() handling
| Please see [[BreadcrumbsPluginInfo]] for previous revision details |
2006.02.01 1.0.0 initial release
version.extensions.BreadcrumbsPlugin = { major: 2, minor: 1, revision: 5, date: new Date(2012,6,10) };
config.macros.breadcrumbs = {
	crumbs: [], // the list of current breadcrumbs
	askMsg: "Save current breadcrumbs before clearing?\n"
		+"Press OK to save, or CANCEL to continue without saving.",
	saveMsg: 'Enter the name of a tiddler in which to save the current breadcrumbs',
	saveTitle: 'SavedBreadcrumbs',
	options: {
		chkShowBreadcrumbs:		true,
		chkReorderBreadcrumbs:		true,
		chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs:	true,
		chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs:	false,
		chkBreadcrumbsReverse:		false,
		chkBreadcrumbsLimit:		false,
		txtBreadcrumbsLimit:		5,
		chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink:	false,
		chkBreadcrumbsSave:		false,
		txtBreadcrumbsHomeSeparator:	' | ',
		txtBreadcrumbsCrumbSeparator:	' > '
	init: function() {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var area=createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"breadCrumbs",null);
	add: function (title) {
		var thisCrumb = title;
		var ind = this.crumbs.indexOf(thisCrumb);
		if(ind === -1)
		else if (config.options.chkReorderBreadcrumbs)
			this.crumbs.push(this.crumbs.splice(ind,1)[0]); // reorder crumbs
			this.crumbs=this.crumbs.slice(0,ind+1); // trim crumbs
		if (config.options.chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers)
		return false;
	getAreas: function() {
		var crumbAreas=[];
		// find all DIVs with classname=="breadCrumbs"
		var all=document.getElementsByTagName("*");
		for (var i=0; i<all.length; i++)
			try{ if (hasClass(all[i],"breadCrumbs")) crumbAreas.push(all[i]); } catch(e) {;}
		// or, find single DIV w/fixed ID (backward compatibility)
		var byID=document.getElementById("breadCrumbs")
		if (byID && !hasClass(byID,"breadCrumbs")) crumbAreas.push(byID);
		if (!crumbAreas.length && config.options.chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs) {
			// no crumbs display... create one
			var defaultArea = createTiddlyElement(null,"span",null,"breadCrumbs",null); "none";
			var targetArea= document.getElementById("tiddlerDisplay");
		return crumbAreas;
	refresh: function() {
		var crumbAreas=this.getAreas();
		for (var i=0; i<crumbAreas.length; i++) {
			crumbAreas[i].style.display = config.options.chkShowBreadcrumbs?"inline":"none";
	render: function(here) {
		var co=config.options; var out=""
		if (!co.chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink) {
			createTiddlyButton(here,"Home",null,this.home,"tiddlyLink tiddlyLinkExisting");
		for (c=0; c<this.crumbs.length; c++) // remove non-existing tiddlers from crumbs
			if (!store.tiddlerExists(this.crumbs[c]) && !store.isShadowTiddler(this.crumbs[c]))
		var count=this.crumbs.length;
		if (co.chkBreadcrumbsLimit && co.txtBreadcrumbsLimit<count) count=co.txtBreadcrumbsLimit;
		var list=[];
		for (c=this.crumbs.length-count; c<this.crumbs.length; c++) list.push('[['+this.crumbs[c]+']]');
		if (co.chkBreadcrumbsReverse) list.reverse();
	home: function() {
		var cmb=config.macros.breadcrumbs;
		if (config.options.chkBreadcrumbsSave && confirm(cmb.askMsg)) cmb.saveCrumbs();
		story.closeAllTiddlers(); restart();
		cmb.crumbs = []; var crumbAreas=cmb.getAreas();
		for (var i=0; i<crumbAreas.length; i++) crumbAreas[i].style.display = "none";
		return false;
	saveCrumbs: function() {
		var tid=prompt(this.saveMsg,this.saveTitle); if (!tid||!tid.length) return; // cancelled by user
		var t=store.getTiddler(tid);
		if(t && !confirm(config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([tid]))) return;
		var who=config.options.txtUserName;
		var when=new Date();
		var text='[['+this.crumbs.join(']]\n[[')+']]';
		var tags=t?t.tags:[]; tags.pushUnique('story');
		var fields=t?t.fields:{};
		displayMessage(tid+' has been '+(t?'updated':'created'));
	limitOpenTiddlers: function() {
		var limit=config.options.txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers; if (limit<1) limit=1;
		for (c=this.crumbs.length-1; c>=0; c--) {
			var tid=this.crumbs[c];
			var elem=story.getTiddler(tid);
			if (elem) { // tiddler is displayed
				if (limit <=0) { // display limit has been reached
					if (elem.getAttribute("dirty")=="true") { // tiddler is being edited
						var msg= "'"+tid+"' is currently being edited.\n\n"
							+"Press OK to save and close this tiddler\n"
							+"or press Cancel to leave it opened";
						if (confirm(msg)) {
					else story.closeTiddler(this.crumbs[c]);
// // PreviousTiddler ('back') command and macro
config.commands.previousTiddler = {
	text: 'back',
	tooltip: 'view the previous tiddler',
	handler: function(event,src,title) {
		var crumbs=config.macros.breadcrumbs.crumbs;
		if (crumbs.length<2) config.macros.breadcrumbs.home();
		else story.displayTiddler(story.findContainingTiddler(src),crumbs[crumbs.length-2]);
		return false;
config.macros.previousTiddler= {
	label: 'back',
	prompt: 'view the previous tiddler',
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var label=params.shift(); if (!label) label=this.label;
		var prompt=params.shift(); if (!prompt) prompt=this.prompt;
			return config.commands.previousTiddler.handler(ev,this)
// update crumbs when a tiddler is displayed
if (Story.prototype.breadCrumbs_coreDisplayTiddler==undefined)
Story.prototype.displayTiddler = function(srcElement,tiddler) {
	var title=(tiddler instanceof Tiddler)?tiddler.title:tiddler;
	if (!startingUp || config.options.chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs)

// update crumbs when a tiddler is deleted
if (TiddlyWiki.prototype.breadCrumbs_coreRemoveTiddler==undefined)
TiddlyWiki.prototype.removeTiddler= function() {
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Documentation for BreadcrumbsPlugin|
This plugin provides a list of links to all tiddlers opened during the session, creating a "trail of breadcrumbs" from one tiddler to the next, allowing you to quickly navigate to any previously viewed tiddler, or select 'home' to reset the display to the initial set of tiddlers that were open at the start of the session (i.e., when the document was loaded into the browser).
<<breadcrumbs homeSeparator crumbSeparator>>
By default, the breadcrumbs are displayed as a continuous, //horizontal// word-wrapped line of text, using default character sequences for ''homeSeparator'' (" | ") and ''crumbSeparator'' (" > ").  The //optional// ''homeSeparator'' and ''crumbSeparator'' macro parameters allow you to specify alternative separators.  For example, to display the breadcrumbs //vertically// (in a stack, rather than a row), set the separator values to use {{{[[<br>]]}}}... and, to display a horizontal line as the home separator, use {{{[[<html><hr></html>]]}}}.
This macro embeds a 'back' button in your content.  Clicking the button opens/scrolls to the most recent previously viewed tiddler.  You can also add the {{{previousTiddler}}} keyword to the ~ViewToolbar slice definition in ToolbarCommands.  This adds a 'back' button directly to the toolbar of each tiddler that is displayed.
<<breadcrumbs [[<html><hr></html>]] [[<br>]]>>
<<breadcrumbs [[<html><hr></html>]] [[<br>]]>>
Using CSS and a few of the plugin configuration options (see below), you can make the breadcrumbs display resemble browser tabs by adding the following to your [[StyleSheet]]:
.breadCrumbs { border-bottom:1px solid; }
.breadCrumbs a {
	border: 1px solid; padding: 0px 1em;
	-moz-border-radius-topleft:.5em; -moz-border-radius-topright:.5em;
	-webkit-border-top-left-radius:.5em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:.5em;
and this in [[ConfigTweaks]] (tagged with systemConfig, of course):
config.macros.breadcrumbs.homeSeparator=" ";
config.macros.breadcrumbs.crumbSeparator=" ";
__''display placement:''__
<<option chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs>> automatically create breadcrumbs display (if needed)
{{{<<option chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs>>}}}
>By default, the plugin automatically creates the "breadCrumbs" display element at the top of the story column, just above the tiddlerDisplay area.  To manually control the display and placement of the breadcrumbs display, you can define a DIV with class="breadCrumbs" in a custom [[PageTemplate]] or embed the {{{<<breadcrumbs>>}}} macro in specific tiddler content.
>For example, to add the breadcrumbs below the mainMenu, change this:
<div id='mainMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='mainMenu'>
	<div refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
	<div id='breadCrumbs' class='breadCrumbs'></div>
>You can also block automatic creation of the breadcrumbs display by setting
>in a [[CookieJar]]/[[ConfigTweaks]] plugin tiddler.

__''other settings:''__
<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>> show/hide breadcrumbs display
{{{<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>>}}}
>This checkbox toggles the visibility of the breadcrumbs display.  However, the display is not updated until the next crumb is added (or a previous crumb is clicked on).  For immediate effect, you can use [[ToggleBreadcrumbs]] to synchronize the checkbox setting and the breadcrumbs display.
<<option chkReorderBreadcrumbs>> re-order breadcrumbs when visiting a previously viewed tiddler
{{{<<option chkReorderBreadcrumbs>>}}}
>When visiting a previously viewed tiddler, the title of the most-recently displayed tiddler is simply moved to the end of the list and individual breadcrumbs are not removed from the list unless the underlying tiddler is deleted.  When ''re-ordering'' is disabled, the breadcrumbs list is ''trimmed'' so that all crumbs following that tiddler are removed from the list.
<<option chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink>> omit 'Home' link from breadcrumbs display
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink>>}}}
>Enabling this option suppresses the automatic display of the "Home" link (and home separator).  To manually add the home link elsewhere in your document, use the following HTML:
<html><a href="javascript:;" onclick="config.macros.breadcrumbs.home()">home</a></html>
<<option chkBreadcrumbsSave>> prompt to save breadcrumbs when 'Home' link is pressed
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsSave>>}}}
>Whenever you press the 'home' button, you can be prompted to save the current breadcrumbs in a tiddler as a space-separated list of tiddler links (default title="SavedBreadcrumbs").  
<<option chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs>> show breadcrumbs for 'startup' tiddlers
{{{<<option chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs>>}}}
>Breadcrumbs are usually only added for tiddlers that are opened after the document has been loaded, and not for tiddlers displayed during initial startup (e.g., [[DefaultTiddlers]]).  Enabling this option displays breadcrumbs for all viewed tiddlers, regardless of when they are opened.
<<option chkBreadcrumbsReverse>> show breadcrumbs in reverse order
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsReverse>>}}}
>As tiddlers are displayed, breadcrumbs are usually added to the //end// of the list.  Enabling this option displays breadcrumbs in reverse order, so that the most recently visited tiddlers are listed first.
<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimit>> limit breadcrumbs display to {{twochar{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimit>>}}} items
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimit>>}}} and {{{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimit>>}}}
>By default, breadcrumbs are displayed for all tiddlers that have been visited (unless the list is being 'trimmed' by disabling the chkReorderBreadcrumbs option above).  Enabling this option limits the display of the list to a maximum specified number of breadcrumbs.
<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>> limit open tiddlers to {{twochar{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>>}}} items
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>>}}} and {{{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>>}}}
>By default, tiddlers remain open (e.g., displayed in the story column) until you explicitly close them.  When this option is enabled, only the most recently opened tiddlers will remain open: ''any tiddlers in excess of the specified limit are automatically closed.''  //Note: for 'data safety', if a tiddler is being edited, you will be asked for permission to "save-and-close" that tiddler or leave it open (even if that would exceed the specified limit).//
2012.06.10 2.1.5 refactored default options to eliminate global variable and use init() handling
2011.02.16 2.1.4 in refresh(), use 'inline' instead of 'block' style (avoids unwanted linebreak).  In previousTiddler(), allow handling even if not in a tiddler so that back button can be placed in ~MainMenu or ~SidebarOptions.
2010.11.30 2.1.3 use story.getTiddler()
2009.10.19 2.1.2 code reduction
2009.03.22 2.1.0 added 'save breadcrumbs to tiddler' feature
2008.05.01 2.0.0 added 'limit open tiddlers' feature (with safety check for tiddler in edit mode)
2008.04.06 1.9.1 corrected 'limit' logic so that //last// N crumbs are shown instead of //first// N crumbs.  Also, added chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink
2008.04.04 1.9.0 added chkBreadcrumbsReverse and chk/txtBreadcrumbsLimit
2008.03.29 1.8.4 in displayTiddler(), get title from tiddler object (if needed).  Fixes errors caused when calling function passes a tiddler *object* instead of a tiddler *title*
2008.03.24 1.8.3 include shadow tiddlers in breadcrumbs list.  Also changed settings so that "reordering" breadcrumbs is the default, instead of "trimming" the list
2007.12.04 [*.*.*] update for TW2.3.0: replaced deprecated core functions, regexps, and macros
2007.10.26 1.8.2 documentation cleanup
2007.10.18 1.8.1 in GetAreas(), use try/catch to avoid "Bad NPObject as private data" fatal error caused when embedded QuickTime player element is accessed by hasClass() function.
2007.10.02 1.8.0 major documentation and code cleanup.  Moved config.breadCrumbs.* to config.macros.breadcrumbs.* to consolidate objects.  Also, fixed homeSeparator and crumbSeparator default handling.
2007.10.02 1.7.0 added config.options.chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs option
2007.09.16 1.6.1 in getAreas(), removed errant use of 'place' (was causing fatal error when creating default breadcrumbs display element).  Also, added chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs configuration setting to enable/disable automatic creation of a default breadcrumbs display.
2007.09.16 1.6.0 re-wrote refresh() to enable multiple display instances, by finding elements with "breadCrumbs" classname.  Fallback to fixed ID (="breadCrumbs") is still used for backward-compatibility.  move rendering code from refresh() to separate render() function, and added definition for {{{<<breadCrumbs>>}}} macro to support embedding breadcrumbs displays in tiddler content.
2007.09.15 [] updated documentation
2007.09.15 1.5.9 defined homeSeparator (" | ") and crumbSeparator (" > ") as object properties so that they can be redefined as desired for different layouts (e.g., using 'newline' for the crumbSeparator will arrange crumbs in a column rather than a row.
2007.06.21 [] in home(), return false to prevent IE from attempting to navigate away...
2007.05.26 1.5.8 added support for {{{<<option chkReorderBreadcrumbs>>}}} to toggle trim vs. re-order behavior when visiting previously viewed tiddlers
2007.05.25 1.5.7 added support for {{{<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>>}}} to toggle //display// of breadcrumbs
2007.05.24 1.5.6 in refresh(), remove non-existing tiddler titles from crumb list.  Also, hijack removeTiddler() so crumbs can be updated after tiddler is deleted.
2007.04.11 1.5.5 added optional params to previousTiddler macro handler() to allow alternative label and tooltip text (instead of default "back")
2007.03.02 1.5.4 in refresh(), for TW2.2, look for "storyDisplay" instead of "tiddlerDisplay" but keep fallback to "tiddlerDisplay" for TW2.1 or earlier
2007.02.24 1.5.3 changed from hijack of onClickTiddlerLink to hijack of displayTiddler() so that ALL displayed tiddlers are recorded in the crumbs, including programmatically displayed tiddlers opened by macros, scripts, etc., (such as [[GotoPlugin]], among many others) in addition to those opened by clicks on links.
2007.02.24 [] eliminated global space clutter by moving function and data declarations so they are contained inside config.breadCrumbs object.
2007.02.06 1.5.1 added "previousTiddler" macro (for use in sidebar)
2007.02.05 1.5.0 added "previousTiddler" toolbar command (aka, "back")
2006.08.04 [] change spaces to tabs
2006.08.04 1.4.0 modified from 1.4.0 distro: in refresh(), set {{{display:none/block}}} instead of {{{visibility:hidden/visible}}}.  In home(), check for valid crumbArea before setting style.
2006.08.02 1.4.0 Fixed bug, the redefined onClickTiddlerLink_orig_breadCrumbs works incorrectly on IE
2006.07.20 1.3.0 Runs compatibly with TW 2.1.0 (rev #403+)
2006.02.07 1.2.0 change global array breadCrumbs to config.breadCrumbs by Eric's suggestion
2006.02.04 1.1.0 JSLint checked
2006.02.01 1.0.0 initial release
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Original Author|SteveRumsby|
|Description|display monthly and yearly calendars|
NOTE: For //enhanced// date popup display, optionally install:
|{{{<<calendar>>}}}|full-year calendar for the current year|
|{{{<<calendar year>>}}}|full-year calendar for the specified year|
|{{{<<calendar year month>>}}}|one month calendar for the specified month and year|
|{{{<<calendar thismonth>>}}}|one month calendar for the current month|
|{{{<<calendar lastmonth>>}}}|one month calendar for last month|
|{{{<<calendar nextmonth>>}}}|one month calendar for next month|
|{{{<<calendar +n>>}}}<br>{{{<<calendar -n>>}}}|one month calendar for a month +/- 'n' months from now|
|''First day of week:''<br>{{{config.options.txtCalFirstDay}}}|<<option txtCalFirstDay>>|(Monday = 0, Sunday = 6)|
|''First day of weekend:''<br>{{{config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend}}}|<<option txtCalStartOfWeekend>>|(Monday = 0, Sunday = 6)|

<<option chkDisplayWeekNumbers>> Display week numbers //(note: Monday will be used as the start of the week)//
|''Week number display format:''<br>{{{config.options.txtWeekNumberDisplayFormat }}}|<<option txtWeekNumberDisplayFormat >>|
|''Week number link format:''<br>{{{config.options.txtWeekNumberLinkFormat }}}|<<option txtWeekNumberLinkFormat >>|
2011.01.04 1.5.1 corrected parameter handling for {{{<<calendar year>>}}} to show entire year instead of just first month.  In createCalendarMonthHeader(), fixed next/previous month year calculation (use parseInt() to convert to numeric value).  Code reduction (setting options).
2009.04.31 1.5.0 rewrote onClickCalendarDate() (popup handler) and added config.options.txtCalendarReminderTags.  Partial code reduction/cleanup.  Assigned true version number (1.5.0)
2008.09.10 added '+n' (and '-n') param to permit display of relative months (e.g., '+6' means 'six months from now', '-3' means 'three months ago'.  Based on suggestion from Jean.
2008.06.17 added support for config.macros.calendar.todaybg
2008.02.27 in handler(), DON'T set hard-coded default date format, so that *customized* value (pre-defined in config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt is used.
2008.02.17 in createCalendarYear(), fix next/previous year calculation (use parseInt() to convert to numeric value).  Also, use journalDateFmt for date linking when NOT using [[DatePlugin]].
2008.02.16 in createCalendarDay(), week numbers now created as TiddlyLinks, allowing quick creation/navigation to 'weekly' journals (based on request from Kashgarinn)
2008.01.08 in createCalendarMonthHeader(), 'month year' heading is now created as TiddlyLink, allowing quick creation/navigation to 'month-at-a-time' journals
2007.11.30 added 'return false' to onclick handlers (prevent IE from opening blank pages)
2006.08.23 added handling for weeknumbers (code supplied by Martin Budden (see 'wn**' comment marks).  Also, incorporated updated by Jeremy Sheeley to add caching for reminders (see [[ReminderMacros]], if installed)
2005.10.30 in config.macros.calendar.handler(), use 'tbody' element for IE compatibility.  Also, fix year calculation for IE's getYear() function (which returns '2005' instead of '105'). Also, in createCalendarDays(), use showDate() function (see [[DatePlugin]], if installed) to render autostyled date with linked popup.  Updated calendar stylesheet definition: use .calendar class-specific selectors, add text centering and margin settings
2006.05.29 added journalDateFmt handling
version.extensions.CalendarPlugin= { major: 1, minor: 5, revision: 1, date: new Date(2011,1,4)};

var opts={
	txtCalFirstDay:				0,
	txtCalStartOfWeekend:		5,
	chkDisplayWeekNumbers:		false,
	txtCalFirstDay:				0,
	txtWeekNumberDisplayFormat:	'w0WW',
	txtWeekNumberLinkFormat:	'YYYY-w0WW',
	txtCalendarReminderTags:		'reminder'
for (var id in opts) if (config.options[id]===undefined) config.options[id]=opts[id];

config.macros.calendar = {
	journalDateFmt:'DD MMM YYYY',
	holidays:[ ] // for customization see [[CalendarPluginConfig]]
function calendarIsHoliday(date)
	var longHoliday = date.formatString('0DD/0MM/YYYY');
	var shortHoliday = date.formatString('0DD/0MM');
	for(var i = 0; i < config.macros.calendar.holidays.length; i++) {
		if(   config.macros.calendar.holidays[i]==longHoliday
		   || config.macros.calendar.holidays[i]==shortHoliday)
			return true;
	return false;
config.macros.calendar.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
	var calendar = createTiddlyElement(place, 'table', null, 'calendar', null);
	var tbody = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tbody');
	var today = new Date();
	var year = today.getYear();
	if (year<1900) year+=1900;

 	// get journal format from SideBarOptions (ELS 5/29/06 - suggested by MartinBudden)
	var text = store.getTiddlerText('SideBarOptions');
	var re = new RegExp('<<(?:newJournal)([^>]*)>>','mg'); var fm = re.exec(text);
	if (fm && fm[1]!=null) { var pa=fm[1].readMacroParams(); if (pa[0]) this.journalDateFmt = pa[0]; }

	var month=-1;
	if (params[0] == 'thismonth') {
		var month=today.getMonth();
	} else if (params[0] == 'lastmonth') {
		var month = today.getMonth()-1; if (month==-1) { month=11; year--; }
	} else if (params[0] == 'nextmonth') {
		var month = today.getMonth()+1; if (month>11) { month=0; year++; }
	} else if (params[0]&&'+-'.indexOf(params[0].substr(0,1))!=-1) {
		var month = today.getMonth()+parseInt(params[0]);
		if (month>11) { year+=Math.floor(month/12); month%=12; };
		if (month<0)  { year+=Math.floor(month/12); month=12+month%12; }
	} else if (params[0]) {
		year = params[0];
		if(params[1]) {
			if (month>11) month=11; if (month<0) month=0;

	if (month!=-1) {
		cacheReminders(new Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0), 31);
		createCalendarOneMonth(tbody, year, month);
	} else {
		cacheReminders(new Date(year, 0, 1, 0, 0), 366);
		createCalendarYear(tbody, year);
	window.reminderCacheForCalendar = null;
// cache used to store reminders while the calendar is being rendered
// it will be renulled after the calendar is fully rendered.
window.reminderCacheForCalendar = null;
function cacheReminders(date, leadtime)
	if (window.findTiddlersWithReminders == null) return;
	window.reminderCacheForCalendar = {};
	var leadtimeHash = [];
	leadtimeHash [0] = 0;
	leadtimeHash [1] = leadtime;
	var t = findTiddlersWithReminders(date, leadtimeHash, null, 1);
	for(var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
		//just tag it in the cache, so that when we're drawing days, we can bold this one.
		window.reminderCacheForCalendar[t[i]['matchedDate']] = 'reminder:' + t[i]['params']['title']; 
function createCalendarOneMonth(calendar, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	createCalendarMonthHeader(calendar, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon]+' '+year, true, year, mon);
	row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	createCalendarDayHeader(row, 1);
	createCalendarDayRowsSingle(calendar, year, mon);
function createCalendarMonth(calendar, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	createCalendarMonthHeader(calendar, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon]+' '+ year, false, year, mon);
	row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	createCalendarDayHeader(row, 1);
	createCalendarDayRowsSingle(calendar, year, mon);
function createCalendarYear(calendar, year)
	var row;
	row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	var back = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
	var backHandler = function() {
		createCalendarYear(calendar, parseInt(year)-1);
		return false; // consume click
	createTiddlyButton(back, '<', 'Previous year', backHandler);
	back.align = 'center';
	var yearHeader = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td', null, 'calendarYear', year);
	yearHeader.align = 'center';
	var fwd = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
	var fwdHandler = function() {
		createCalendarYear(calendar, parseInt(year)+1);
		return false; // consume click
	createTiddlyButton(fwd, '>', 'Next year', fwdHandler);
	fwd.align = 'center';
	createCalendarMonthRow(calendar, year, 0);
	createCalendarMonthRow(calendar, year, 3);
	createCalendarMonthRow(calendar, year, 6);
	createCalendarMonthRow(calendar, year, 9);
function createCalendarMonthRow(cal, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
	createCalendarMonthHeader(cal, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon], false, year, mon);
	createCalendarMonthHeader(cal, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon+1], false, year, mon);
	createCalendarMonthHeader(cal, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon+2], false, year, mon);
	row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
	createCalendarDayHeader(row, 3);
	createCalendarDayRows(cal, year, mon);
function createCalendarMonthHeader(cal, row, name, nav, year, mon)
	var month;
	if (nav) {
		var back = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
		back.align = 'center'; = config.macros.calendar.monthbg;

		var backMonHandler = function() {
			var newyear = year;
			var newmon = mon-1;
			if(newmon == -1) { newmon = 11; newyear = parseInt(newyear)-1;}
			cacheReminders(new Date(newyear, newmon , 1, 0, 0), 31);
			createCalendarOneMonth(cal, newyear, newmon);
			return false; // consume click
		createTiddlyButton(back, '<', 'Previous month', backMonHandler);
		month = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td', null, 'calendarMonthname')
		month.setAttribute('colSpan', config.options.chkDisplayWeekNumbers?6:5);//wn**
		var fwd = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
		fwd.align = 'center'; = config.macros.calendar.monthbg; 

		var fwdMonHandler = function() {
			var newyear = year;
			var newmon = mon+1;
			if(newmon == 12) { newmon = 0; newyear = parseInt(newyear)+1;}
			cacheReminders(new Date(newyear, newmon , 1, 0, 0), 31);
			createCalendarOneMonth(cal, newyear, newmon);
			return false; // consume click
		createTiddlyButton(fwd, '>', 'Next month', fwdMonHandler);
	} else {
		month = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td', null, 'calendarMonthname', name)
	month.align = 'center'; = config.macros.calendar.monthbg;
function createCalendarDayHeader(row, num)
	var cell;
	for(var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		if (config.options.chkDisplayWeekNumbers) createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');//wn**
		for(var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
			var d = j + (config.options.txtCalFirstDay - 0);
			if(d > 6) d = d - 7;
			cell = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td', null, null, config.macros.calendar.daynames[d]);
			if(d == (config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend-0) || d == (config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend-0+1)) = config.macros.calendar.weekendbg;
function createCalendarDays(row, col, first, max, year, mon) {
	var i;
	if (config.options.chkDisplayWeekNumbers){
		if (first<=max) {
			var ww = new Date(year,mon,first);
			var td=createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');//wn**
			var link=createTiddlyLink(td,ww.formatString(config.options.txtWeekNumberLinkFormat),false);
		else createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');//wn**
	for(i = 0; i < col; i++)
		createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
	var day = first;
	for(i = col; i < 7; i++) {
		var d = i + (config.options.txtCalFirstDay - 0);
		if(d > 6) d = d - 7;
		var daycell = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
		var isaWeekend=((d==(config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend-0)
			|| d==(config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend-0+1))?true:false);
		if(day > 0 && day <= max) {
			var celldate = new Date(year, mon, day);
			// ELS 10/30/05 - use <<date>> macro's showDate() function to create popup
			// ELS 05/29/06 - use journalDateFmt 
			if (window.showDate) showDate(daycell,celldate,'popup','DD',
				config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt,true, isaWeekend);
			else {
				if(isaWeekend) = config.macros.calendar.weekendbg;
				var title = celldate.formatString(config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt);
				if(calendarIsHoliday(celldate)) = config.macros.calendar.holidaybg;
				var now=new Date();
				if ((now-celldate>=0) && (now-celldate<86400000)) // is today? = config.macros.calendar.todaybg;
				if(window.findTiddlersWithReminders == null) {
					var link = createTiddlyLink(daycell, title, false);
				} else
					var button = createTiddlyButton(daycell, day, title, onClickCalendarDate);
// Create a pop-up containing:
// * a link to a tiddler for this date
// * a 'new tiddler' link to add a reminder for this date
// * links to current reminders for this date
// NOTE: this code is only used if [[ReminderMacros]] is installed AND [[DatePlugin]] is //not// installed.
function onClickCalendarDate(ev) { ev=ev||window.event;
	var d=new Date(this.getAttribute('title')); var date=d.formatString(config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt);
	var p=Popup.create(this);  if (!p) return;
	var rem='\\n\\<\\<reminder day:%0 month:%1 year:%2 title: \\>\\>';
	var cmd="<<newTiddler label:[[new reminder...]] prompt:[[add a new reminder to '%0']]"
		+" title:[[%0]] text:{{store.getTiddlerText('%0','')+'%1'}} tag:%2>>";
	var t=findTiddlersWithReminders(d,[0,31],null,1);
	for(var i=0; i<t.length; i++) {
		var link=createTiddlyLink(createTiddlyElement(p,'li'), t[i].tiddler, false);
	}; ev.cancelBubble=true; if (ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation(); return false;
function calendarMaxDays(year, mon)
	var max = config.macros.calendar.monthdays[mon];
	if(mon == 1 && (year % 4) == 0 && ((year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0)) max++;
	return max;
function createCalendarDayRows(cal, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
	var first1 = (new Date(year, mon, 1)).getDay() -1 - (config.options.txtCalFirstDay-0);
	if(first1 < 0) first1 = first1 + 7;
	var day1 = -first1 + 1;
	var first2 = (new Date(year, mon+1, 1)).getDay() -1 - (config.options.txtCalFirstDay-0);
	if(first2 < 0) first2 = first2 + 7;
	var day2 = -first2 + 1;
	var first3 = (new Date(year, mon+2, 1)).getDay() -1 - (config.options.txtCalFirstDay-0);
	if(first3 < 0) first3 = first3 + 7;
	var day3 = -first3 + 1;

	var max1 = calendarMaxDays(year, mon);
	var max2 = calendarMaxDays(year, mon+1);
	var max3 = calendarMaxDays(year, mon+2);

	while(day1 <= max1 || day2 <= max2 || day3 <= max3) {
		row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
		createCalendarDays(row, 0, day1, max1, year, mon); day1 += 7;
		createCalendarDays(row, 0, day2, max2, year, mon+1); day2 += 7;
		createCalendarDays(row, 0, day3, max3, year, mon+2); day3 += 7;
function createCalendarDayRowsSingle(cal, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
	var first1 = (new Date(year, mon, 1)).getDay() -1 - (config.options.txtCalFirstDay-0);
	if(first1 < 0) first1 = first1+ 7;
	var day1 = -first1 + 1;
	var max1 = calendarMaxDays(year, mon);
	while(day1 <= max1) {
		row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
		createCalendarDays(row, 0, day1, max1, year, mon); day1 += 7;
setStylesheet('.calendar, .calendar table, .calendar th, .calendar tr, .calendar td { text-align:center; } .calendar, .calendar a { margin:0px !important; padding:0px !important; }', 'calendarStyles');
// // override cookie settings for CalendarPlugin:

// // override internal default settings for CalendarPlugin:
config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt="DDD MMM 0DD YYYY";
<iframe src="" width="594" height="768" frameborder="0"></iframe>
|Created by|Andre' de Carvalho|
|Description|A TiddlyWiki Macro to show timelines (modified, created) for tiddlers tagged 'Content'|

version.extensions.ContentTimeline= {major: 1, minor: 0 , revision: 1, date: new Date(2013,4,12)};
config.macros.ContentTimeline.handler = function(place,macroName,params)
var field = params[0] ? params[0] : "modified";
var tiddlers = store.reverseLookup("tags","excludeLists",false,field);
var lastDay = "";
//var last = params[1] ? tiddlers.length-Math.min(tiddlers.length,parseInt(params[1])) : 0;
var count = params[1];
for(var t=tiddlers.length-1; t>=0; t--)
 var tiddler = tiddlers[t];
 if (!tiddler.isTagged("Content")) continue;
 if (count < 0) 
 var theDay = tiddler[field].convertToLocalYYYYMMDDHHMM().substr(0,8);
 if(theDay != lastDay)
   var theDateList = document.createElement("ul");
   lastDay = theDay;
 var theDateListItem = createTiddlyElement(theDateList,"li",null,"listLink");
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|display current time with automatic update|
<<tiddler DigitalClock with: format tick>>
*''format'' is any TiddlyWiki date/time formatting string
*''tick'' is the time in seconds between display updates (default=1sec)
show hours, minutes and seconds, updated once per second:
{{{<<tiddler DigitalClock with: "hh:0mm:0ss" 1>>}}}
<<tiddler DigitalClock##show with: "hh:0mm:0ss" 1>>
<html><a href='javascript:;'></a></html><<tiddler {{
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return;
		e.title='click to '+(e.paused?'RESUME':'PAUSE')+' clock display';
		if (e.paused) return;
		e.innerHTML=new Date().formatString(e.fmt);
	var e=place.lastChild.firstChild; Date().getTime()+Math.random();
	e.fmt=('$1'=='$'+'1')?'hh12:0mm:0ss am':'$1';
	if (e.timer===undefined) window.DigitalClock_tick(;
%/<<tiddler {{'DigitalClock##'+(tiddler&&tiddler.title=='DigitalClock'?'info':'show');}}
	with: [[$1]] [[$2]]>>
! Display and Navigation Options

//Display and navigation options for this space//

<<option chkEnableTabsBar>> Tabbed navigation
<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>> Show Breadcrumbs
<<option chkSinglePageMode>> Display one tiddler at a time
><<option chkSinglePagePermalink>> Automatically permalink current tiddler
><<option chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are folded
><<option chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are being edited
<<option chkTopOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the top of the page
<<option chkBottomOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the bottom of the page
<<option chkSinglePageAutoScroll>> Automatically scroll tiddler into view (if needed)

@@color:#c4d6ed; ^^
Description: Display and navigation options for this space

<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
<div macro='tiddler QuickEditToolbar with: show'></div>
Excellent tv series that show what the bravery is, except for the last season. 
<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>
<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>
<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>
!Friends in person

!Online Friends
|Created by|SaqImtiaz|
Toggle between viewing tiddlers fullscreen and normally. Very handy for when you need more viewing space.

Click the ↕ button in the toolbar for this tiddler. Click it again to turn off fullscreen.

Copy the contents of this tiddler to your TW, tag with systemConfig, save and reload your TW.
Edit the ViewTemplate to add the fullscreen command to the toolbar.

*25-07-06: ver 1.1
*20-07-06: ver 1.0

var lewcidFullScreen = false;

config.commands.fullscreen =
            text:" ↕ ",
            tooltip:"Fullscreen mode"

config.commands.fullscreen.handler = function (event,src,title)
            if (lewcidFullScreen == false)
                lewcidFullScreen = true;
                setStylesheet('#sidebar, .header, #mainMenu{display:none;} #displayArea{margin:0em 0 0 0 !important;}',"lewcidFullScreenStyle");
                lewcidFullScreen = false;
                setStylesheet(' ',"lewcidFullScreenStyle");

config.macros.fullscreen.handler =  function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler)
        var label = params[0]||" ↕ ";
        var tooltip = params[1]||"Fullscreen mode";

var lewcid_fullscreen_closeTiddler = Story.prototype.closeTiddler;
Story.prototype.closeTiddler =function(title,animate,slowly)
           if (story.isEmpty() && lewcidFullScreen == true)

Slider.prototype.lewcidStop = Slider.prototype.stop;
Slider.prototype.stop = function()
           if (story.isEmpty() && lewcidFullScreen == true)
|Description|Google Analytics tracker|
|Author|Julien Coloos|
|License|[img[CC BY-SA 3.0|][]]|

This plugin enables Google Analytics tracking inside TiddlyWiki.

The version used is the asynchronous one ({{{ga.js}}}).
The plugin comes with its own configuration, which is stored persistently inside the (hidden) [[SystemSettings]] tiddler.
The configuration has to be set before being effective: it can be done in the plugin tiddler (see below) if TiddlyWiki is not in read-only mode. Tracking works if an account ID has been set, tracking has been enabled, and TiddlyWiki access is non-local.

Tracking can be reported as either:
* page views
** pages are named {{{/#Tiddler name}}}
* events
** Category: {{{Tiddlers}}}
** Action: {{{Open}}}, {{{Refresh}}}, {{{Edit}}}, {{{Search}}}, {{{Close}}} or {{{CloseAll}}}
** Label
*** for {{{CloseAll}}} action: excluded tiddler
*** for {{{Search}}} action: searched text
*** otherwise, tiddler name on which action is performed
** Value: for the {{{CloseAll}}} action, the number of closed tiddlers
** Note: Google Analytics script limits the number of events (1 every 5 seconds, with a burst limit of 10)
Tracking can be globally disabled, or enabled per action on each tiddler:
* //Open//: when tiddler was not yet displayed
** Note: default tiddlers do not trigger this action when accessing TiddlyWiki
* //Refresh//: when tiddler was already displayed
** Note: this action is automatically triggered after editing a tiddler
* //Edit//: when editing (or viewing in read-only mode) the tiddler
* //Close//: when tiddler was displayed
** this action is never tracked in //pages views// tracking
** the //CloseAll// action is triggered by the TiddyWiki links //close all// and //close others// if at least one tiddler was closed; individual tiddlers closed are not tracked as //Close// actions
* //Search//: when searching in tiddlers
** this action is never tracked in //pages views// tracking
** {{{CloseAll}}} and {{{Open}}} actions are not taken into account while search is performed: TiddlyWiki automically closes opened tiddlers before searching and opens tiddler that match the searched text


!Revision History
!!v1.2.0 (2011-05-18)
* do not trigger {{{CloseAll}}} and {{{Open}}} actions when search is performed
* added the {{{Search}}} action

!!v1.1.0 (2011-05-17)
* do not trigger {{{Open}}} action when displaying default tiddlers
* added the {{{CloseAll}}} action

!!v1.0.0 (2011-05-14)
Initial release.

/* Google Analytics queue object. Needs to be global. */
var _gaq = _gaq || [];

if (!config.extensions.GATracker) {(function($) {

version.extensions.GATrackerPlugin = {major: 1, minor: 2, revision: 0, date: new Date(2011, 5, 18)};

/* Prepare overridden TiddlyWiki displaying */
var trackOptions = {};
var displayDefault = 0, closingAll = 0, searching = 0;
var pl = config.extensions.GATracker = {
getOption: function(optKey) {
	return (config.optionsSource && (config.optionsSource[optKey] == "setting")) ? config.options[optKey] : null;
setOption: function(optKey, value) {
	config.options[optKey] = value;
	config.optionsSource[optKey] = "setting";
loadOptions: function() {
	var gaTrack = (pl.getOption("txt_GATracker_track") || "1,0,1,1,1,0,0").split(",");
	trackOptions = {
		id: pl.getOption("txt_GATracker_id"),
		enabled: parseInt(gaTrack[0] || "1"),
		type: parseInt(gaTrack[1] || "0"),
		events: {
			open: parseInt(gaTrack[2] || "1"),
			refresh: parseInt(gaTrack[3]) || "1",
			edit: parseInt(gaTrack[4] || "1"),
			close: parseInt(gaTrack[5] || "0"),
			search: parseInt(gaTrack[6] || "0")
	if ( && ! { = null;
saveOptions: function() {
	var opts = trackOptions.enabled && "1" || "0";
	opts += "," + trackOptions.type;
	for (var ev in {
		opts += "," + ([ev] && "1" || "0");
	pl.setOption("txt_GATracker_id", || "");
	pl.setOption("txt_GATracker_track", opts);
track: function() {
	_gaq.push.apply(_gaq, arguments);
trackAndDisplayDefaultTiddlers: function() {
	displayDefault = 1;
	try { pl.displayDefaultTiddlers.apply(this, arguments) } catch(e){};
	displayDefault = 0;
trackAndDisplayTiddler: function(srcElement, tiddler, template, animate, unused, customFields, toggle, animationSrc) {
	if (!displayDefault) {
		var trackEvent, title = (tiddler instanceof Tiddler) ? tiddler.title : tiddler;
		if (story.getTiddler(title)) {
			/* Tiddler is already displayed */
			if (toggle === true) {
				/* Closing tiddler: tracked in separate function */
			else if (template === DEFAULT_EDIT_TEMPLATE) {
				if ( trackEvent = "Edit";
			else if ( trackEvent = "Refresh";
		else if ( && !searching) trackEvent = "Open";

		if (trackEvent) pl.track(trackOptions.type ? ["_trackPageview", "/#" + title] : ["_trackEvent", "Tiddlers", trackEvent, title]);
	pl.displayTiddler.apply(this, arguments);
trackAndCloseTiddler: function(title, animate, unused) {
	if (closingAll) closingAll++;
	else pl.track(["_trackEvent", "Tiddlers", "Close", title]);
	pl.closeTiddler.apply(this, arguments);
trackAndCloseAllTiddlers: function(excluded) {
	closingAll = 1;
	try { pl.closeAllTiddlers.apply(this, arguments) } catch(e){};
	if ((closingAll > 1) && !searching) pl.track(["_trackEvent", "Tiddlers", "CloseAll", excluded, closingAll - 1]);
	closingAll = 0;
trackAndSearch: function(text, useCaseSensitive, useRegExp) {
	if (!trackOptions.type && pl.track(["_trackEvent", "Tiddlers", "Search", text]);
	searching = 1;
	try {, arguments) } catch(e){};
	searching = 0;


/* Only track in non-local mode */
var local = "file:" == document.location.protocol;
if (!local && && trackOptions.enabled) {
	/* Insert script tag to load GA */
	$("head").eq(0).prepend($("<script/>").attr({type: "text/javascript", async: "true", src: ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://ssl" : "http://www") + ""}));

	/* Override TiddlyWiki display */
	pl.displayTiddler = story.displayTiddler;
	story.displayTiddler = pl.trackAndDisplayTiddler;
	pl.displayDefaultTiddlers = story.displayDefaultTiddlers;
	story.displayDefaultTiddlers = pl.trackAndDisplayDefaultTiddlers;
	if (!trackOptions.type && {
		pl.closeTiddler = story.closeTiddler;
		story.closeTiddler = pl.trackAndCloseTiddler;
		pl.closeAllTiddlers = story.closeAllTiddlers;
		story.closeAllTiddlers = pl.trackAndCloseAllTiddlers;
	} =; = pl.trackAndSearch;

	/* Initialize tracking */
	pl.track(["_setAccount",], ["_trackPageview"]);

config.macros.GATrackerConfig = {
handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
	$(createTiddlyElement(place, "div")).html("Tracking status: <span style='color:" + ( && trackOptions.enabled ? "green'>enabled" : "red'>disabled") + "</span> and <span style='color:" + (local ? "red'>" : "green'>non-") + "local</span>");
	if (readOnly) {
		$(createTiddlyElement(place, "div")).html("Configuration is not available in read-only mode");
	var formNode = $(createTiddlyElement(place, "div")).html("<div>Google Analytics plugin configuration:</div><table><tr><td>Account ID:</td><td><input id='ga_id' type='text'/></td></tr><tr><td>Tracking:</td><td><input id='ga_enabled' type='checkbox'/>Enabled<br/><br/>How: <select id='ga_track'><option value='0'>Events</option><option value='1'>Pages</option></select><br/><br/>What:<br/><input id='ga_track_open' type='checkbox'/>Open<br/><input id='ga_track_refresh' type='checkbox'/>Refresh<br/><input id='ga_track_edit' type='checkbox'/>Edit<br/><input id='ga_track_close' type='checkbox'/>Close<br/><input id='ga_track_search' type='checkbox'/>Search<br/></td></tr></table><input id='ga_action_submit' type='submit' value='Apply'/>");
	$("#ga_id", formNode).val(;
	$("#ga_enabled", formNode)[0].checked = trackOptions.enabled;
	$("#ga_track option", formNode).eq(trackOptions.type)[0].selected = true;
	for (var ev in {
		$("#ga_track_" + ev, formNode)[0].checked =[ev];
	$("#ga_action_submit", formNode).click(function() { = $("#ga_id", formNode).val();
		if (! = null;
		trackOptions.enabled = $("#ga_enabled", formNode)[0].checked;
		trackOptions.type = parseInt($("#ga_track", formNode).val());
		for (var ev in {[ev] = $("#ga_track_" + ev, formNode)[0].checked;

		var nodeDisplay = story.findContainingTiddler(place);
		var tiddlerDisplay;
		if (nodeDisplay) tiddlerDisplay = store.getTiddler(nodeDisplay.getAttribute("tiddler"));
		story.refreshTiddler(tiddlerDisplay ? tiddlerDisplay.title : tiddler.title, null, true);

!flash game
<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|view any tiddler by entering it's title - displays list of possible matches|
''View a tiddler by typing its title and pressing //enter//.''  As you type, a list of possible matches is displayed.  You can scroll-and-click (or use arrows+enter) to select/view a tiddler, or press escape to close the listbox to resume typing.  When the listbox is not displayed, pressing //escape// clears the current input.
>see [[GotoPluginInfo]]
*Match titles only after {{twochar{<<option txtIncrementalSearchMin>>}}} or more characters are entered.<br>Use down-arrow to start matching with shorter input.  //Note: This option value is also set/used by [[SearchOptionsPlugin]]//.
*To set the maximum height of the listbox, you can create a tiddler tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>, containing:
config.macros.gotoTiddler.listMaxSize=10;  // change this number
2009.05.22 [1.9.2] use reverseLookup() for IncludePlugin
|please see [[GotoPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2006.05.05 [0.0.0] started
version.extensions.GotoPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 9, revision: 2, date: new Date(2009,5,22)};

// automatically tweak shadow SideBarOptions to add <<gotoTiddler>> macro above <<search>>

if (config.options.txtIncrementalSearchMin===undefined) config.options.txtIncrementalSearchMin=3;

config.macros.gotoTiddler= { 
	listMaxSize: 10,
	listHeading: 'Found %0 matching title%1...',
	searchItem: "Search for '%0'...",
	function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var quiet	=params.contains("quiet");
		var showlist	=params.contains("showlist");
		var search	=params.contains("search");
		params = paramString.parseParams("anon",null,true,false,false);
		var instyle	=getParam(params,"inputstyle","");
		var liststyle	=getParam(params,"liststyle","");
		var filter	=getParam(params,"filter","");
		var html=this.html;
		var keyevent=window.event?"onkeydown":"onkeypress"; // IE event fixup for ESC handling
		if (config.browser.isIE) html=this.IEtableFixup.format([html]);
		var span=createTiddlyElement(place,'span');
		span.innerHTML=html; var form=span.getElementsByTagName("form")[0];
		if (showlist) this.fillList(form.list,'',filter,search,0);
	'<form onsubmit="return false" style="display:inline;margin:0;padding:0">\
		<input name=gotoTiddler type=text autocomplete="off" accesskey="G" style="%instyle%"\
			title="Enter title text... ENTER=goto, SHIFT-ENTER=search for text, DOWN=select from list"\
			onfocus="; this.setAttribute(\'accesskey\',\'G\');"\
			%keyevent%="return config.macros.gotoTiddler.inputEscKeyHandler(event,this,this.form.list,%search%,%showlist%);"\
			onkeyup="return config.macros.gotoTiddler.inputKeyHandler(event,this,%quiet%,%search%,%showlist%);">\
		<select name=list style="display:%display%;position:%position%;%liststyle%"\
			onchange="if (!this.selectedIndex) this.selectedIndex=1;"\
			%keyevent%="return config.macros.gotoTiddler.selectKeyHandler(event,this,this.form.gotoTiddler,%showlist%);"\
			onclick="return config.macros.gotoTiddler.processItem(this.value,this.form.gotoTiddler,this,%showlist%);">\
		</select><input name="filter" type="hidden" value="%filter%">\
	"<table style='width:100%;display:inline;padding:0;margin:0;border:0;'>\
		<tr style='padding:0;margin:0;border:0;'><td style='padding:0;margin:0;border:0;'>\
	function(list,val,filter) {
		if (!list.cache || !list.cache.length || val.length<=config.options.txtIncrementalSearchMin) {
			// starting new search, fetch and cache list of tiddlers/shadows/tags
			list.cache=new Array();
			if (filter.length) {
				var fn=store.getMatchingTiddlers||store.getTaggedTiddlers;
				var tiddlers=store.sortTiddlers(fn.apply(store,[filter]),'title');
			} else 
				var tiddlers=store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
			for(var t=0; t<tiddlers.length; t++) list.cache.push(tiddlers[t].title);
			if (!filter.length) {
				for (var t in config.shadowTiddlers) list.cache.pushUnique(t);
				var tags=store.getTags();
				for(var t=0; t<tags.length; t++) list.cache.pushUnique(tags[t][0]);
		var found = [];
		var match=val.toLowerCase();
		for(var i=0; i<list.cache.length; i++)
			if (list.cache[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(match)!=-1) found.push(list.cache[i]);
		return found;
	function(t) {
		if (store.tiddlerExists(t)) return "";  // tiddler
		if (store.isShadowTiddler(t)) return " (shadow)"; // shadow
		return " (tag)"; // tag 
	function(list,val,filter,search,key) {
		if ("none") return; // not visible... do nothing!
		var indent='\xa0\xa0\xa0';
		var found = this.getItems(list,val,filter); // find matching items...
		found.sort(); // alpha by title
		while (list.length > 0) list.options[0]=null; // clear list
		var hdr=this.listHeading.format([found.length,found.length==1?"":"s"]);
		list.options[0]=new Option(hdr,"",false,false);
		for (var t=0; t<found.length; t++) list.options[list.length]=
			new Option(indent+found[t]+this.getItemSuffix(found[t]),found[t],false,false);
		if (search)
			list.options[list.length]=new Option(this.searchItem.format([val]),"*",false,false);
		list.size=(list.length<this.listMaxSize?list.length:this.listMaxSize); // resize list...
	function(ev) { // utility function
		ev.cancelBubble=true; // IE4+
		try{event.keyCode=0;}catch(e){}; // IE5
		if (window.event) ev.returnValue=false; // IE6
		if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); // moz/opera/konqueror
		if (ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation(); // all
		return false;
	function(event,here,list,search,showlist) {
		if (event.keyCode==27) {
			if (showlist) { // clear input, reset list
			else if ("none") // clear input
			else"none"; // hide list
			return this.keyProcessed(event);
		return true; // key bubbles up
	function(event,here,quiet,search,showlist) {
		var key=event.keyCode;
		var list=here.form.list;
		var filter=here.form.filter;
		// non-printing chars bubble up, except for a few:
		if (key<48) switch(key) {
			// backspace=8, enter=13, space=32, up=38, down=40, delete=46
			case 8: case 13: case 32: case 38: case 40: case 46: break; default: return true;
		// blank input... if down/enter... fall through (list all)... else, and hide or reset list
		if (!here.value.length && !(key==40 || key==13)) {
			if (showlist) this.fillList(here.form.list,'',here.form.filter.value,search,0);
			return this.keyProcessed(event);
		// hide list if quiet, or below input minimum (and not showlist)!showlist&&(quiet||here.value.length<config.options.txtIncrementalSearchMin))?'none':'block';
		// non-blank input... enter=show/create tiddler, SHIFT-enter=search for text
		if (key==13 && here.value.length) return this.processItem(event.shiftKey?'*':here.value,here,list,showlist);
		// up or down key, or enter with blank input... shows and moves to list...
		if (key==38 || key==40 || key==13) {"block"; list.focus(); }
		return true; // key bubbles up
	function(event,list,editfield,showlist) {
		if (event.keyCode==27) // escape... hide list, move to edit field
			{ editfield.focus();'block':'none'; return this.keyProcessed(event); }
		if (event.keyCode==13 && list.value.length) // enter... view selected item
			{ this.processItem(list.value,editfield,list,showlist); return this.keyProcessed(event); }
		return true; // key bubbles up
	function(title,here,list,showlist) {
		if (!title.length) return;'block':'none';
		if (title=="*")	{; return false; } // do full-text search
		if (!showlist) here.value=title;
		story.displayTiddler(null,title); // show selected tiddler
		return false;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Documentation for GotoPlugin|
''View a tiddler by typing its title and pressing //enter//.''  As you type, a list of possible matches is displayed.  You can scroll-and-click (or use arrows+enter) to select/view a tiddler, or press escape to close the listbox to resume typing.  When the listbox is not displayed, pressing //escape// clears the current input.
syntax: {{{<<gotoTiddler quiet search inputstyle:... liststyle:... filter:...>>}}}
All parameters are optional.
* ''quiet'' (//keyword//)<br>list will not be automatically display as each character is typed.  Use //down// or //enter// to view the list.
* ''showlist'' (//keyword//)<br>list will always be displayed, inline, directly below the input field.
* ''search'' (//keyword//)<br>adds an extra 'command item' to the list that can be used to invoke a full-text search using the entered value.  This can be especially useful when no matching tiddler titles have been found.
* ''inputstyle:'' and ''liststyle:''<br>are CSS declarations that modify the default input and listbox styles, respectively.  Note: the CSS styles must be surrounded by ({{{"..."}}} or {{{'...'}}}) or ({{{[[...]]}}}) (e.g., {{{liststyle:"border:1px dotted blue;color:green;..."}}}.
* ''filter:''<br>is a single tag value (or a boolean tag expression if MatchTagsPlugin is installed), and is used to limit the search to only those tiddlers matching the indicated tag or tag expression (e.g., {{{<<gotoTiddler filter:"faq or help">>}}})
{{{<<gotoTiddler search>>}}}
<<gotoTiddler search>>
{{{<<gotoTiddler showlist filter:"pluginInfo" liststyle:"height:10em;width:auto;">>}}}
<<gotoTiddler showlist filter:"pluginInfo" liststyle:"height:10em;width:auto;">>
*Match titles only after {{twochar{<<option txtIncrementalSearchMin>>}}} or more characters are entered.<br>Use down-arrow to start matching with shorter input.  //Note: This option value is also set/used by [[SearchOptionsPlugin]]//.
*To set the maximum height of the listbox, you can create a tiddler tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>, containing:
config.macros.gotoTiddler.listMaxSize=10;  // change this number
2009.05.22 1.9.2 use reverseLookup() for IncludePlugin
2009.04.12 1.9.1 support multiple instances with different filters by using per-element tiddler cache instead of shared static cache
2009.04.05 1.9.0 added 'showlist' parameter for inline display with listbox always visible.
2009.03.23 1.8.0 added txtIncrementalSearchMin (default=3).  Avoids fetching long lists.  Use down arrow to force search with short input.
2008.12.15 1.7.1 up arrow from input field now moves to end of droplist (search for input).  Also, shift+enter cam now be used to quickly invoke search for text.
2008.10.16 1.7.0 in macro handler(), changed to use //named// params instead of positional params, and added optional "filter:" param for tag filtering.  Removed 'insert' handling (now provided by [[QuickEditPlugin]]).
2008.10.02 1.6.1 for IE, wrap controls in a table.  Corrects placement of listbox so it is below input field.
2008.10.02 1.6.0 added 'search' param for optional "Search for:" item that invokes full text search (especially useful when no title matches are found)
2008.02.17 1.5.0 ENTER key always displays tiddler based on current input regardless of whether input matches any existing tiddler
2007.10.31 1.4.3 removed extra trailing comma on last property of config.macros.gotoTiddler object.  This fixes an error under InternetExplorer that was introduced 6 days ago... sure, I should have found it sooner, but... WHY DON'T PEOPLE TELL ME WHEN THINGS ARE BROKEN!!!!
2007.10.25 1.4.2 added onclick handler for input field, so that clicking in field hides the listbox.
2007.10.25 1.4.1 re-wrote getItems() to cache list of tiddlers/shadows/tags and use case-folded simple text match instead of regular expression to find matching tiddlers.  This *vastly* reduces processing overhead between keystrokes, especially for documents with many (>1000) tiddlers.  Also, removed local definition of replaceSelection(), now supported directly by the TW2.2+ core, as well as via backward-compatible plugin
2007.04.25 1.4.0 renamed macro from "goto" to "gotoTiddler".  This was necessary to avoid a fatal syntax error in Opera (and other browsers) that require strict adherence to ECMAScript 1.5 standards which defines the identifier "goto" as "reserved for FUTURE USE"... *sigh*
2007.04.21 1.3.2 in html definition, removed DIV around droplist (see 1.2.6 below).  It created more layout problems then it solved. :-(
2007.04.01 1.3.1 in processItem(), ensure that correct textarea field is found by checking for edit=="text" attribute
2007.03.30 1.3.0 tweak SideBarOptions shadow to automatically add {{{<<goto>>}}} when using default sidebar content
2007.03.30 1.2.6 in html definition, added DIV around droplist to fix IE problem where list appears next to input field instead of below it.  
2007.03.28 1.2.5 in processItem(), set focus to text area before setting selection (needed for IE to get correct selection 'range')
2007.03.28 1.2.4 added prompt for 'pretty text' when inserting a link into tiddler content
2007.03.28 1.2.3 added local copy of core replaceSelection() and modified for different replace logic
2007.03.27 1.2.2 in processItem(), use story.getTiddlerField() to retrieve textarea control
2007.03.26 1.2.1 in html, use either 'onkeydown' (IE) or 'onkeypress' (Moz) event to process <esc> key sooner, to prevent <esc> from 'bubbling up' to the tiddler (which will close the current editor).
2007.03.26 1.2.0 added support for optional "insert" keyword param.
2006.05.10 1.1.2 when filling listbox, set selection to 'heading' item... auto-select first tiddler title when down/enter moves focus into listbox
2006.05.08 1.1.1 added accesskey ("G") to input field html (also set when field gets focus).  Also, inputKeyHandler() skips non-printing/non-editing keys. 
2006.05.08 1.1.0 added heading to listbox for better feedback (also avoids problems with 1-line droplist)
2006.05.07 1.0.0 list matches against tiddlers/shadows/tags.  input field auto-completion... 1st enter=complete matching input (or show list)... 2nd enter=view tiddler.  "quiet" param controls when listbox appears.  handling for enter (13), escape(27), and down(40) keys.   Change 'ondblclick' to 'onclick' to avoid unintended triggering of tiddler editor).  Shadow titles inserted into list instead of appended to the end.
2006.05.05 0.0.0 started
Hello, I am starkakrats. I am interested in math and computers and a fan of retro computer art.
I have a laptop running openSUSE with KDE and windows10 and android-x86 in kvm.
Look around and have fun here!
You can leave your message in [[Guestbook |]]
<iframe width="314" height="321" scrolling="no" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<<life nostats limit:0 stability:0 delay:100 tid:S>>
visit this site on i2p: http://starkakratstarkakrats.i2p/?i2paddresshelper=vxfaio5ep3eui4rn3qm26rnllvtfn3krqpchv6pdi4zblzft2f4a.b32.i2p
!Last content updates
|Last 5 tiddlers created|Last 5 tiddlers modified|h
|<<ContentTimeline created 5>>|<<ContentTimeline modified 5>>|
 See more in [[Last Updates|LastUpdates]]
<<tagCloud excludeLists excludeSearch systemConfig systemServer PluginInfo Plugin excludeMissing excludePublisher takenotepackage app DiscoveryPackage NavigationPackage IconPackage TidIDEPackage TaskPackage ScrollbarPackage MediaPackage pluginInfo @cdent @developers @ricardoperes Administration follow tips Content System systemConfigDisable settings AttachFilePackage transclusion tiddlyLife package AttachFilePackage sample attachment ThemePackage Tag IFramePackage>>
(once) Encrypted by [[staticrypt |]] and powered by [[TWclassic |]]
<iframe src="" width="320" height="240" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
!GIF Gallery
<<jump j '' top>>
<<toggleSideBar>><<renameButton '>' >>
<<fullscreen>><<renameButton ↕ 'Full Screen'>>
<<newTiddler>><<renameButton n>>
<<thostUpload>><<renameButton s 'Save TiddlyWiki'>>
|Created by|SaqImtiaz|
Provides a hovering menu on the edge of the screen for commonly used commands, that scrolls with the page.

Observe the hovering menu on the right edge of the screen.

Copy the contents of this tiddler to your TW, tag with systemConfig, save and reload your TW.
To customize your HoverMenu, edit the HoverMenu shadow tiddler.

To customize whether the menu sticks to the right or left edge of the screen, and its start position, edit the HoverMenu configuration settings part of the code below. It's well documented, so don't be scared!

The menu has an id of hoverMenu, in case you want to style the buttons in it using css.

Since the default HoverMenu contains buttons for toggling the side bar and jumping to the top of the screen and to open tiddlers, the ToggleSideBarMacro, JumpMacro and the JumpToTopMacro are included in this tiddler, so you dont need to install them separately. Having them installed separately as well could lead to complications.

If you dont intend to use these three macros at all, feel free to remove those sections of code in this tiddler.

!To Do:
* rework code to allow multiple hovering menus in different positions, horizontal etc.
* incorporate code for keyboard shortcuts that correspond to the buttons in the hovermenu

*03-08-06, ver 1.1.2: compatibility fix with SelectThemePlugin
*03-08-06,  ver 1.11: fixed error with button tooltips
*27-07-06, ver 1.1 : added JumpMacro to hoverMenu


start HoverMenu plugin code

HoverMenu configuration settings
               align: 'right',    //align menu to right or left side of screen, possible values are 'right' and 'left'               
               x: 1,              // horizontal distance of menu from side of screen, increase to your liking.
               y: 158            //vertical distance of menu from top of screen at start, increase or decrease to your liking

//continue HoverMenu plugin code
               if (!document.getElementById("hoverMenu"))
               var theMenu = createTiddlyElement(document.getElementById("contentWrapper"), "div","hoverMenu");
               var menuContent = store.getTiddlerText("HoverMenu");

	       var Xloc = this.settings.x;
	       Yloc =this.settings.y;
	       var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1);
	       function SetMenu(id)
		        var GetElements=document.getElementById?document.getElementById(id):document.all?document.all[id]:document.layers[id];
		        GetElements.sP=function(x,y){[config.hoverMenu.settings.align]=x +"px"; +"px";};
		        GetElements.x = Xloc;
		        GetElements.y = findScrollY();
		        GetElements.y += Yloc;
		        return GetElements;
		        var pY =  findScrollY();
                        ftlObj.y += (pY + Yloc - ftlObj.y)/15;
		        ftlObj.sP(ftlObj.x, ftlObj.y);
		        setTimeout("LoCate_XY()", 10);
               ftlObj = SetMenu("hoverMenu");

window.old_lewcid_hovermenu_restart = restart;
restart = function()

"#hoverMenu .imgLink, #hoverMenu .imgLink:hover {border:none; padding:0px; float:right; margin-bottom:2px; margin-top:0px;}\n"+
"#hoverMenu  .button, #hoverMenu  .tiddlyLink {border:none; font-weight:bold; background:#18f; color:#FFF; padding:0 5px; float:right; margin-bottom:4px;}\n"+
"#hoverMenu .button:hover, #hoverMenu .tiddlyLink:hover {font-weight:bold; border:none; color:#fff; background:#000; padding:0 5px; float:right; margin-bottom:4px;}\n"+
"#hoverMenu .button {width:100%; text-align:center}"+
"#hoverMenu { position:absolute; width:7px;}\n"+

config.macros.renameButton.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler)

               if (place.lastChild.tagName!="BR")
             = params[0];
                      if (params[1]) {place.lastChild.title = params[1];}

config.shadowTiddlers["HoverMenu"]="<<top>>\n<<toggleSideBar>><<renameButton '>' >>\n<<jump j '' top>>\n<<saveChanges>><<renameButton s 'Save TiddlyWiki'>>\n<<newTiddler>><<renameButton n>>\n";
//end HoverMenu plugin code

//Start ToggleSideBarMacro code

         styleHide :  "#sidebar { display: none;}\n"+"#contentWrapper #displayArea { margin-right: 1em;}\n"+"",
         styleShow : " ",
         arrow1: "«",
         arrow2: "»"

config.macros.toggleSideBar.handler=function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler)
          var tooltip= params[1]||'toggle sidebar';
          var mode = (params[2] && params[2]=="hide")? "hide":"show";
          if (!params[2])
              mode = "hide";
          var arrow = (mode == "hide")? this.settings.arrow1:this.settings.arrow2;
          var label= (params[0]&&params[0]!='.')?params[0]+" "+arrow:arrow;
          var theBtn = createTiddlyButton(place,label,tooltip,this.onToggleSideBar,"button HideSideBarButton");
          if (mode == "hide")

config.macros.toggleSideBar.onToggleSideBar = function(){
          var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar");
          var settings = config.macros.toggleSideBar.settings;
          if (sidebar.getAttribute("toggle")=='hide')

     return false;

setStylesheet(".HideSideBarButton .button {font-weight:bold; padding: 0 5px;}\n","ToggleSideBarButtonStyles");
//end ToggleSideBarMacro code

//start JumpToTopMacro code
               createTiddlyButton(place,"^","jump to top",this.onclick);
}; =
               text:" ^ ",
               tooltip:"jump to top"
}; = function(event,src,title)
//end JumpToStartMacro code

//start JumpMacro code
config.macros.jump= {};
config.macros.jump.handler = function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler)
        var label = (params[0] && params[0]!=".")? params[0]: 'jump';
        var tooltip = (params[1] && params[1]!=".")? params[1]: 'jump to an open tiddler';
        var top = (params[2] && params[2]=='top') ? true: false;        

        var btn =createTiddlyButton(place,label,tooltip,this.onclick);
        if (top==true)

config.macros.jump.onclick = function(e)
        if (!e) var e = window.event;
        var theTarget = resolveTarget(e);
        var top = theTarget.getAttribute("top");
	var popup = Popup.create(this);
                                {createTiddlyButton(createTiddlyElement(popup,"li"),'Top ↑','Top of TW',;
		story.forEachTiddler(function(title,element) {
	e.cancelBubble = true;
	if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
	return false;
} = function()
//end JumpMacro code

//utility functions
//{{{ = function(unused,slowly)
	var curr = Popup.stack[Popup.stack.length-1];
	var rootLeft = findPosX(curr.root);
	var rootTop = findPosY(curr.root);
	var rootHeight = curr.root.offsetHeight;
	var popupLeft = rootLeft;
	var popupTop = rootTop + rootHeight;
	var popupWidth = curr.popup.offsetWidth;
	var winWidth = findWindowWidth();
        if (isChild(curr.root,'hoverMenu'))
              var x = config.hoverMenu.settings.x;
              var x = 0;
	if(popupLeft + popupWidth+x > winWidth)
		popupLeft = winWidth - popupWidth -x;
        if (isChild(curr.root,'hoverMenu'))
  	        { = x + "px";}
       = popupLeft + "px"; = popupTop + "px"; = "block";
		anim.startAnimating(new Scroller(curr.popup,slowly));

window.isChild = function(e,parentId) {
        while (e != null) {
                var parent = document.getElementById(parentId);
                if (parent == e) return true;
                e = e.parentNode;
        return false;

This is my homework fable in English class, my first attempt to compose a gothic story inspired by PT site.
Through years of detecting and researching, I, now as a retired detector, have seen all sorts of strange and difficult cases, but this one, till today, still confuses me. Until now, I recollected some of the specifics and did the forensics to the victim’s hard disk drives did I came to know how horrible one’s greediness can be……
David was a typical office rat in a small business company. He worked with computer, played games in the computer and had leisure time in the computer as well. Days in and days out ,it was almost same until he received an email from one of his friends:

Dear David,
How’s it going?
I just discovered a wonderful site, a site full of treasures. Keep it to yourself because the site administrators meant to keep it private. Click this address: had been deleted after 24h and input the invitation code: afsiuj38r8hf98sesdh9ewgshd89wesdh. you will see the instructions inside.
Good luck and enjoy the treasure!
Yours zraw

David remembered this friend ,they studied computer science in the same campus, but what differed was that he went for further study in advanced computer science but David, miserably, had to go to work for this ordinary firm. Zraw was his alias name since in college, who , weirdly lose contact several years ago. Despite so many recalling and a slight piece of doubt, the word ‘ full of treasures ‘ drew his attention. Anyway, how could something be worse than his current situation of silent desperation? 
David clicked the site link and did as guided. At the first glimpse of the screen, David was impressed by a huge number of treasures, digitalized, downloading for free. A user guide popped up, he clicked it and read carefully.
Dear readers, let me paraphrased the information David learned for you to clear out the story timeline.. Remembered, I didn’t get the followings several years later, exactly, after I checked David’s HDD: the site is a huge digital content deliver market. BD-movie , TV series , e-books, software……anything that had been created in the computer could be found here. Member of this site could download any of them for free, only on one condition, downloaders must keep computers running for a periods, depending the size of the downloaded contents. Or, they would lose their membership and got banned from this site forever.
Readers may wonder where these contents came from? It had been a long time before David finally make it clear: contents were uploaded by a certain groups of people called uploader who had large bandwidth. They got files from a secret cracking group named as waretz who cracked the encrypted raw materials and made them into high-quality sharable resources. As for where did they got the raw materials , it seemed that David found no clues about them But what is certain is they all use a secure hidden file transfer protocol that enable them invisible from the clearnet.
David didn’t tell anyone about this experience and we didn’t know it until he was found stiff and eyes open large by cleaners, right after which he/she called the police. It was a really weird case, he seemed to be combined with the office computer. His skins melted into the mouse. After we tried so hard to separate them, people were startled to find that David’s cut, no vessels, nor blood but wires and sparkles! Just then David’s unusually bright eyes faded.Scientists are puzzled by so many electrical property. I asked Dr. Scott ‘what kind of cause can it be to cause such wired death‘. Dr.Scott replied that ' I was surprised to find David’s body measured to be abnormally rich in metal elements, the magnetic intensity within is also uncommonly high. I had to admitted that mordern science was totally not helpful in this strange case.’
Years passed and the case was gradually forgotten by the public. Yesterday, somewhat that confusing old time was brought to mind and dove me to reread that weird case report and checked the locked HDDs. I found a huge amount of movies , games and TV series within. Even movie theatre’s whole stock could rival David’s treasures. Another folder drew my attention, it was David’s diary, and from which I got to know the shadow existence of this site and waretz. I checked some of the text files. David was extremely excited at first. He worshiped waretz and tried to download treasures as many as possible. Days in and days out, David started to get puzzled and fearful as he got to have deeper casts of this site. The journal stopped at this short remark and the followed are not human languages:

Xx xx xxxx
They are controlling me, they take up the disk and now they will take up my body.Computer is their eyes and it grows.They are changing me. I can feel it.My mind have been uploading and substituted by their data.HelpÊõÍáÁU'Õ@.HæT¼8nþ^M¶*ÎÃVr#cÚ×rE4-ݺ¤»DúÚ©óäÈi=ÎiàÞö2u0'"C]8m_lI|^2eD{ÜÚÿtëýªb(ïpd¾¿92wl8þpÁxKYw¨¹CáTÃÊ~«o8ïìPM8TÂùð£í¦ÇÒÉgMPg°

I shut down the computer immediately. I never felt horrible in front of its dark screen. But now I did, as if it is an alien dark sky in universe. Waretz and the site are still alive, tempting greedy and ignorant people to be their disk volumes. Let me hope that my readers may put caution before audacity, when browsing those dark shadows of the Internet.

|Created by|Andre' de Carvalho|
|Date|2021 06 18|
|Description|A TiddlyWiki Macro to create configurable links to images.|

Version history :
1.1.1 2021 06 18 : Corrected documentation
1.1.0 2013 05 10 : handling null parameters

<<Image "FL" "200" "Coupling-root-level.png" "" "s/vfki4dkx343k4ut/" "?dl=1" "Root level allowed dependencies.">>
<<Image "FL" "200" "Coupling-root-level.png" "" "s/vfki4dkx343k4ut/" "?dl=1" "Root level allowed dependencies.">>


<<Image "FR" "200" "Coupling-root-level.png" "" "s/vfki4dkx343k4ut/" "?dl=1" "Root level allowed dependencies.">>
<<Image "FR" "200" "Coupling-root-level.png" "" "s/vfki4dkx343k4ut/" "?dl=1" "Root level allowed dependencies.">>


<<Image "" "" "Coupling-root-level.png" "" "s/vfki4dkx343k4ut/" "?dl=1" "Root level allowed dependencies.">>
<<Image "" "" "Coupling-root-level.png" "" "s/vfki4dkx343k4ut/" "?dl=1" "Root level allowed dependencies.">>

Import (or copy/paste) this tiddler into your document and tag it with "systemConfig".  For using size you need [[ImageSizePlugin|]].

version.extensions.Image= {major: 1, minor: 1 , revision: 1, date: new Date(2021,06,18)};
//Created by André de Carvalho
config.macros.Image = {};
config.macros.Image.handler= function(place,macroName,params) {
  /* Type : FL = float left, FR = float right, "" = no float */
   var type=params[0];
  /* Size : number = pixels (requires ImageSizePlugin), "" = no size */
   var size=params[1];
  /* Name : the name of the image file */
   var name=params[2];
  /* Path : the path of the image file (include end backslash) */
   var path = params[3];
  /* Prefix : optional prefix to be inserted between Path and FileName */
   var prefix = params[4];
  /* Postfix : optional postfix to be appended after FileName */
   var postfix = params[5];
  /* Caption : optional caption */
   var caption = params[6];

  var ini = "";
  var end = "";

  if (caption)
    caption = "<br>@@padding:0.8em;@@@@color:#00f;^^"+caption+"^^@@";
    caption = "";

    case "FR":
      ini = "{{imgfloatright{[img";
      end = "]]"+caption+"}}}";
    case "FL":
      ini = "{{imgfloatleft{[img";
      end = "]]"+caption+"}}}";
      end = "]]";

  if (size)
    ini = ini + "("+size+"px+,+)";

   ini = ini+"[";
   if (path)
     ini = ini+ path;
   if (prefix)
     ini = ini+ prefix;
   if (name)
     ini = ini+ name;
   if (postfix)
     ini = ini+ postfix;

   wikify(ini+end, place)
|''Description''|Allows the rendering of svg images in a TiddlyWiki|
|''Notes''|Currently only works in modern browsers (not IE)|
{{{<<image SVG>>}}} will render the text of the tiddler with title SVG as an SVG image (but not in ie where it will fail silently)
width/height: specify width/height parameters
link: make the image link to a given location
tiddlyLink: link to a tiddler

Binary tiddlers in TiddlyWeb when passed through the wikifier will be shown as images.
eg. {{{<<view text wikified>>}}} on a binary tiddler will show the image.
{{{<<view fieldname image>>}}}
will render the value of the tiddler field 'fieldname' as an image. This field can contain a tid
{{{<<image SiteIcon>>}}}
will create an image tag where the tiddler has content type beginning image and not ending +xml
will attempt to create svg object in other scenarios
{{{<<image /photos/x.jpg>>}}}
will create an image tag with src /photos/x.jpg as long as there is not a tiddler called /photos/x.jpg in 
which case it will render that tiddler as an image. Note for the case of svg files it will attempt to render as an svg if possible via the image
tag. It doesn't embed the svg in the dom for security reasons as svg code can contain javascript.
(function($) {

var macro = config.macros.image = {
	shim: "/bags/common/tiddlers/shim",
	ieVersion: config.browser.isIE ? parseInt(config.browser.ieVersion[1], 10) : false,
	svgns: "",
	xlinkns: "", 
	svgAvailable: document.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"),
	_fixPrefix: 1,
	_external_cache: {},
	_image_tag_cache: {},
	_image_dimensions: {},
	locale: {
		badImage: "This image cannot be displayed."
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler){
		var imageSource = params[0];
		// collect named arguments
		var args = macro.getArguments(paramString, params);
		this.renderImage(place, imageSource, args);
	init: function() {
		var startupImages = store.getTaggedTiddlers("systemImage");
		var place = $("<div />").attr("id", "systemImageArea").appendTo("body").hide()[0];
		for(var i = 0; i < startupImages.length; i++) {
			var image = startupImages[i];
			macro.renderImage(place, image.title, { idPrefix: "" });
		var data = new Image();
		data.onload = function() {
			// note ie 8 only supports data uris up to 32k so cannot be relied on
			macro.supportsDataUris = this.width != 1 || this.height != 1 ? false : true;
			macro.supportsDataUris = macro.ieVersion && macro.ieVersion < 9 ? false : macro.supportsDataUris;
		data.onerror = data.onload;
		data.src = "";
	refreshImage: function(src) {
		var elements = macro._image_tag_cache[src] ? macro._image_tag_cache[src] : [];
		if(macro._image_dimensions[src]) {
			macro._image_dimensions[src] = false;
		for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
			var el = $(elements[i]);
			var newSrc = "%0?nocache=%1".format(src, Math.random());
			el.attr("src", newSrc); // force reload
	isBinaryImageType: function(contentType) {
		return (contentType && contentType.indexOf("image") === 0 &&
			contentType.indexOf("+xml") != contentType.length - 4) ? true : false;
	isImageTiddler: function(tiddler) {
		return macro.isSVGTiddler(tiddler) || macro.isBinaryImageTiddler(tiddler);
	isSVGTiddler: function(tiddler) {
		var type = tiddler ? tiddler.fields['server.content-type'] : false;
		return type == "image/svg+xml";
	isBinaryImageTiddler: function(tiddler) {
		return macro.isBinaryImageType(tiddler.fields['server.content-type']);
	renderImage: function(place, imageSource, options) {
		var imageTiddler = store.getTiddler(imageSource);
		var container;
		var classes = ["image"];
		if( {
			classes = classes.concat(["imageLink", "externalLink"]);
			container = $("<a />").attr("href",[0];
		} else if(options.tiddlyLink) {
			container = createTiddlyLink(place, options.tiddlyLink, false);
		} else {
			container = $("<span />").appendTo(place)[0];
		$(container).addClass(classes.join(" "));

		options = options ? options : {};
		if(imageTiddler && macro.isBinaryImageTiddler(imageTiddler)) { // handle the case where we have an image url
			return macro._renderBinaryImageTiddler(container, imageTiddler, options);
		} else if(imageTiddler){ // handle the case where we have a tiddler
			return macro._renderSVGTiddler(container, imageTiddler, options);
		} else { // we have a string representing a url
			return macro._renderBinaryImageUrl(container, imageSource, options);
	_renderAlternateText: function(container, options) {
		var img;
		var src = options.src || "";
		if(options.width && options.height) {
			img = $("<img />").attr("src", src).addClass("svgImageText").attr("width", options.width).
				attr("height", options.height).appendTo(container);
		var alt = options.alt;
		if(img && alt) {
			img.attr("alt", alt).attr("title", alt);
		} else if(alt) {
		macro._image_tag_cache[src] = img;
	_renderSVGTiddler: function(place, tiddler, options) {
		if(!options) {
			options = {};
		merge(options, { tiddler: tiddler, fix: true});

		if(macro.svgAvailable) {
			this._importSVG(place, options); // display the svg
		} else if(options.altImage) {
			var image = options.altImage;
			delete options.altImage;
			this._renderBinaryImageUrl(place, image, options);
		} else {
			this._renderAlternateText(place, options); // instead of showing the image show the alternate text.
	_renderBinaryImageTiddler: function(place, tiddler, options) {
		var resourceURI;
		var fields = tiddler.fields;
		if(fields["server.type"] == "tiddlyweb") { // construct an accurate url for the resource
			resourceURI = "%0/%1/tiddlers/%2".format(config.defaultCustomFields[""],
				fields["server.workspace"], encodeURI(fields["server.title"]));
		} else { // guess the url for the resource
			resourceURI = tiddler.title;
		var ctype = fields["server.content-type"] || tiddler.type;
		var text = tiddler.text;
		if(macro.supportsDataUris && ctype && text.indexOf("<html") == -1) {
			var uri = "data:%0;base64,%1".format(ctype, text);
			options.src = resourceURI;
			return macro._renderBinaryImageUrl(place, uri, options);
		} else if(options.src) {
			return macro._renderBinaryImageUrl(place, options.src, options);
		} else {
			return macro._renderBinaryImageUrl(place, resourceURI, options);
	_renderImageTag: function(container, src, width, height, options) {
		var img;
		img = $("<img />").appendTo(container);
		if(height) {
			img.attr("height", height);
		if(width) {
			img.attr("width", width);
		if(macro.ieVersion && macro.ieVersion < 7 && macro.shim && options.ie6png) {
			$(img).css({width: userW, height: userH,
					filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%0', sizingMethod='scale')".format(src)
				}).attr("src", macro.shim);
		} else {
			img.attr("src", src);
		if(!macro._image_tag_cache[options.srcUrl]) {
			macro._image_tag_cache[options.srcUrl] = [];
		img = $(img).addClass(options.imageClass)[0];
		return img;
	_getDimensions: function(realDimensions, reqDimensions, preserve) {
		var w = realDimensions.width;
		var h = realDimensions.height;
		var reqh = reqDimensions.height;
		var reqw = reqDimensions.width;
		var finalw = w, finalh = h;
		var ratiow = reqw / w, ratioh = reqh / h;
		var scaledw = ratioh * w;
		var scaledh = ratiow * h;
		if(!reqw && reqh) {
			finalw = scaledw;
			finalh = reqh;
		} else if(reqw && !reqh) {
			finalw = reqw;
			finalh = scaledh;
		} else if(reqh && reqw) {
			var preserveWidth = w > h ? true : false;
			if(preserve) {
				if(preserveWidth && scaledh < reqh) {
					finalh = scaledh;
					finalw = reqw;
				} else {
					finalh = reqh;
					finalw = scaledw;
			} else {
				finalw = reqw;
				finalh = reqh;
		return { width: parseInt(finalw, 10), height: parseInt(finalh, 10) };
	_renderBinaryImageUrl: function(container, src, options) {
		var srcUrl = options.src ? options.src : src;
		srcUrl = srcUrl.indexOf("/") === -1 ? "/%0".format(srcUrl) : srcUrl; // for IE. 
		var image_dimensions = macro._image_dimensions[srcUrl];
		var image = new Image(); // due to weird scaling issues where you use just a width or just a height
		var createImageTag = function(dimensions, error) {
			if(error) {
				var altImage = options.altImage;
				if(altImage) {
					delete options.altImage;
					macro._renderBinaryImageUrl(container, altImage, options);
				} else {
					options.src = src;
					macro._renderAlternateText(container, options);
			} else {
				var dim = macro._getDimensions(dimensions, { 
					width: options.width, height: options.height }, options.preserveAspectRatio);
				options.srcUrl = srcUrl;
				macro._renderImageTag(container, src, dim.width, dim.height, options);

		if(!image_dimensions) {
			image.onload = function() {
				var dimensions = { width: image.width, height: image.height};
				macro._image_dimensions[srcUrl] = dimensions;
			image.onerror = function() {
				createImageTag(null, true);
			image.src = src;
		} else {
	_generateIdPrefix: function(){
		return "twsvgfix_" + (this._fixPrefix++).toString() + "_";
	_fixSVG: function(childNodes, idPrefix) {
		var urlPattern = /url\(\#([^\)]*)\)*/ig;
		var fixes = [
		{ attr: "id", pattern: /^(.*)$/ig },
		{ attr: "href", namespace: macro.xlinkns, pattern: /^#(.*)$/ig }
		var url_fixes = ["filter", "fill", "mask", "stroke", "style"];
		for(var i = 0; i < url_fixes.length; i++) {
			fixes.push({ attr: url_fixes[i], pattern: urlPattern });
		for(var t = 0; t < childNodes.length; t++) {
			var node = childNodes[t];
			for(var a = 0; a < fixes.length; a++) {
				var fix = fixes[a];
				var attr = fix.attr;
				var ns = fix.namespace || "";
				if(node.hasAttributeNS && node.hasAttributeNS(ns, attr)) {
					var v = node.getAttributeNS(ns, attr);
					fix.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
					var match = fix.pattern.exec(v);
					if(match) {
						// Make sure replacement string doesn't contain any single dollar signs
						var toReplace = match[1];
						if(toReplace.indexOf(idPrefix) !== 0 && toReplace.indexOf("twglobal_") !== 0) {
							var replacement = (idPrefix + toReplace).replace("$", "$$$$"); 
							v = v.replace(match[1], replacement);
						node.setAttributeNS(ns, attr,v);
			var children = node.childNodes;
			if(children.length > 0) {
				this._fixSVG(children, idPrefix);
	_importSVG: function(place, options){
		options = options ? options : {};
		var svgDoc, tiddlerText = options.tiddler.text;
		if (window.DOMParser) {
			svgDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(tiddlerText, "application/xml").documentElement;
			var idPrefix = options.idPrefix || this._generateIdPrefix();
			this._fixSVG([svgDoc], idPrefix);
			var el = document.importNode(svgDoc, true);
			var svgHolder = document.createElementNS(macro.svgns,"svg");
			var width = options.width;
			var height = options.height;
			if(width || height) {
				if(width && height) { // set view box of containing svg element based on the svg viewbox and width and height.
					var viewBox = el.getAttribute("viewBox");
					var topLeft = "0 0";
					if(viewBox) {
						topLeft = viewBox.replace(/([0-9]*) +([0-9]*) +([0-9]*) +([0-9]*) */gi,"$1 $2");
					svgHolder.setAttributeNS(macro.svgns, "viewBox", "0 0 %0 %1".format(width, height));
				} else {
					if(!width) {
						width = el.getAttribute("width");
					if(!height) {
						height = el.getAttribute("height");
				svgHolder.setAttribute("width", width);
				svgHolder.setAttribute("height", height);

				el.setAttribute("width", "100%");
				el.setAttribute("height", "100%");
				svgHolder.setAttribute("class", "svgImage svgIcon %0".format(options.imageClass || ""));
			else {
				var existing = el.className ? el.className.baseVal : "";
				el.setAttribute("class","svgImage %0".format(existing));
			// if a tiddler attribute is set this is read as a link
			$("[tiddler], [tiddlyLink]", place).attr("refresh", "link").click(function(ev) {
				var tiddler = $("tiddlyLink");
				if(tiddler) {
					story.displayTiddler(, tiddler);
	getArguments: function(paramString, params) {
		var args = paramString.parseParams("name", null, true, false, true)[0];
		var options = {};
		for(var id in args) {
			if(true) {
				var p = args[id];
				if(id == "def") {
					options[id] = p;
				} else {
					options[id] = p[0];
		var width = isNaN(params[1]) ? false : parseInt(params[1], 10);
		var height = isNaN(params[2]) ? false : parseInt(params[2], 10);

		options.width = macro.lookupArgument(options, "width", width);
		options.height = macro.lookupArgument(options, "height", height);
		options.preserveAspectRatio = args.preserveAspectRatio && 
			args.preserveAspectRatio[0] == "yes" ? true : false;
		options.tiddlyLink = macro.lookupArgument(options, "tiddlyLink", false); = macro.lookupArgument(options, "link", false);
		return options;
	lookupArgument: function(args, id, ifEmpty) {
		return args[id] ? args[id] : ifEmpty;

// update views
var _oldwikifiedview = config.macros.view.views.wikified;
// update wikifier to check tiddler type before rendering
merge(config.macros.view.views, {
	wikified: function(value, place, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		if(macro.isImageTiddler(tiddler) && params[0] == "text") {
			var newplace = $("<div />").addClass("wikifiedImage").appendTo(place)[0];
			macro.renderImage(newplace, tiddler.title, { alt: macro.locale.badImage });
		} else {
			_oldwikifiedview.apply(this, arguments);
	image: function(value, place, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		// a field can point to another tiddler whereas text is the current tiddler.
		var title = params[0] == "text" ? tiddler.title : value;
		var args = macro.getArguments(paramString, params);
		macro.renderImage(place, title, args);
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetImageMacro = [".wikifiedImage svg, .wikifiedImage .image { width: 80%; }",
	".svgImageText { background-color:[[ColorPalette::Error]]; color:#ddd; display: inline-block; }",
	"span.svgImageText { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; }"
store.addNotification("StyleSheetImageMacro", refreshStyles);

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|adds support for resizing images|
This plugin adds optional syntax to scale an image to a specified width and height and/or interactively resize the image with the mouse.
The extended image syntax is:
where ''(w,h)'' indicates the desired width and height (in CSS units, e.g., px, em, cm, in, or %). Use ''auto'' (or a blank value) for either dimension to scale that dimension proportionally (i.e., maintain the aspect ratio). You can also calculate a CSS value 'on-the-fly' by using a //javascript expression// enclosed between """{{""" and """}}""". Appending a plus sign (+) to a dimension enables interactive resizing in that dimension (by dragging the mouse inside the image). Use ~SHIFT-click to show the full-sized (un-scaled) image. Use ~CTRL-click to restore the starting size (either scaled or full-sized).
[<img(21% ,+)[images/meow.gif]]
[<img(13%+, )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 8%+, )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 5% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 3% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 2% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[img(  1%+,+)[images/meow.gif]]
[<img(21% ,+)[images/meow.gif]]
[<img(13%+, )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 8%+, )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 5% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 3% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 2% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[img(  1%+,+)[images/meow.gif]]
2011.09.03 [1.2.3] bypass addStretchHandlers() if no '+' suffix is used (i.e., not resizable)
2010.07.24 [1.2.2] moved tip/dragtip text to config.formatterHelpers.imageSize object to enable customization
2009.02.24 [1.2.1] cleanup width/height regexp, use '+' suffix for resizing
2009.02.22 [1.2.0] added stretchable images
2008.01.19 [1.1.0] added evaluated width/height values
2008.01.18 [1.0.1] regexp for "(width,height)" now passes all CSS values to browser for validation
2008.01.17 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.ImageSizePlugin= {major: 1, minor: 2, revision: 3, date: new Date(2011,9,3)};
var f=config.formatters[config.formatters.findByField("name","image")];
f.handler=function(w) {
	this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
	var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
	if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
		var floatLeft=lookaheadMatch[1];
		var floatRight=lookaheadMatch[2];
		var width=lookaheadMatch[3];
		var height=lookaheadMatch[4];
		var tooltip=lookaheadMatch[5];
		var src=lookaheadMatch[6];
		var link=lookaheadMatch[7];

		// Simple bracketted link
		var e = w.output;
		if(link) { // LINKED IMAGE
			if (config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink(link)) {
				if (config.macros.attach && config.macros.attach.isAttachment(link)) {
					// see [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]]
					e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
					e.title = config.macros.attach.linkTooltip + link;
				} else
					e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
			} else 
				e = createTiddlyLink(w.output,link,false,null,w.isStatic);

		var img = createTiddlyElement(e,"img");
		if(floatLeft) img.align="left"; else if(floatRight) img.align="right";
		if(width||height) {
			var x=width.trim(); var y=height.trim();
			var stretchW=(x.substr(x.length-1,1)=='+'); if (stretchW) x=x.substr(0,x.length-1);
			var stretchH=(y.substr(y.length-1,1)=='+'); if (stretchH) y=y.substr(0,y.length-1);
			if (x.substr(0,2)=="{{")
				{ try{x=eval(x.substr(2,x.length-4))} catch(e){displayMessage(e.description||e.toString())} }
			if (y.substr(0,2)=="{{")
				{ try{y=eval(y.substr(2,y.length-4))} catch(e){displayMessage(e.description||e.toString())} };;
			if (stretchW||stretchH) config.formatterHelpers.addStretchHandlers(img,stretchW,stretchH);
		if(tooltip) img.title = tooltip;

		if (config.macros.attach && config.macros.attach.isAttachment(src))
			src=config.macros.attach.getAttachment(src); // see [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]]
		else if (config.formatterHelpers.resolvePath) { // see [[ImagePathPlugin]]
			if (config.browser.isIE || config.browser.isSafari) {
					return false;
			} else
		w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

	tip: 'SHIFT-CLICK=show full size, CTRL-CLICK=restore initial size',
	dragtip: 'DRAG=stretch/shrink, '

config.formatterHelpers.addStretchHandlers=function(e,stretchW,stretchH) {
	e.statusMsg='width=%0, height=%1';'move';;;
	e.onmousedown=function(ev) { var ev=ev||window.event;
		return false;
	e.onmousemove=function(ev) { var ev=ev||window.event;
		if (this.sizing) {
			var currX=!config.browser.isIE?ev.pageX:(ev.clientX+findScrollX());
			var currY=!config.browser.isIE?ev.pageY:(ev.clientY+findScrollY());
			var newW=(currX-this.offsetLeft)/(this.startX-this.offsetLeft)*this.startW;
			var newH=(currY-this.offsetTop )/(this.startY-this.offsetTop )*this.startH;
			if (this.stretchW) s.width =Math.floor(Math.max(newW,this.minW))+'px';
			if (this.stretchH) s.height=Math.floor(Math.max(newH,this.minH))+'px';
			clearMessage(); displayMessage(this.statusMsg.format([s.width,s.height]));
		return false;
	e.onmouseup=function(ev) { var ev=ev||window.event;
		if (ev.shiftKey) {''; }
		if (ev.ctrlKey)  {;; }
		return false;
	e.onmouseout=function(ev) { var ev=ev||window.event;
		return false;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Insert Javascript executable code directly into your tiddler content.|
''Call directly into TW core utility routines, define new functions, calculate values, add dynamically-generated TiddlyWiki-formatted output'' into tiddler content, or perform any other programmatic actions each time the tiddler is rendered.
>see [[InlineJavascriptPluginInfo]]
2010.12.15 1.9.6 allow (but ignore) type="..." syntax
|please see [[InlineJavascriptPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.11.08 1.0.0 initial release
version.extensions.InlineJavascriptPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 9, revision: 6, date: new Date(2010,12,15)};

config.formatters.push( {
	name: "inlineJavascript",
	match: "\\<script",
	lookahead: "\\<script(?: type=\\\"[^\\\"]*\\\")?(?: src=\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\")?(?: label=\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\")?(?: title=\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\")?(?: key=\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\")?( show)?\\>((?:.|\\n)*?)\\</script\\>",
	handler: function(w) {
		var lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
		lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			var src=lookaheadMatch[1];
			var label=lookaheadMatch[2];
			var tip=lookaheadMatch[3];
			var key=lookaheadMatch[4];
			var show=lookaheadMatch[5];
			var code=lookaheadMatch[6];
			if (src) { // external script library
				var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = src;
				document.body.appendChild(script); document.body.removeChild(script);
			if (code) { // inline code
				if (show) // display source in tiddler
				if (label) { // create 'onclick' command link
					var link=createTiddlyElement(w.output,"a",null,"tiddlyLinkExisting",wikifyPlainText(label));
					var fixup=code.replace(/document.write\s*\(/gi,'place.bufferedHTML+=(');
					link.code="function _out(place,tiddler){"+fixup+"\n};_out(this,this.tiddler);"
						try{ var r=eval(this.code);
							if(this.bufferedHTML.length || (typeof(r)==="string")&&r.length)
								var s=this.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("span"),this.nextSibling);
							if((typeof(r)==="string")&&r.length) {
								return false;
							} else return r!==undefined?r:false;
						} catch(e){alert(e.description||e.toString());return false;}
					var URIcode='javascript:void(eval(decodeURIComponent(%22(function(){try{';
					URIcode+=encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(code.replace(/\n/g,' ')));
					if (key) link.accessKey=key.substr(0,1); // single character only
				else { // run script immediately
					var fixup=code.replace(/document.write\s*\(/gi,'place.innerHTML+=(');
					var c="function _out(place,tiddler){"+fixup+"\n};_out(w.output,w.tiddler);";
					try	 { var out=eval(c); }
					catch(e) { out=e.description?e.description:e.toString(); }
					if (out && out.length) wikify(out,w.output,w.highlightRegExp,w.tiddler);
			w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
} )

// // Backward-compatibility for TW2.1.x and earlier
if (typeof(wikifyPlainText)=="undefined") window.wikifyPlainText=function(text,limit,tiddler) {
	if(limit > 0) text = text.substr(0,limit);
	var wikifier = new Wikifier(text,formatter,null,tiddler);
	return wikifier.wikifyPlain();

// // GLOBAL FUNCTION: $(...) -- 'shorthand' convenience syntax for document.getElementById()
if (typeof($)=='undefined') { function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id.replace(/^#/,'')); } }
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Documentation for InlineJavascriptPlugin|
''Call directly into TW core utility routines, define new functions, calculate values, add dynamically-generated TiddlyWiki-formatted output'' into tiddler content, or perform any other programmatic actions each time the tiddler is rendered.
This plugin adds wiki syntax for surrounding tiddler content with {{{<script>}}} and {{{</script>}}} markers, so that it can be recognized as embedded javascript code.  When a tiddler is rendered, the plugin automatically invokes any embedded scripts, which can be used to construct and return dynamically-generated output that is inserted into the tiddler content.
<script type="..." src="..." label="..." title="..." key="..." show>
	/* javascript code goes here... */
All parameters are //optional//.    When the ''show'' keyword is used, the plugin will also include the script source code in the output that it displays in the tiddler.  This is helpful when creating examples for documentation purposes (such as used in this tiddler!)

__''Deferred execution from an 'onClick' link''__
<script label="click here" title="mouseover tooltip text" key="X" show>
	/* javascript code goes here... */
	alert('you clicked on the link!');
By including a {{{label="..."}}} parameter in the initial {{{<script>}}} marker, the plugin will create a link to an 'onclick' script that will only be executed when that specific link is clicked, rather than running the script each time the tiddler is rendered.  You may also include a {{{title="..."}}} parameter to specify the 'tooltip' text that will appear whenever the mouse is moved over the onClick link text, and a {{{key="X"}}} parameter to specify an //access key// (which must be a //single// letter or numeric digit only).

__''Loading scripts from external source files''__
<script src="URL" show>
	/* optional javascript code goes here... */
</script>You can also load javascript directly from an external source URL, by including a src="..." parameter in the initial {{{<script>}}} marker (e.g., {{{<script src="demo.js"></script>}}}).  This is particularly useful when incorporating third-party javascript libraries for use in custom extensions and plugins.  The 'foreign' javascript code remains isolated in a separate file that can be easily replaced whenever an updated library file becomes available.

In addition to loading the javascript from the external file, you can also use this feature to invoke javascript code contained within the {{{<script>...</script>}}} markers.  This code is invoked //after// the external script file has been processed, and can make immediate use of the functions and/or global variables defined by the external script file.
>Note: To ensure that your javascript functions are always available when needed, you should load the libraries from a tiddler that is rendered as soon as your TiddlyWiki document is opened, such as MainMenu.  For example: put your {{{<script src="..."></script>}}} syntax into a separate 'library' tiddler (e.g., LoadScripts), and then add {{{<<tiddler LoadScripts>>}}} to MainMenu so that the library is loaded before any other tiddlers that rely upon the functions it defines. 
>Normally, loading external javascript in this way does not produce any direct output, and should not have any impact on the appearance of your MainMenu.  However, if your LoadScripts tiddler contains notes or other visible content, you can suppress this output by using 'inline CSS' in the MainMenu, like this: {{{@@display:none;<<tiddler LoadScripts>>@@}}}
!!!!!Creating dynamic tiddler content and accessing the ~TiddlyWiki DOM
An important difference between TiddlyWiki inline scripting and conventional embedded javascript techniques for web pages is the method used to produce output that is dynamically inserted into the document: in a typical web document, you use the {{{document.write()}}} (or {{{document.writeln()}}}) function to output text sequences (often containing HTML tags) that are then rendered when the entire document is first loaded into the browser window.

However, in a ~TiddlyWiki document, tiddlers (and other DOM elements) are created, deleted, and rendered "on-the-fly", so writing directly to the global 'document' object does not produce the results you want (i.e., replacing the embedded script within the tiddler content), and instead will //completely replace the entire ~TiddlyWiki document in your browser window (which is clearly not a good thing!)//.  In order to allow scripts to use {{{document.write()}}}, the plugin automatically converts and buffers all HTML output so it can be safely inserted into your tiddler content, immediately following the script.

''Note that {{{document.write()}}} can only be used to output "pure HTML" syntax.  To produce //wiki-formatted// output, your script should instead return a text value containing the desired wiki-syntax content'', which will then be automatically rendered immediately following the script.  If returning a text value is not sufficient for your needs, the plugin also provides an automatically-defined variable, 'place', that gives the script code ''direct access to the //containing DOM element//'' into which the tiddler output is being rendered.  You can use this variable to ''perform direct DOM manipulations'' that can, for example:
* generate wiki-formatted output using {{{wikify("...content...",place)}}}
* vary the script's actions based upon the DOM element in which it is embedded
* access 'tiddler-relative' DOM information using {{{story.findContainingTiddler(place)}}}
''When using an 'onclick' script, the 'place' element actually refers to the onclick //link text// itself, instead of the containing DOM element.''  This permits you to directly reference or modify the link text to reflect any 'stateful' conditions that might set by the script.  To refer to the containing DOM element from within an 'onclick' script, you can use "place.parentNode" instead.
!!!!!Instant "bookmarklets"
You can also use an 'onclick' link to define a "bookmarklet": a small piece of javascript that can be ''invoked directly from the browser without having to be defined within the current document.''  This allows you to create 'stand-alone' commands that can be applied to virtually ANY TiddlyWiki document... even remotely-hosted documents that have been written by others!!  To create a bookmarklet, simply define an 'onclick' script and then grab the resulting link text and drag-and-drop it onto your browser's toolbar (or right-click and use the 'bookmark this link' command to add it to the browser's menu).

*When writing scripts intended for use as bookmarklets, due to the ~URI-encoding required by the browser, ''you cannot not use ANY double-quotes (") within the bookmarklet script code.''
*All comments embedded in the bookmarklet script must ''use the fully-delimited {{{/* ... */}}} comment syntax,'' rather than the shorter {{{//}}} comment syntax.
*Most importantly, because bookmarklets are invoked directly from the browser interface and are not embedded within the TiddlyWiki document, there is NO containing 'place' DOM element surrounding the script.  As a result, ''you cannot use a bookmarklet to generate dynamic output in your document,''  and using {{{document.write()}}} or returning wiki-syntax text or making reference to the 'place' DOM element will halt the script and report a "Reference Error" when that bookmarklet is invoked.  
Please see [[InstantBookmarklets]] for many examples of 'onclick' scripts that can also be used as bookmarklets.
!!!!!Special reserved function name
The plugin 'wraps' all inline javascript code inside a function, {{{_out()}}}, so that any return value you provide can be correctly handled by the plugin and inserted into the tiddler.  To avoid unpredictable results (and possibly fatal execution errors), this function should never be redefined or called from ''within'' your script code.
!!!!!$(...) 'shorthand' function
As described by Dustin Diaz [[here|]], the plugin defines a 'shorthand' function that allows you to write:
in place of the normal standard javascript syntax:
This function is provided merely as a convenience for javascript coders that may be familiar with this abbreviation, in order to allow them to save a few bytes when writing their own inline script code.
simple dynamic output:
><script show>
	document.write("The current date/time is: "+(new Date())+"<br>");
	return "link to current user: [["+config.options.txtUserName+"]]\n";
dynamic output using 'place' to get size information for current tiddler:
><script show>
	if (!window.story) window.story=window;
	var title=story.findContainingTiddler(place).getAttribute("tiddler");
	var size=store.getTiddlerText(title).length;
	return title+" is using "+size+" bytes";
dynamic output from an 'onclick' script, using {{{document.write()}}} and/or {{{return "..."}}}
><script label="click here" show>
	document.write("<br>The current date/time is: "+(new Date())+"<br>");
	return "link to current user: [["+config.options.txtUserName+"]]\n";
creating an 'onclick' button/link that accesses the link text AND the containing tiddler:
><script label="click here" title="clicking this link will show an 'alert' box" key="H" show>
	if (!window.story) window.story=window;
	var tid=story.findContainingTiddler(place).getAttribute('tiddler');
	alert('Hello World!\nlinktext='+txt+'\ntiddler='+tid);
dynamically setting onclick link text based on stateful information:
<script label="click here">
	/* toggle "txtSomething" value */
	var on=(config.txtSomething=="ON");
	return "\nThe current value is: "+config.txtSomething;
	/* initialize onclick link text based on current "txtSomething" value */
	var on=(config.txtSomething=="ON");
<script label="click here">
	/* toggle "txtSomething" value */
	var on=(config.txtSomething=="ON");
	return "\nThe current value is: "+config.txtSomething;
	/* initialize onclick link text based on current "txtSomething" value */
	var on=(config.txtSomething=="ON");
loading a script from a source url:
> contains:
>>{{{function inlineJavascriptDemo() { alert('Hello from demo.js!!') } }}}
>>{{{displayMessage('InlineJavascriptPlugin: demo.js has been loaded');}}}
>note: When using this example on your local system, you will need to download the external script file from the above URL and install it into the same directory as your document.
><script src="demo.js" show>
	return "inlineJavascriptDemo() function has been defined"
><script label="click to invoke inlineJavascriptDemo()" key="D" show>
2010.12.15 1.9.6 allow (but ignore) type="..." syntax
2009.04.11 1.9.5 pass current tiddler object into wrapper code so it can be referenced from within 'onclick' scripts
2009.02.26 1.9.4 in $(), handle leading '#' on ID for compatibility with JQuery syntax
2008.06.11 1.9.3 added $(...) function as 'shorthand' for document.getElementById()
2008.03.03 1.9.2 corrected fallback declaration of wikifyPlainText() (fixes Safari "parse error")
2008.02.23 1.9.1 in onclick function, use string instead of array for 'bufferedHTML' (fixes IE errors)
2008.02.21 1.9.0 output from 'onclick' scripts (return value or document.write() calls) are now buffered and rendered into into a span following the script.  Also, added default 'return false' handling if no return value provided (prevents HREF from being triggered -- return TRUE to allow HREF to be processed).  Thanks to Xavier Verges for suggestion and preliminary code.
2008.02.14 1.8.1 added backward-compatibility for use of wikifyPlainText() in TW2.1.3 and earlier
2008.01.08 [*.*.*] plugin size reduction: documentation moved to ...Info tiddler
2007.12.28 1.8.0 added support for key="X" syntax to specify custom access key definitions
2007.12.15 1.7.0 autogenerate URI encoded HREF on links for onclick scripts.  Drag links to browser toolbar to create bookmarklets.  IMPORTANT NOTE: place is NOT defined when scripts are used as bookmarklets.  In addition, double-quotes will cause syntax errors.  Thanks to PaulReiber for debugging and brainstorming.
2007.11.26 1.6.2 when converting "document.write()" function calls in inline code, allow whitespace between "write" and "(" so that "document.write ( foobar )" is properly converted.
2007.11.16 1.6.1 when rendering "onclick scripts", pass label text through wikifyPlainText() to parse any embedded wiki-syntax to enable use of HTML entities or even TW macros to generate dynamic label text.
2007.02.19 1.6.0 added support for title="..." to specify mouseover tooltip when using an onclick (label="...") script
2006.10.16 1.5.2 add newline before closing '}' in 'function out_' wrapper.  Fixes error caused when last line of script is a comment.
2006.06.01 1.5.1 when calling wikify() on script return value, pass hightlightRegExp and tiddler params so macros that rely on these values can render properly
2006.04.19 1.5.0 added 'show' parameter to force display of javascript source code in tiddler output
2006.01.05 1.4.0 added support 'onclick' scripts.  When label="..." param is present, a button/link is created using the indicated label text, and the script is only executed when the button/link is clicked.  'place' value is set to match the clicked button/link element.
2005.12.13 1.3.1 when catching eval error in IE, e.description contains the error text, instead of e.toString().  Fixed error reporting so IE shows the correct response text.  Based on a suggestion by UdoBorkowski
2005.11.09 1.3.0 for 'inline' scripts (i.e., not scripts loaded with src="..."), automatically replace calls to 'document.write()' with 'place.innerHTML+=' so script output is directed into tiddler content.  Based on a suggestion by BradleyMeck
2005.11.08 1.2.0 handle loading of javascript from an external URL via src="..." syntax
2005.11.08 1.1.0 pass 'place' param into scripts to provide direct DOM access 
2005.11.08 1.0.0 initial release
|Last 30 tiddlers created|Last 30 tiddlers modified|h
|<<ContentTimeline created 30>>|<<ContentTimeline modified 30>>|
@@color:#c4d6ed; ^^
Description: Shows the last updates in this wiki. 
[[Social Account]]
[[Guestbook |]]
<<tiddler DigitalClock >>
__''[[Last Updates|LastUpdates]]''__
<<option chkEnableTabsBar>> Tabbed navigation
Adapted from [[|]]
<<unsavedChanges list "<br>">>
<!-- hitwebcounter Code START -->
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" title="Counter Widget" Alt="Visit counter For Websites"   border="0" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Flag Counter" border="0"></a>
<div style="width: 170px;">
 <iframe name="sudokuWindow" src="" width="170" height="245" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">
   <div style="text-align: right; width: 158px;">
     <a href="" style="color: #6a6a6a;" title="Online Sudoku - Hra sudoku">Sudoku<strong>Online</strong><span>.sk</span></a>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
!Study Plan
study by topic
Analysis: 多复变,黎曼几何, 微分几何
Equation: 定性理论按专题,参考analytic differential equation;arnold
Algebra: commutative algebra, algebraic number theory
Geometry: FInish amstrong's book
mit opencourseware
ams open math note
zlibrary libgen anna archive
<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>
<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>
Tupper's self-referential formula
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|simplified browser-in-browser with bookmarks|
<<tiddler MicroBrowser>>
<<tiddler MicroBrowser with: TiddlerName>>
*''TiddlerName'' (optional, default='MiniBrowserList') contains an ~HR-separated list of bookmarks (1st line=list text, 2nd line=URL).  
* For additional features, including support for embedded video and flash players, please see [[MiniBrowserPlugin]].
{{{<<tiddler MicroBrowser>>}}}
<<tiddler MicroBrowser##show>>
	#tiddlerMicroBrowser .tagged {display:none;}
<form style='display:inline;margin:0;padding:0;white-space:nowrap;' onsubmit='return false;'><!--
	--><input type='button' value='<' title='back' style='width:3%'
	--><input type='button' value='>' title='forward' style='width:3%'
	--><input type='button' value='+' title='refresh'style='width:3%'
	--><input type='button' value='x' title='stop'style='width:3%'
	--><select name='bookmarks' size='1' style='width:25%'
	--><option value=''>bookmarks...</option><!--
	--><input type='button' value='edit' title='edit the bookmarks list' style='width:6%'
	--><input type='text' name='url' size='60' value='' style='width:39%'
	--><input type='button' value='go' name='go' title='view URL' style='width:6%'
		onclick="var f=this.form; var i=this.form.nextSibling;
			var u=f.url.value.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,'');
			if (!u.length) u=f.url.value=f.bookmarks.value.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,'');
			if (u.length) { f.done.disabled=false;'block'; i.src=u; }
			else { f.done.disabled=true;'none'; i.src=''; }
	--><input type='button' value='open' title='open a separate tab/window' style='width:6%'
		onclick='if (this.form.url.value.length)'><!--
	--><input type='button' value='done' name='done' disabled title='disconnect from URL' style='width:6%'
		onclick="this.form.done.disabled=true; var i=this.form.nextSibling;'none'; i.src='';"><!--
	--></form><iframe src='' width='100%' height='480' 
		style='display:none;background:#fff;border:1px solid;'></iframe>
</html><<tiddler {{
	var list=place.lastChild.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].bookmarks;
	while (list.options[1]) list.options[1]=null;
	var tid='$1'; if(tid=='$'+'1') tid='MiniBrowserList';
	var parts=store.getTiddlerText(tid,'').split('\n----\n');
	for (var p=0; p<parts.length; p++) {
		var lines=parts[p].split('\n');
		var label=lines.shift()||''; // 1st line=display text
		var value=lines.shift()||''; // 2nd line=item value
		var indent=value&&value.length?'\xa0\xa0':'';
		list.options[list.length]=new Option(indent+label,value);
%/<<tiddler {{var src='MicroBrowser'; src+(tiddler&&tiddler.title==src?'##info':'##show');}}
	with: [[$1]]>>
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|simple calculator using javascript eval() function|
<<tiddler MicroCalc>>
<<tiddler MicroCalc with: width>>
*''width'' (optional) is a CSS measurement (default=auto)
>{{{<<tiddler MicroCalc with: 300px>>}}}
><<tiddler MicroCalc##show with: 300px>>
<form action="javascript:;" style="width:$1;display:block;white-space:nowrap;margin:0;padding:0;"><!--
--><input name="input" value="0" style="width:70%;text-align:right;"
	title="INPUT: enter a JavaScript expression, function, or object/variable name"
	onkeyup="if (event.keyCode==13) {; return false;}"><!--
--><input name="go" type="button" value="=" style="width:10%"
	title="CALCULATE: evaluate input and display results"
	onclick="var i=this.form.input; var o=this.form.output; var val=i.value; var res='';
		o.value+=(o.value.length?'\n':'')+val+'\n='+res;'block'; o.scrollTop=o.scrollHeight;;i.focus();"><!--
--><input name="memstore" type="button" value="m" style="width:10%"
	title="MEMORY STORE: save input to temporary memory"
	onclick="var f=this.form; f.memory.value=f.input.value;'block'"><!--
--><input name="clear" type="button" value="c" style="width:10%" 
	title="CLEAR: erase history and reset input"
	onclick="var i=this.form.input; var o=this.form.output;
--><div style="display:none"><!--
--><input name="memory" value="0" style="width:70%;text-align:right;"
	title="MEMORY: temporarily store input during calculations"><!--
--><input name="meminsert" type="button" value="mi" style="width:10%"
	title="MEMORY INSERT: append memory value to current input"
	onclick="var i=this.form.input;
--><input name="memrecall" type="button" value="mr" style="width:10%"
	title="MEMORY RECALL: replace current input with memory value "
	onclick="var i=this.form.input;
--><input name="memclear" type="button" value="mc" style="width:10%"
	title="MEMORY CLEAR: clear temporary memory"
	onclick="var f=this.form; f.memory.value='0';'none';;f.input.focus();"><!--
--><textarea name="output" rows=5 style="width:99%;display:none;text-align:right;"
	title="HISTORY: previous inputs and calculated results"></textarea><!--
%/<<tiddler {{tiddler&&tiddler.title=='MicroCalc'?'MicroCalc##info':'MicroCalc##show'}}
	with: {{'$1'!='$'+'1'?'$1':'auto'}}>> - official release
---- - wiki, tickets, source control
GoogleGroup: TiddlyWiki - user/author discussion
GoogleGroup: TiddlyWikiDev - core/plugin discussion
TiddlyVault - index of add-ons from many sources
TiddlySpot - instant TiddlyWiki hosting!!
TiddlyTools - plugins, scripts, templates, etc.
---- - find popular TiddlyWiki sites
<<tiddler BookmarkList>>
<<tiddler MiniBrowserList_osmosoft>>
<<tiddler MiniBrowserList_tech>>
<<tiddler MiniBrowserList_news>>
<<tiddler MiniBrowserList_media>>
<<tiddler MiniBrowserList_flash>>
flash games...

Rag Doll
flickr photos...

HDR Pool (public collection)
favorite videos...

"PovertyUSA" - WATCH THIS!
Jack W counts (1yr old)

Times Square
Monterey Bay
Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina
Koningsplein, Amsterdam
Kulak's Woodshed: Live/Recorded acoustic music

BBC News24 - Live
BBC News - London Summary
BBC Entertainment News
Bloomberg Business News
movies (AmericaFree.TV)...

Classic Comedy
Classic Movies
"B" Movies

PBS: Annenberg/CPB
news and events...

News - CNN
News - BBC

Jeremy Ruston
Andrew Back
Fred Dohr
James Shi
Jon Lister
Nick Webb
Paul Downey
Phil Hawksworth
Phil Whitehouse
Simon McManus
technical references...

Javascript QuickRef (DevGuru)
CSS QuickRef (DevGuru)
CSS compatibility chart
Unicode Character Charts
UTF-8 Encoding (Wikipedia)
HTML Character entities (W3)
Mozilla Developer Center
Gecko DOM Reference
IP Lookup...

ARIN - North America
RIPE - Europe
APNIC - Asia/Pacific
LACNIC - Latin America/Caribbean
AFRINIC - Africa
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Requires|PlayerPlugin (optional, recommended)|
|Description|embedded browser-in-browser with favorites lists and media support|
>see [[MiniBrowserPluginInfo]]
>Default mini browser size:
>width: <<option txtMiniBrowserWidth>> height: <<option txtMiniBrowserHeight>>
2011.02.08 1.5.3 added 'nocontrols' macro keyword parameter
2009.08.29 1.5.2 in load(), fixed 'noplayer' IFRAME output
2009.07.03 1.5.1 added onclick handling to 'n of m' button.  also, if noedit mode, add line numbers to bookmarks droplist items
2009.06.08 1.5.0 added optional 'noedit' mode: replaces add/del/edit buttons with next/previous navigation.
|see [[MiniBrowserPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2007.10.15 1.0.0 combined MiniBrowser and MediaCenter inline scripts and converted to true plugin
2006.03.01 0.0.0 inline script
version.extensions.MiniBrowserPlugin={major: 1, minor: 5, revision: 3, date: new Date(2011,2,8)};

config.macros.miniBrowser= {
	favoritesList: 'MiniBrowserList',
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var noPlayer=params[0]&&params[0].toLowerCase()=='noplayer'; if (noPlayer) params.shift();
		var noEdit  =params[0]&&params[0].toLowerCase()=='noedit';   if (noEdit)   params.shift();
		var expand  =params[0]&&params[0].toLowerCase()=='expand';   if (expand)   params.shift();
		var hideControls=params[0]&&params[0].toLowerCase()=='hidecontrols'; if (hideControls) params.shift();
		var noControls  =params[0]&&params[0].toLowerCase()=='nocontrols';   if (noControls)   params.shift();
		hideControls	=noControls||hideControls;	// no controls implies hide controls
		var url		=(params[0]&&!store.tiddlerExists(params[0]))?params.shift():'';
		if (!url.length) noControls=hideControls=false; // if no initial URL, force controls to show
		if (!config.macros.player) noPlayer=true; // PlayerPlugin not installed
		var w=config.options.txtMiniBrowserWidth;
		var h=config.options.txtMiniBrowserHeight;

		// create form
		var guid=new Date().getTime()+Math.random().toString(); // globally unique ID
		var html=store.getTiddlerText('MiniBrowserPlugin##html');

		// init form
		function $(i){return document.getElementById(i)}; // abbrev
		if (noPlayer) { // hide type list no PlayerPlugin

		// load bookmarks droplist from HR-separated tiddler contents
		var b=$('minibrowser_bookmarks_'+guid);
		while (b.options[1]) b.options[1]=null; // clear list but leave 'prompt' item
		var p; while (p=params.shift()) this.getFavorites(b,p,noEdit); // load custom bookmarks
		if (b.length<2) this.getFavorites(b,config.macros.miniBrowser.favoritesList,noEdit); // default list
		$('minibrowser_nav_'+guid).value='1 out of '+b.length;

		// load initial URL (if any)
		var place=$('minibrowser_player_'+guid);
	getFavorites: function(list,tid,noEdit) {
		var txt=store.getTiddlerText(tid); if (!txt||!txt.trim().length) return;
		var parts=txt.split('\n----\n');
		for (var p=0; p<parts.length; p++) {
			var lines=parts[p].split('\n');
			var label=lines.shift()||''; // 1st line=display text
			var value=lines.shift()||''; // 2nd line=item value
			var indent=value&&value.length?'\xa0\xa0':'';
			var prefix=value.length&&noEdit?list.length+1+': ':'';
			list.options[list.length]=new Option(prefix+indent+label,value,false,false);
	getWikifiedData: // wikify content, then extract text WITH newlines and HRs included
	function(txt) {
		var e=createTiddlyElement(document.body,'div'); wikify(txt,e);
		var breaks=e.getElementsByTagName('br');
		for (var b=0; b<breaks.length; b++)
		var lines=e.getElementsByTagName('hr');
		for (var l=0; l<lines.length; l++)
		var items=e.getElementsByTagName('li');
		for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
		var txt=getPlainText(e);
		return txt.replace(/\r*/g,'').replace(/\n\n/g,'\n');
	load: function(place,id,type,url,w,h,showcontrols,noPlayer) {
		if (!noPlayer)
		else { // force IFRAME-only display
			if (!place) place=document.getElementById(id).parentNode;
			var fmt="<iframe name='%0' id='%0' src='%1' width='%2' height='%3' \
				style='background:#fff;border:1px solid'></iframe>";
	go: function(f) {
		var url=f.url.value.trim();
		if (!url.length) url=f.url.value=f.bookmarks.value.trim();
		if (!url.length) { this.done(f); return false; }
		var id=f.playerID.value;
		var matched=false; for (var i=0; i<f.bookmarks.options.length; i++) // select matching bookmark
			if (f.bookmarks.options[i].value==url) { f.bookmarks.selectedIndex=i; matched=true; break; }
		if (!matched) f.bookmarks.selectedIndex=0;
		return false;
	done: function(f) {
		var id=f.playerID.value;
		return false;
	fit: function(place) {
		// fudge factor to account for the other controls + padding + borders.  ADJUST THIS VALUE TO FIT LAYOUT
		var trim=89;
		var t=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
		if (!t) { t=place; while (t && t.className!='floatingPanel') t=t.parentNode; } if (!t) return;
		var w='100%'; // horizontal stretching via CSS works, but vertical stretching doesn't... so:
		var h=t.offsetHeight-trim; // workaround: get containing panel/tiddler height and subtract trim height
		var f=place.form;
		place.form.w.value=w; place.form.h.value=h; // update width/height input fields
	add: function(place,title) {
		var v=place.value; if (!v.length) return;
		var d=prompt('Please enter a description for\n'+place.value); if (!d || !d.length) return;
		var who=config.options.txtUserName;
		var when=new Date();
		var tid=store.getTiddler(title);
		var txt='%0\n%1\n----\n%2'.format([d,v,tid?tid.text:'']);
		if (!tid) story.displayTiddler(story.findContainingTiddler(place),title);
		else story.refreshTiddler(title,1,true);
		var here=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
		if (here) story.refreshTiddler(here.getAttribute('tiddler'),1,true);
	del: function(place,title) {
		var v=place.value; if (!v.length) return;
		var d=place.options[place.selectedIndex].text; if (!d.length) return;
		if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this favorite?\n\n'+d+'\n'+v)) return;
		var tid=store.getTiddler(title); if (!tid) return;
		var who=config.options.txtUserName;
		var when=new Date();
		var pat='%0\n%1\n----\n'.format([d.replace(/\xa0/g,''),v]); var re=new RegExp(pat,'i');
		var txt=tid.text.replace(re,'');
		var here=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
		if (here) story.refreshTiddler(here.getAttribute('tiddler'),1,true);
<form id='minibrowser_form_%id%' style='display:block;margin:0;padding:0' onsubmit='return config.macros.miniBrowser.go(this);'><!--
--><nobr><input type='hidden' name='playerID' value='%id%'><input type='hidden' name='noPlayer' value='%noplayer%'><!--
--><div id='minibrowser_controls_%id%' style='display:%hidecontrols%'><!--
--><input type='button' value='<' title='back' style='width:3%'
	onclick='try{window.frames["player_%id%"].history.go(-1)}catch(e){window.history.go(-1)}' ><!--
--><input type='button' value='>' title='forward' style='width:3%'
--><input type='button' value='+' title='refresh'style='width:3%'
--><input type='button' value='x' title='stop'style='width:3%'
--><select name='bookmarks' id='minibrowser_bookmarks_%id%' size='1' style='width:%bookmarksize%'
		this.form.nav.value="%0 out of %1".format([this.selectedIndex+1,this.length]);
		this.form.nav.title="reload %0".format([this.options[this.selectedIndex].text]);
		return config.macros.miniBrowser.go(this.form);'><!--
--><option value=''>bookmarks...</option><!--
--><span style='display:%noedit%'><!--
--><input type='button' value='add' title='add URL to the bookmarks' style='width:6%'
--><input type='button' value='del' title='remove URL from the bookmarks' style='width:6%'
--><input type='button' value='edit' title='edit the bookmarks list' style='width:6%'
--><span style='display:%shownav%'><!--
--><input name=prev type='button' value='&#x25C4;' title='view previous bookmark' style='width:3%'
	onclick='var b=document.getElementById("minibrowser_bookmarks_%id%");
		b.selectedIndex=Math.max(b.selectedIndex-1,0); b.onchange();'><!--
--><input name='nav' id='minibrowser_nav_%id%'
	type='button' value='N out of MM' title='enter a bookmark number' style='width:12%'
		var b=this.form.bookmarks;
		var i=prompt("Enter a bookmark number (1-"+b.length+")",b.selectedIndex+1);
		if (i && i<b.length) { b.selectedIndex=i-1; b.onchange(); }'><!--
--><input name=next type='button' value='&#x25BA;' title='view next bookmark' style='width:3%'
	onclick='var b=document.getElementById("minibrowser_bookmarks_%id%");
		b.selectedIndex=Math.min(b.selectedIndex+1,b.length); b.onchange();'><!--
--><select name='type' id='minibrowser_type_%id%' size='1' style='width:12%'
	onchange='var opt=this.options; for (var i=0; i<opt.length; i++)
		if (i==this.selectedIndex) opt[i].text=opt[i].text.replace(/\xa0\xa0/,"&radic;");
		else opt[i].text=opt[i].text.replace(/&radic;/,"\xa0\xa0");
		if (this.selectedIndex==0) opt[1].text=opt[1].text.replace(/\xa0\xa0/,"&radic;");'><!--
--><option value=''>type...</option><!--
--><option value=''>&radic; auto-detect</option><!--
--><option value='iframe'>&nbsp;&nbsp; web page</option><!--
--><option value='windows'>&nbsp;&nbsp; windows media</option><!--
--><option value='realone'>&nbsp;&nbsp; real one</option><!--
--><option value='quicktime'>&nbsp;&nbsp; quicktime</option><!--
--><option value='flash'>&nbsp;&nbsp; flash</option><!--
--><option value='image'>&nbsp;&nbsp; jpg/gif/png</option><!--
--><input type='text' name='url' id='minibrowser_url_%id%' size='60' value='' style='width:%urlsize%'
--><input type='submit' value='go' title='view URL' style='width:6%'><!--
--><input type='button' value='open' title='open a separate tab/window' style='width:6%'
	onclick='if (this.form.url.value.length)'><!--
--><input type='button' value='done' name='done' disabled title='disconnect from URL' style='width:6%'
	onclick='return config.macros.miniBrowser.done(this.form);'><!--
--><div id='minibrowser_player_%id%' style='display:none;text-align:center'></div><!--
--><span id='minibrowser_controls2_%id%' style='margin-top:2px;display:none;'><!--
--><div id='minibrowser_resize_%id%' style='display:%hidecontrols%;float:right'><!--
--> size: <input type='text' name='w' size='3' value='' style=''
-->x<input type='text' name='h' size='3' value='' style=''
--> <input type='submit' value='set' style='width:5em'
	onclick='var f=this.form;
		if(!f.w.value.trim().length) f.w.value=config.options.txtMiniBrowserWidth;
		if(!f.h.value.trim().length) f.h.value=config.options.txtMiniBrowserHeight;
		config.options.txtMiniBrowserWidth=f.w.value; config.options.txtMiniBrowserHeight=f.h.value;
		saveOptionCookie("txtMiniBrowserWidth"); saveOptionCookie("txtMiniBrowserHeight");'><!--
--><input type='submit' value='reset' style='width:5em'
	onclick='var f=this.form; f.ctrls.checked=true; f.w.value="100%"; f.h.value="480";
		config.options.txtMiniBrowserWidth=f.w.value; config.options.txtMiniBrowserHeight=f.h.value;
		saveOptionCookie("txtMiniBrowserWidth"); saveOptionCookie("txtMiniBrowserHeight");'><!--
--><input type='button' value='fit' title='resize player to fit containing window' style='width:5em'
--><span id='minibrowser_nocontrols_%id%'><!--
--> <input type='checkbox' name='ctrls' id='minibrowser_togglecontrols_%id%' title='toggle minibrowser controls' CHECKED 
><a href='' title='toggle minibrowser controls'
	onclick=';return false;'>show controls</a><!--
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Requires|PlayerPlugin (optional, recommended)|
|Description|embedded browser-in-browser with favorites lists and media support|
{{{<<miniBrowser noplayer noedit expand hidecontrols nocontrols URL TiddlerName TiddlerName TiddlerName...>>}}}
* ''noplayer'' (optional)<br>disables support for embedded media player (using [[PlayerPlugin]], if installed)
* ''noedit'' (optional)<br>hides bookmark //add//, //del//, and //edit// buttons
* ''expand'' (optional)<br>displays minibrowser controls on two lines instead of one for increased readability, especially when long titles or URLs are displayed.
* ''hidecontrols'' (optional)<br>hides initial display of minibrowser controls (except for 'show controls' checkbox)<br>//note: if no initial URL is specified, controls will be shown anyway//
* ''nocontrols'' (optional)<br>hides all minibrowser controls including 'show controls' checkbox<br>//note: if no initial URL is specified, controls will be shown anyway//
* ''URL'' (optional)<br>specifies an initial URL to open when the mini browser is rendered
* ''TiddlerName'', ''TiddlerName''... (optional)<br>indicates one or more tiddlers containing 'HR-separated' lists of favorites.<br>//notes: if no tiddler is specified, [[MiniBrowserList]] is used by default.  In addition, when adding/deleting favorites, the plugin automatically updates [[MiniBrowserList]], regardless of any alternative lists of favorites stored in separate tiddlers.  After changes to [[MiniBrowserList]] are made, you can then use cut/paste to manually move entries from that tiddler into other tiddlers.//
>Default mini browser size:
>width: <<option txtMiniBrowserWidth>> height: <<option txtMiniBrowserHeight>>
>{{{<<miniBrowser>>}}}<br>{{smallform small{<<miniBrowser>>}}}
>{{{<<miniBrowser noedit>>}}}<br>{{smallform small{<<miniBrowser noedit>>}}}
>{{{<<miniBrowser expand>>}}}<br>{{smallform small{<<miniBrowser expand>>}}}
>{{{<<miniBrowser noedit expand>>}}}<br>{{smallform small{<<miniBrowser noedit expand>>}}}
>{{{<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>}}}<br>{{smallform small{<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>}}}
2011.02.08 1.5.3 added 'nocontrols' macro keyword parameter
2009.08.29 1.5.2 in load(), fixed 'noplayer' IFRAME output
2009.07.03 1.5.1 added onclick handling to 'n of m' button.  also, if noedit mode, add line numbers to bookmarks droplist items
2009.06.08 1.5.0 added optional 'noedit' mode to hide bookmark add/del/edit buttons.  Also, moved html def'n to section (saves space)
2008.09.30 1.4.0 removed hard-coded fontsize.  Added 'expand' option (wider controls, displayed on two lines)
2008.09.16 1.3.1 fixed getWikifiedData() when using IE (remove \r and multiple \n)
2008.08.12 1.3.0 added support for wikifying content from favorites lists to enable use of forEachTiddler or inline script output to generate lists on the fly.
2008.08.06 1.2.2 corrected size control buttons to use fixed width
2008.04.07 1.2.1 added txtMiniBrowserWidth and txtMiniBrowserHeight.  cleanup init handling (somewhat)
2008.04.06 1.2.0 added support for specifying initial URL to view (suggested by Richard Berg).  When opening a URL, select matching entry (if any) in bookmarks droplist.  Added support for hiding minibrowser controls.
2008.01.19 1.1.0 added support for optional extra favorites lists stored in separate tiddlers
2007.10.15 1.0.0 combined MiniBrowser and MediaCenter inline scripts and converted to true plugin
2006.03.01 0.0.0 inline script
!Search engine
Wikipedia search
<form method="GET" action="">
    <input type="hidden" name="title" value="Spezial%3ASuche" />    
    <input type="text" name="search" />
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />
<form method="get" id="search" action="">
  <input type="hidden" name="sites" value="YOURDOMAIN.COM"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="k8" value="#444444"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="k9" value="#D51920"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="kt" value="h"/>
  <input type="text" name="q" maxlength="255" placeholder="Search&hellip;"/>
  <input type="submit" value="DuckDuckGo Search" style="visibility: hidden;" />
    <!-- Use of this code assumes agreement with the Google Custom Search Terms of Service. -->
    <!-- The terms of service are available at -->
    <form name="cse" id="searchbox_demo" action="">
      <input type="hidden" name="cref" value="" />
      <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="utf-8" />
      <input type="hidden" name="hl" value="" />
      <input name="q" type="text" size="40" />
      <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="90" height="35"></iframe>
<div class="mapouter"><div class="gmap_canvas"><iframe width="600" height="500" id="gmap_canvas" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe><a href=""></a><br><style>.mapouter{position:relative;text-align:right;height:500px;width:600px;}</style><a href=""></a><style>.gmap_canvas {overflow:hidden;background:none!important;height:500px;width:600px;}</style></div></div>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="Onlinegdb" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" style="border:0; width:100%; height:450px;"></iframe>

!Transformers primes
!Er ist wieder da
!live at acropolis 25 anniversary remastered - yanni
!Spirit touch - joseph akins
!December Morning - Tim Janis
!Una Mattina - Ludovico Einaudi
!Kevin Kern
!Dix pianosoli de Ludovico Einaudi
!Secret Garden
!The Shawshank Redemption
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
!China news media monitor
|''Source''|[[FND's DevPad|]]|
|''License''|[[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License|]]|
|''Description''|Displays color palettes.|
There is also [[ViewPalettePlugin|]], which currently does not work with TiddlyWiki v2.2 though.
<<paletteView [tiddler name]>>
<<paletteView [[ColorPalette]]>>
!Revision History
!!v0.1 (2007-11-18)
* initial release
!!v0.2 (2007-11-20)
* limited processing to slices containing [[actual color values|]]
* changed fallback value to the tiddler the macro is called from (instead of using [[ColorPalette]])
!To Do
* selection list for all available palettes (tag-based)
* parameter for custom table class
* customizable column order
* documentation (e.g. using from within [[ViewTemplate]])
config.macros.paletteView = {};

config.macros.paletteView.handler = function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
	var title = params[0] || tiddler.title;
	//var palettes = store.getTaggedTiddlers(params[0]); // DEBUG: yet to be implemented
	var colors = store.calcAllSlices(title);
	var labels = [];
	for(var c in colors) {
		if(this.isColor(colors[c])) {
	if(labels.length > 0) {
		var output = "|!Sample|!Value|!Name|h\n";
		for(var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
			output += "|padding:0 4em;background-color:" + colors[labels[i]] + ";&nbsp;|"
				+ "{{{" + colors[labels[i]] + "}}}|"
				+ "[[" + labels[i] + "|" + title + "]]|\n";
		wikify(output, place);

config.macros.paletteView.isColor = function(s) {
	var colors = ["Black", "Green", "Silver", "Lime", "Gray", "Olive", "White", "Yellow",
		"Maroon", "Navy", "Red", "Blue", "Purple", "Teal", "Fuchsia", "Aqua", "Orange"];
	var match = s.match(/^#[0-9A-F]{3}$|^#[0-9A-F]{6}$|^RGB\([\d,\s]{5,}\)$/i);
	if(match) return true;
	if(colors.contains(s)) return true;
	return false;
|''Description:''|Extends TiddlyWiki options with non encrypted password option.|
|''Date:''|Apr 19, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
|''~CoreVersion:''|2.2.0 (Beta 5)|
version.extensions.PasswordOptionPlugin = {
	major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 2, 
	date: new Date("Apr 19, 2007"),
	source: '',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	license: '[[BSD open source license|]]',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0 (Beta 5)'

config.macros.option.passwordCheckboxLabel = "Save this password on this computer";
config.macros.option.passwordInputType = "password"; // password | text
setStylesheet(".pasOptionInput {width: 11em;}\n","passwordInputTypeStyle");

merge(config.macros.option.types, {
	'pas': {
		elementType: "input",
		valueField: "value",
		eventName: "onkeyup",
		className: "pasOptionInput",
		typeValue: config.macros.option.passwordInputType,
		create: function(place,type,opt,className,desc) {
			// password field
			// checkbox linked with this password "save this password on this computer"
			// text savePasswordCheckboxLabel
		onChange: config.macros.option.genericOnChange

merge(config.optionHandlers['chk'], {
	get: function(name) {
		// is there an option linked with this chk ?
		var opt = name.substr(3);
		if (config.options[opt]) 
		return config.options[name] ? "true" : "false";

merge(config.optionHandlers, {
	'pas': {
 		get: function(name) {
			if (config.options["chk"+name]) {
				return encodeCookie(config.options[name].toString());
			} else {
				return "";
		set: function(name,value) {config.options[name] = decodeCookie(value);}

// need to reload options to load passwordOptions

if (!config.options['pasPassword'])
	config.options['pasPassword'] = '';

		pasPassword: "Test password"
<iframe src="" width="594" height="768" frameborder="0"></iframe>
!Formalizing in lean4 that eisenstein integer is ED (thus is PID) :homework of BICMR-AI4MATH
[[Emilyleizy |]] and I work on formalizing eisenstein integer is ED thus PID.
To sum up, I'd say lean4 is not so intelligent yet.
A retro style [[webring |]] using onionring.js
!image bed
<<miniBrowser hidecontrols>>
This package provides a toolbar of interactive 'power tools' that you can use while editing a tiddler to quickly insert TiddlyWiki tiddler links, images, macros, etc. or common formatting sequences directly into tiddler content, as well as perform other functions (such as find/replace, sort, split, convert, etc.) that can be used to modify the current tiddler's source content in a variety of ways.

<<tiddler QuickEditToolbar with: show>>
Individual ~QuickEdit buttons are defined in separate tiddlers (e.g., [[QuickEdit_replace]]) that have also been //transcluded// into a single toolbar definition named [[QuickEditToolbar]].  You can edit this definition to add, remove, or rearrange the toolbar buttons to best suit your needs, and then embed the [[QuickEditToolbar]] tiddler into your document's [[EditTemplate]], like this:
<div macro='tiddler QuickEditToolbar'></div>
Next, in order to support some of the formatting 'shortcuts' provided by the toolbar, add a reference to the shortcuts CSS class definitions in your [[StyleSheet]]:
By default, the QuickEdit toolbar is hidden until you enable it by using the ''toggleQuickEdit'' command, which you can add to the ~EditToolbar definition in [[ToolbarCommands]]:
|EditToolbar|... toggleQuickEdit ...|
You can also toggle the ~QuickEdit toolbar display via a single checkbox option that can be added to [[SideBarOptions]] (or any other desired location):
<<option chkShowQuickEdit>> show QuickEdit toolbar
Note: You can 'hard-code' the ''chkShowQuickEdit'' setting, so that the toolbar will be //initially// displayed, by creating a tiddler (e.g., ConfigTweaks), tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>, containing:
Alternatively, if you want the toolbar to //always// be displayed, regardless of the option setting, you can add a special keyword, ''show'', to the [[EditTemplate]] syntax, like this:
<div macro='tiddler QuickEditToolbar with: show'></div>
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License| <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License|]]|
|Description|Support functions for [[QuickEditPackage]]: utility functions, toolbar commands, stylesheets|
>see [[QuickEditPackage]] for details
2011.02.14 2.4.4 fix OSX error: use picker.file.path
2009.06.11 2.4.3 added keyup() function to abbreviate listbox handling for CR and ESC
2009.05.07 2.4.2 added processed() function to abbreviate event handler code
2008.09.07 2.4.1 added removeCookie() function for compatibility with [[CookieManagerPlugin]]
2008.05.17 2.4.0 copied code from StickyPopupPlugin to remove dependency
2008.05.12 2.3.0 added "toggleQuickEdit" command handler (replaces inline script command)
2008.01.11 2.2.0 converted from inline script
2007.03.29 1.0.0 initial release (as inline script)
version.extensions.QuickEditPlugin= {major: 2, minor: 4, revision: 4, date: new Date(2011,2,14)};

.quickEdit a { border:2px outset ButtonFace; padding:0px 3px !important; \
	-moz-border-radius:.5em; -webkit-border-radius:.5em; \
	-moz-appearance:button !important; -webkit-appearance:push-button !important; \
	background-color:ButtonFace; color:ButtonText !important;  \
	line-height:200%; font-weight:normal; } \
.quickEdit a:hover { border: 2px inset ButtonFace; background-color:ButtonFace; }\
", "quickEditStyles");

if (window.removeCookie===undefined) {
	window.removeCookie=function(name) {
		document.cookie = name+'=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 UTC; path=/;'; 

config.quickEdit = {
	processed: function(ev) { ev=ev||window.event;
		if(ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation();
		return false;
	keyup: function(ev){ var k=(ev||window.event).keyCode;
		if (k==13) this.onclick();
		if (k==27) Popup.remove();
	getField: function(where) {
		var here=story.findContainingTiddler(where); if (!here) return null;
		var e=story.getTiddlerField(here.getAttribute("tiddler"),"text");
		if (e&&e.getAttribute("edit")=="text") return e;
		return null;
	setSelection: function(where,newtext) {
		var e=this.getField(where); if (!e) return false;
		e.focus(); replaceSelection(e,newtext);
		return false;
	wrapSelection: function(where,before,after) {
		var e=this.getField(where); if (!e) return false;
		e.focus(); replaceSelection(e,before+config.quickEdit.getSelection(e)+after);
		return false;
	getSelection: function(e) {
		var seltext="";
		if (e&&e.setSelectionRange)
		else if (document.selection) {
			var range = document.selection.createRange();
			if (range.parentElement()==e) seltext=range.text
		return seltext;
	promptForFilename: function(msg,path,file) {
		if(window.Components) { // moz
			try {'UniversalXPConnect');
				var nsIFilePicker = window.Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
				var picker = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
				picker.init(window, msg, nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
				var thispath = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
				if (!=nsIFilePicker.returnCancel)
					var result="file:///"+picker.file.path.replace(/\\/g,'/');
			catch(e) { alert('error during local file access: '+e.toString()) }
		else { // IE
			try { // XP only
				var s = new ActiveXObject('UserAccounts.CommonDialog');
				s.Filter='All files|*.*|JPG files|*.jpg|GIF files|*.gif|PNG files|*.png|';
				s.FilterIndex=1; // default to JPG
				if (s.showOpen()) var result=s.FileName;
			catch(e) { var result=prompt(msg,path+file); } // fallback for non-XP IE
		return result;

if (config.options.chkShowQuickEdit===undefined) config.options.chkShowQuickEdit=false;
config.commands.toggleQuickEdit = {
	hideReadOnly: true,
	getText: function() { return config.options.chkShowQuickEdit?'\u221Aquickedit':'quickedit'; },

	tooltip: 'show QuickEdit toolbar buttons',
	handler: function(event,src,title) {
		var opt='chkShowQuickEdit';
		config.macros.option.propagateOption(opt,"checked", config.options[opt],"input");
		if (config.options[opt]) saveOptionCookie(opt);	else removeCookie(opt);
		story.forEachTiddler(function(t,e){if (story.isDirty(t)) refreshElements(e);});
		return false;

if (config.options.chkStickyPopups==undefined) config.options.chkStickyPopups=false;
Popup.stickyPopup_onDocumentClick = function(ev)
	// if click is in a sticky popup, ignore it so popup will remain visible
	var e = ev ? ev : window.event; var target = resolveTarget(e);
	var p=target; while (p) {
		if (hasClass(p,"popup") && (hasClass(p,"sticky")||config.options.chkStickyPopups)) break;
		else p=p.parentNode;
	if (!p) // not in sticky popup (or sticky popups disabled)... use normal click handling
	return true;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|format/insert TiddlyWiki content using toolbar buttons|

* install [[QuickEditPlugin]] (runtime support functions)

* add the toolbar to [[EditTemplate]]:
	<div macro='tiddler QuickEditToolbar with: show'></div>

* 'show' (optional) forces the toolbar to always be displayed or,
  omit keyword and use <<option chkShowQuickEdit>> setting

* selected QuickEdit buttons can also be added individually to the
  regular tiddler toolbar by adding references directly in [[EditTemplate]]:
	<span class='toolbar' macro='tiddler QuickEdit_...'></span>

* see [[QuickEditPackage]] for additional installation options

%/{{hidden fine center quickEdit{
<<tiddler {{ // show/hide toolbar
	var here=story.findContainingTiddler(place); if (here) var tid=here.getAttribute('tiddler');
	var show='$1'!='$'+'1'||config.options.chkShowQuickEdit||tid=='QuickEditToolbar';'block':'none';

TOOLBAR DEFINITION - add, remove, or re-order items as desired:
= = = = = = = = = =
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_format>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_align>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_color>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_font>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_custom>>/%
%/ &nbsp;/% (SPACER)
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_replace>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_split>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_sort>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_convert>>/%
%/ &nbsp;/% (SPACER)
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_link>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_insert>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_macro>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_image>>/%
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - text alignment|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="align text"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select text alignment...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('left','left');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('center','center');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('right','right');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('justify','justify');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('float left','floatleft');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('float right','floatright');
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - text/background color|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="text/background color - @@color:#RGB;background-color:#RGB;...@@"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this,null,'popup sticky smallform'); if (!p) return false;'2px';
	function hex(d) { return '0123456789ABCDEF'.substr(d,1); }
	var fg=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); fg.button=this;'12em';
	fg.options[0]=new Option('text color...','');
	fg.options[1]=new Option('\xa0 or enter a value','_ask');
	fg.options[2]=new Option('\xa0 or use default color','');
	for (var r=0;r<16;r+=3) for (var g=0;g<16;g+=3) for (var b=0;b<16;b+=3) {
		var label=hex(r)+hex(g)+hex(b);
		fg.options[fg.length]=new Option(label,'#'+label);
	fg.onchange=function(){ var val=this.value;
		if (val=='_ask') { val=prompt('Enter a CSS color value');
		if (!val||!val.length) return false; }
		this.options[0].value=val; this.options[0].text=val.length?'text: '+val:'text color...';
		var bg=this.nextSibling;
		for (var i=3;i<bg.options.length;i++) bg.options[i].style.color=val;
		var preview=this.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling;
		var t=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this.button));
		if (!t.length) t='~AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890';
		var fg=this.value; if (fg.length) fg='color:'+fg+';';
		var bg=this.nextSibling.value; if (bg.length) bg='background-color:'+bg+';';
		if (fg.length||bg.length) t='@@'+fg+bg+t+'@@';
		removeChildren(preview); wikify(t,preview);
		this.selectedIndex=0; return false;
	var bg=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); bg.button=this;'12em';
	bg.options[0]=new Option('background color...','');
	bg.options[1]=new Option('\xa0 or enter a value','_ask');
	bg.options[2]=new Option('\xa0 or use default color','');
	for (var r=0;r<16;r+=3) for (var g=0;g<16;g+=3) for (var b=0;b<16;b+=3) {
		var label=hex(15-r)+hex(15-g)+hex(15-b);
		bg.options[bg.length]=new Option(label,'#'+label);
	bg.onchange=function(){ var val=this.value;
		if (val=='_ask') { val=prompt('Enter a CSS color value');
		if (!val||!val.length) return false; }
		this.options[0].text=val.length?'background: '+val:'background color...';
		var fg=this.previousSibling;
		for (var i=3;i<fg.options.length;i++) fg.options[i].style.backgroundColor=val;
		var preview=this.nextSibling.nextSibling;
		var t=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this.button));
		if (!t.length) t='~AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890';
		var fg=this.previousSibling.value; if (fg.length) fg='color:'+fg+';';
		var bg=this.value; if (bg.length) bg='background-color:'+bg+';';
		if (fg.length||bg.length) t='@@'+fg+bg+t+'@@';
		removeChildren(preview); wikify(t,preview);
		this.selectedIndex=0; return false;
	var b=createTiddlyElement(p,'input',null,null,null,{type:'button'}); b.button=this;
	b.onclick=function() {
		var fg=this.previousSibling.previousSibling.value; if (fg.length) fg='color:'+fg+';';
		var bg=this.previousSibling.value; if (bg.length) bg='background-color:'+bg+';';
		var t=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this.button));
		if (fg.length||bg.length) config.quickEdit.setSelection(this.button,'@@'+fg+bg+t+'@@');
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	var preview=createTiddlyElement(p,'div',null,'viewer'); var;
	s.border='1px solid'; s.margin='2px'; s.width='24em'; s.padding='3px'; s.MozBorderRadius='3px';
	s.overflow='hidden'; s.textAlign='center'; s.whiteSpace='normal';
	var t=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this));
	wikify(t.length?t:'~AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890',preview);;
	event.cancelBubble=true;if(event.stopPropagation)event.stopPropagation();return false;"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - convert between comma/tab-separated and TW table format|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="convert between comma/tab-separated and TW table format"
onclick="var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this);
	if (e) e.focus(); var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e);
	if (txt.indexOf(',')+txt.indexOf('\t')+txt.indexOf('|')==-3) {
		alert('Please select text containing tabs, commas, or TiddlyWiki table syntax.');
		return false;
	var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a converter...','');
	if (txt.indexOf(',')!=-1) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('commas -> table','commasToTable');
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('commas -> tabs','commasToTabs');
	if (txt.indexOf('\t')!=-1) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('tabs -> table','tabsToTable');
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('tabs -> commas','tabsToCommas');
	if (txt.indexOf('|')!=-1) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('table -> tabs','tableToTabs');
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('table -> commas','tableToCommas');
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
	        var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.button); if (!e) return false;
		e.focus(); var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e);
		switch(this.value) {
			case 'tabsToTable':
			case 'tableToTabs':
				txt=txt.replace(/\t/g,' ').replace(/\|/g,'\t');
			case 'commasToTable':
			case 'tableToCommas':
				txt=txt.replace(/,/g,' ').replace(/\|/g,',');
			case 'tabsToCommas':
			case 'commasToTabs':
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - custom defined formats|

Usage: see


Custom formats are stored as an "HR-separated list" in [[QuickEdit_customList]], where the first line of each list item is the text 'label' to show in the droplist, followed by one or more lines of wiki content to be inserted into the tiddler source.

Substitution markers can be used to dynamically insert values into the formatted output: $1 inserts the tiddler editor's current selected text. $[[message|default value]] interactively prompts for a value to be inserted. $[[message|$1]] uses the selected text as the default value. $[[message|{{javascript}}]] calculates the default value using javascript code.
!end help

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" title="custom defined formats"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a custom format...','');
	var items=store.getTiddlerText('QuickEdit_customList','').split('\n----\n');
	for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
		if (!items[i].length) continue; var lines=items[i].split('\n');
		var label=lines.shift(); var val=lines.join('\n');
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(label,val); s.options[s.length-1].title=val;
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('[Edit custom formats...]','_edit');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='add/change custom format definitions...';
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		if (this.value=='_edit') {
		} else {
		        var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.button); if (!e) return false;
			e.focus(); var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e);
			replaceSelection(e, this.value.replace(/\$\x31/g,txt)
				.replace(/\$\[\[[^\]]+\]\]/g, function(t){
					var msg=x[0]; var def=x[1]||'';
					if (def.startsWith('{{')) {
						try{def=eval(def.substr(2,def.length-4))} catch(ex){showException(ex)}
					return prompt(msg,def)||'';
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
$[[enter a date|{{new Date().formatString('DDD, MMM DDth, YYYY hh12:0mm:0ssam')}}]]
@@display:block;height:10em;overflow:auto;$[[enter scrolling content|$1]]@@@@display:block;text-align:right;^^scroll for more...^^@@
nested slider
+++[$1]<<tiddler $1>>===
big red
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - select font family|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="set font-family CSS attribute - @@font-family:facename;...@@"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a font family...','');
	var fonts=store.getTiddlerText('QuickEdit_fontList','').split('\n');
	for (var i=0; i<fonts.length; i++) {
		if (!fonts[i].length) continue;
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(fonts[i],fonts[i]);
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('[Edit font list...]','_edit');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='enter fonts, one per line...';
		if (this.value=='_edit')
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
Times New Roman,times,serif
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - basic text formats, headings, blockquotes, etc.|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="plain text (remove ALL formatting)" accesskey="P" 
onclick="var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this); if (e) e.focus(); var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e);
	config.quickEdit.setSelection(e,wikifyPlainText(txt)); return false;"

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="''bold''" accesskey="B"
onclick="config.quickEdit.wrapSelection(this,'\x27\x27','\x27\x27'); return false;"

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="//italics//" accesskey="I" 
onclick="config.quickEdit.wrapSelection(this,'//','//'); return false;"

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="__underline__" accesskey="U" 
onclick="config.quickEdit.wrapSelection(this,'__','__'); return false;"

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="--strikethrough--" accesskey="S" 
onclick="config.quickEdit.wrapSelection(this,'--','--'); return false;"

%/ &nbsp;/%  SPACER

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="format text"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select text format...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('CSS class wrapper','{{$1{,}}},Enter a CSS classname');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='CSS class wrapper - {{classname classname etc{...}}}';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('inline CSS styles','@@$1,@@,Enter CSS (attribute:value;attribute:value;...;)');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='inline CSS styles - @@attr:value;attr:value;...@@';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 1','\n!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H1 heading - !';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 2','\n!!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H2 heading - !!';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 3','\n!!!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H3 heading - !!!';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 4','\n!!!!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H4 heading - !!!!';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 5','\n!!!!!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H5 heading - !!!!!';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('blockquote','\n\<\<\<\n,\n\<\<\<\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='indented blockquote - \<\<\<';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('monospaced','{{{,}}}');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='inline monospaced text - {{{...}}}';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('plain text','\n{{{\n,\n}}}\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='multi-line monospaced text box - {{{...}}}';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('superscript','^^,^^');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('subscript','~~,~~');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('HTML','<html>,<\x2fhtml>');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='HTML syntax - <html>...<\x2fhtml>';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('comment','/%,%/');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='comment (hidden content) - /%...%/';
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		var parts=this.value.split(',');
		var prefix=parts[0]; var suffix=parts[1]; var ask=parts[2];
		if (ask) {
			var val=prompt(ask); if (!val) { Popup.remove(); return false; }
			prefix=prefix.replace(/\$1/g,val); suffix=suffix.replace(/\$1/g,val);
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - embed an image|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
	title="embed an image (jpg/gif/png) - [img[tooltip|URL]] or [img[tooltip|path/to/file.ext]]"
	onclick="var fn=config.quickEdit.promptForFilename(
		'Enter/select an image file',getLocalPath(document.location.href),'');
	if (!fn) return false;  /* cancelled by user */
	var h=document.location.href; var p=decodeURIComponent(h.substr(0,h.lastIndexOf('/')+1));
	if (fn.startsWith(p)) fn=fn.substr(p.length); /* use RELATIVE path/filename.ext */
	var tip=prompt('Enter a tooltip for this image',''); if (!tip) tip=''; else tip+='|';
	return config.quickEdit.setSelection(this,'[img['+tip+fn+']]');"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - insert content from another tiddler or external file|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="insert content from another tiddler or external file"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';

	var s2=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s2.title='filter by tag';
	s2.options[0]=new Option('filter by tag...','');
	s2.options[s2.length]=new Option('[all tiddlers]','');
	var tags=store.getTags();
	for (var t=0; t<tags.length; t++) s2.options[s2.length]=new Option(tags[t][0],tags[t][0]);
		var tag=this.value;
		var tids=tag.length?store.reverseLookup('tags',tag,true):store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
		var list=this.nextSibling.nextSibling;
		while (list.length) list.options[0]=null;
		var prompt='select a tiddler or file...';
		if (tag.length) prompt='select a tagged tiddler ['+tids.length+' matches]...';
		list.options[0]=new Option(prompt,'');
		if (!tag.length) list.options[list.length]=new Option('[browse for file...]','_file');
		for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
			list.options[list.length]=new Option(tids[t].title,tids[t].title);
		list.selectedIndex=0; list.focus();'px';
		if (!tag.length) this.selectedIndex=0;

	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.title='select a tiddler or file';
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a tiddler or file...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('[browse for file...]','_file');
	var tids=store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
	for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(tids[t].title,tids[t].title);
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return false;
		if (this.value=='_file') {
			var fn=config.quickEdit.promptForFilename(
				'Enter/select a text file',getLocalPath(document.location.href),'');
			if (!fn) return false; /* cancelled by user */
			var txt=loadFile(getLocalPath(fn));
			if (!txt) { alert('Error: unable to read contents from \0027'+fn+'\0027'); return; }
		else var txt=store.getTiddlerText(this.value);
		if (!txt) {
			displayMessage(this.value+' not found');
			this.selectedIndex=0; this.focus();
			return false;
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - link to tiddler or external file|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="add a link to a tiddler or external file - [[link text|TiddlerName]]"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';

	var s2=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s2.title='filter by tag';
	s2.options[0]=new Option('filter by tag...','');
	s2.options[s2.length]=new Option('[all tiddlers]','');
	var tags=store.getTags();
	for (var t=0; t<tags.length; t++) s2.options[s2.length]=new Option(tags[t][0],tags[t][0]);
		var tag=this.value;
		var tids=tag.length?store.reverseLookup('tags',tag,true):store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
		var list=this.nextSibling.nextSibling;
		while (list.length) list.options[0]=null;
		var prompt='select a tiddler or file...';
		if (tag.length) prompt='select a tagged tiddler ['+tids.length+' matches]...';
		list.options[0]=new Option(prompt,'');
		if (!tag.length) list.options[list.length]=new Option('[browse for file...]','_file');
		for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
			list.options[list.length]=new Option(tids[t].title,tids[t].title);
		list.selectedIndex=0; list.focus();'px';
		if (!tag.length) this.selectedIndex=0;

	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.title='select a tiddler or file';
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a tiddler or file...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('[browse for file...]','_file');
	var tids=store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
	for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(tids[t].title,tids[t].title);
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return false;
		var title=this.value; var txt=title;
		if (title=='_file') {
			title=config.quickEdit.promptForFilename('Select a file',
			if (!title) { this.selectedIndex=0; this.focus(); return false; }
			var txt=title.substr(title.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
		var txt=prompt('Enter the text to display for this link',txt);
		if (!txt) { this.selectedIndex=0; this.focus(); return false; }
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - embed a macro with 'guide text'|

Usage: see

Optional 'guideText' can be used to add suggested defaults/placeholders for specific macro parameters.
Add guideText to your own plugin-defined macros using:
	config.macros.macroName.guideText='guide text goes here';

%/<<tiddler {{
	/* define guide text for a few common TW core macros */
	config.macros.edit.guideText='fieldname #rows';
	config.macros.view.guideText='fieldname (link,wikified,date) format';
	config.macros.slider.guideText='cookie TiddlerName label tooltip';
	config.macros.tiddler.guideText='TiddlerName with: params...';
	''; /* must return blank to suppress output */ }}>>/%

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href='javascript:;' class='tiddlyLink' tabindex='-1' 
title='add a macro - \<\<macroName ...\>\>'
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a macro...','');
	var macros=[]; for (var m in config.macros) if (config.macros[m].handler) macros.push(m); macros.sort();
	for (var i=0; i<macros.length; i++) { var m=macros[i];
		var help=config.macros[m].guideText; if (!help) help=''; else help=' '+help;
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(m,m+help);
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - find/replace selected text with replacement text|

Usage: see
2010.12.26 2.4.5 fix use getField(this) to support hijacks by editSectionPlugin
%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="find/replace selected text with replacement text"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this,null,'popup sticky smallform'); if (!p) return false;
	var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this);
	var s=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e); 
	var t=createTiddlyElement(p,'input'); t.onfocus=function(){};
	t.value=s.length?s:'enter target text';
	var r=createTiddlyElement(p,'input'); r.onfocus=function(){};
	r.value='enter replacement text';
	var b=createTiddlyElement(p,'button',null,null,'?');'2em';
	b.title='FIND/FIND NEXT target text';
	b.onclick=function(ev) { /* FIND */
		var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.root);
		var t=this.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		var tv=t.value.replace(/\\t/mg,'\t').unescapeLineBreaks();
		if (e.setSelectionRange) { /* MOZ */
			var newstart=e.value.indexOf(tv,e.selectionStart+1);
			if (newstart==-1) newstart=e.value.indexOf(tv); /* wrap around */
			if (newstart==-1) { alert('\u0022'+t.value+'\u0022 not found'); t.focus(); return; }
			var linecount=e.value.split('\n').length;
			var thisline=e.value.substr(0,e.selectionStart).split('\n').length;
		} else if (document.selection) { /* IE */
			var range=document.selection.createRange();
			if(range.parentElement()==e) {
				var found=false; try{found=range.findText(v,e.value.length,4)}catch(e){}
				if (found);
				else { alert('\u0022'+t.value+'\u0022 not found'); t.focus(); }
	b.title='REPLACE selected text';
	b.onclick=function(ev) { /* REPLACE */
		var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.root);
		var t=this.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		var r=this.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		var rv=r.value.replace(/\\t/mg,'\t').unescapeLineBreaks();
		if (   (e.selectionStart!==undefined && e.selectionEnd==e.selectionStart)
		    || (document.selection && document.selection.createRange().text=='')); /* no selection... do FIND first */
		if (   (e.selectionStart!==undefined && e.selectionEnd==e.selectionStart)
		    || (document.selection && document.selection.createRange().text==''))
			{ t.focus(); return; } /* still no selection... goto target input */
		e.focus(); replaceSelection(e,rv);
	b.title='REPLACE selected text AND FIND NEXT target text';
	b.onclick=function(ev) { /* REPLACE and FIND NEXT */;;
	b.title='REPLACE ALL occurrences of target text';
	b.onclick=function(ev) { /* REPLACE ALL */
		var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.root);
		var t=this.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		var r=this.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		var tv=t.value.replace(/\\t/mg,'\t').unescapeLineBreaks();
		var rv=r.value.replace(/\\t/mg,'\t').unescapeLineBreaks();
		if (!tv.length) { alert('Please enter the target text'); t.focus(); return; }
		var m='This will replace all occurrences of:\n\n'+tv+'\n\nwith:\n\n'+rv+'\n\nAre you sure?';
		if (!confirm(m)) { r.focus();; return; }
		e.value=e.value.replace(new RegExp(tv.escapeRegExp(),'gm'),rv);
		e.focus();; Popup.remove();
	if (!s.length) {t.focus();} else {r.focus();}
	event.cancelBubble=true;if(event.stopPropagation)event.stopPropagation();return false;"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - sort lines of text|

Usage: see

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="sort lines of text"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select sort order...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('ascending','A');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('descending','D');
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.button); if (!e) return false;
		var lines=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e).split('\n').sort();
		if (this.value=='D') lines=lines.reverse();
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|quickedit - move selection to new tiddler and insert link, embedded tiddler, or slider|

Usage: see

Based on ideas originally developed by YannPerrin

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="move selection to new tiddler and insert link, embedded tiddler, or slider"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';'nowrap';
	var i=createTiddlyElement(p,'input');
	i.defaultValue='Enter a new tiddler title';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select type...','');
	s.options[0].title='select split type';
	s.options[1]=new Option('link','link');
	s.options[1].title='replace with [[TiddlerName]]';
	s.options[2]=new Option('embed','embed');
	s.options[2].title='replace with \<\<tiddler TiddlerName\>\>';
	s.options[3]=new Option('slider','slider');
	s.options[3].title='replace with \<\<slider \u0022\u0022 [[TiddlerName]] [[label]] [[tooltip]]\>\>';
		if (s.previousSibling.value==s.previousSibling.defaultValue)
			{ alert('A tiddler title is required'); s.selectedIndex=0; s.previousSibling.focus(); return false; }
		var tid=s.previousSibling.value;
		if (store.tiddlerExists(tid) && !confirm(config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([tid])))
			{ s.previousSibling.focus(); return false; }
		switch(s.value) {
			case 'link':
				var newtxt='[['+tid+']]';
			case 'embed':
				var newtxt='\<\<tiddler [['+tid+']]\>\>';
			case 'slider':
				var label=prompt('Enter a slider label',tid);
				if (!label) { Popup.remove(); return false; }
				var tip=prompt('Enter a slider tooltip',label);
				if (!tip) { Popup.remove(); return false; }
				var newtxt='\<\<slider \u0022\u0022 [['+tid+']] [['+label+']] [['+tip+']]\>\>';
		var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this.button));
		store.saveTiddler(tid,tid,txt,config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),[],{});
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	event.cancelBubble=true;if(event.stopPropagation)event.stopPropagation();return false;"
|Author|Tiago Dionízio|
|Description|Create a direct link to a tiddler using a normal button and a button that expands the specified tiddler inside the current tiddler.|

{{{<<quote 'Text to display' 'Tiddler name' [open]>>}}}

Create a direct link to a tiddler using a normal button and a button that expands the specified tiddler inside the current tiddler.
To display the included tiddler initially visible just pass ''open'' in the third parameter (not actually the only possible value but you can interpret it like that).
The expand button can also collapse the included tiddler, this will actually remove the included contents. If the included tiddler is changed you can simply expand it again.

version.extensions.quote = { major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005, 07, 15)};

config.macros.quote = {};
config.macros.quote.onClick = function(e) {
    if (!e) var e = window.event;
    var container = this.nextSibling;
    var isOpen = == "block";

    var tick;
    if (isOpen) { = "none";
        tick = "+";
    else {
        tick = "-";
        var title = container.getAttribute("tiddlyLink");
        var text = store.getTiddlerText(title);
            wikify(text,container,null,null); = "block";
config.macros.quote.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
    // param 0: text button
    // param 1: tiddler name to display
    // param 2: initial display by default
    var label = params[0];
    var title = params[1];
    var isOpen = params[2] != null;
    var link = createTiddlyLink(place,title,false);
    var btn = createTiddlyButton(place, isOpen ? "-" : "+", "expand tiddler " + title, this.onClick);
    var container = createTiddlyElement(place, "blockquote");
    container.setAttribute("tiddlyLink", title); = isOpen ? "block" : "none";
    if (isOpen) {
        var text = store.getTiddlerText(title);

No rss. I think it is not only the content but also the web design that should be payed attention to. 
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|allow tiddler sections in TiddlyLinks to be used as anchor points|
This plugin enhances tiddler links so that they can include section references that ''auto-scroll to the indicated section heading'' within a tiddler (i.e., similar to the 'anchor' behavior provided in HTML by {{{<a name="foo">}}} and {{{<a href="#foo">...</a>}}}).  The {{{<<tiddler>>}}} macro syntax has also be extended to allow section references without a tiddler name, so that transclusion of //hidden sections from the same tiddler// can be easily accomplished.  The plugin also adds a new macro, <<sectionTOC>> which can auto-generate and embed a 'Table of Contents' outline view into a tiddler to enable quick navigation to sections within that tiddler.
!!!!~TiddlyLink syntax
You can link to a section of a tiddler by adding the "##sectionname" syntax to the tiddlername:
When clicked, the tiddler is displayed and the specified section heading is automatically scrolled into view. If the tiddler title is omitted or the 'here' keyword is used, e.g.,
[[##SomeSection]] or [[here##SomeSection]]>>
then the current containing tiddler is implied by default.
!!!!HTML anchor syntax
You can use HTML syntax to create a scrollable 'anchor' location within a tiddler without use of the standard TW section heading syntax:
<html><a name="sectionname" /></html>
You can then link to that section using the enhanced TiddlyLink syntax as above.
!!!!{{{<<tiddler>>}}} macro 
The {{{<<tiddler>>}}} syntax has been extended so that when the tiddler title is omitted or the 'here' keyword is used, e.g.,
<<tiddler ##SomeSection>> or <<tiddler here##SomeSection>>
then the current containing tiddler is implied by default.
!!!!"""<<sectionTOC>>""" macro
This macro generates a 'Table of Contents' outline-style bullet list with links to all sections within the current tiddler.  Simply place the following macro at the //end of the tiddler content// (i.e., following all section headings).  Important note: //''The {{{<<sectionTOC>>}}} macro must occur at the end of the tiddler in order to locate the rendered section headings that precede it.''//
<<sectionTOC>> or <<sectionTOC className>>
To position the macro's //output// within the tiddler, you must create a special 'target element' that uses a specific classname (default='sectionTOC'), like this:
When the {{{<<sectionTOC>>}}} macro is rendered, it will find the matching 'sectionTOC'-classed element and writes it's output there.  You can also add the macro and/or target elements directly to the [[ViewTemplate]] definition, so that every tiddler can automatically display the table of contents:
<span class='sectionTOC'></span> <!-- target element -->
<span macro='sectionTOC'></span> <!-- must be at end of tiddler -->
You can change the {{{<<SectionTOC>>}}} output link format by adding the following statement to a tiddler tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>
The default value (shown above) produces a link to each section within the tiddler, using "%0" to insert the section name into the link.  You can add extra formatting to generate additional output to suit your purposes.  For example, if you have EditSectionPlugin installed, you could include a link that invokes that plugin's popup editor directly from each item in the TOC display, like this:
config.macros.sectionTOC.linkFormat='[[%0|##%0]] <<editSection [[##%0]] [[(edit)]]>>';
links to sections defined by ''TW heading syntax'' (e.g, {{{!!!sectionname}}}):{{indent{
[[##onClickTiddlerLink]] //(current tiddler implied)//}}}
links to anchors defined by ''HTML syntax'' (e.g., {{{<html><a href="anchorname"></html>}}}):{{indent{
[[##sampleanchorlink]] //(current tiddler implied)//}}}
2011.12.21 1.4.2 refactor sectionTOCformat to permit customization
2011.02.08 1.4.1 in isExternalLink() hijack, strip section references before testing for external link
2010.08.09 1.4.0 in scrollToSection(), added support for using HTML <a name="..."> anchor elements
2009.08.21 1.3.4 added handling to ignore leading/trailing whitespace in section references
2009.08.21 1.3.3 in createTiddlyLink(), add tiddlyLinkNonExistingSection class if matching section is not found
2009.08.14 1.3.2 in createTiddlyLink(), don't override core value for ~TiddlyLink attribute
2009.08.02 1.3.1 in sectionTOC.handler(), trim leading/trailing whitespace from generated section links
2009.08.01 1.3.0 in scrollToSection(), apply 3-tier section matching (exact, startsWith, contains)
2009.07.06 1.2.2 fixed displayTiddler() hijack
2009.07.03 1.2.1 in {{{<<sectionTOC>>}}}, suppress output if target is not found
2009.06.02 1.2.0 added support for 'here' keyword in {{{[[here##section]]}}} links and {{{<<tiddler here##section>>}}} macro
2009.04.09 1.1.1 in sectionTOC macro, make target visible when TOC is rendered.
2009.01.18 1.1.0 added {{{<<sectionTOC>>}}} macro to generate numbered-bullet links to sections of current tiddler
2009.01.06 1.0.0 converted to stand-alone plugin
2008.10.14 0.0.0 initial release (as [[CoreTweaks]] #784 -
version.extensions.SectionLinksPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 4, revision: 2, date: new Date(2011,12,21)};

Story.prototype.scrollToSection = function(title,section) {
	if (!title||!section) return; var t=this.getTiddler(title); if (!t) return null;
	var elems=t.getElementsByTagName('*');
	var heads=[]; var anchors=[];
	for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++)
		if (['H1','H2','H3','H4','H5'].contains(elems[i].nodeName)) heads.push(elems[i]);
	for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++)
		if (elems[i].nodeName=='A' && (elems[i].getAttribute('name')||'').length) anchors.push(elems[i]);
	var found=null;
	for (var i=0; i<heads.length; i++)
		if (getPlainText(heads[i]).trim()==section) { found=heads[i]; break; }
	if (!found) for (var i=0; i<heads.length; i++)
		if (getPlainText(heads[i]).trim().startsWith(section)) { found=heads[i]; break; }
	if (!found) for (var i=0; i<heads.length; i++)
		if (getPlainText(heads[i]).trim().indexOf(section)!=-1) { found=heads[i]; break; }
	if (!found) for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++)
		if (anchors[i].getAttribute('name')==section) { found=anchors[i]; break; }
	if (!found) for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++)
		if (anchors[i].getAttribute('name').startsWith(section)) { found=anchors[i]; break; }
	if (!found) for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++)
		if (anchors[i].getAttribute('name').indexOf(section)!=-1) { found=anchors[i]; break; }
	if (found) {
		// if section heading is collapsed, click to expand it - see [[FoldHeadingsPlugin]]
		if (hasClass(found,'foldable') &&'none') found.onclick();
		// scroll *after* tiddler animation
		var delay=config.options.chkAnimate?config.animDuration+100:0;
		return found;
!!!!core hijacks
// [[tiddlername##section]] and [[##section]]
if (!window.createTiddlyLink_section)
window.createTiddlyLink=function(place,title) {
	var t=story.findContainingTiddler(place); var tid=t?t.getAttribute('tiddler'):'';
	var parts=title.split(config.textPrimitives.sectionSeparator);
	var title=parts[0]; var section=parts[1]; if (section) section=section.trim();
	if (!title.length || title.toLowerCase()=='here') title=tid;  // default=current tiddler
	var btn=createTiddlyLink_section.apply(this,arguments);
	if (section) {
		if (store.getTiddlerText(title+config.textPrimitives.sectionSeparator+section)===null)
	return btn;
if (!window.onClickTiddlerLink_section)
window.onClickTiddlerLink=function(ev) {
	var e=ev||window.event;	var target=resolveTarget(e); var title=null;
	while (target!=null && title==null) {
	var t=story.findContainingTiddler(target); var tid=t?t.getAttribute('tiddler'):'';
	if (title!=tid||!section) // avoid excess scrolling for intra-tiddler links
	return false;
!!!!! displayTiddler
if (!Story.prototype.displayTiddler_section)
Story.prototype.displayTiddler = function(srcElement,tiddler)
	var title=(tiddler instanceof Tiddler)?tiddler.title:tiddler;
	var parts=title.split(config.textPrimitives.sectionSeparator);
	var title=parts[0]; var section=parts[1]; if (section) section=section.trim();
	if (!title.length || title.toLowerCase()=='here') {
		var t=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
	arguments[1]=title;  // default=current tiddler
<html><a name="sampleanchorlink" /></html>This is a sample ''anchor link'': {{{<html><a name="sampleanchorlink" /></html>}}}
if (!config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink_section)
config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink=function(link) {  // remove section references before testing
	var l=link.split(config.textPrimitives.sectionSeparator)[0];
	return config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink_section(l);
if (!config.macros.tiddler.handler_section)
	if (!params[0]) return;
	var sep=config.textPrimitives.sectionSeparator;
	var parts=params[0].split(sep); var tid=parts[0]; var sec=parts[1]; if (sec) sec=sec.trim();
	if ((tid.toLowerCase()=='here'||!tid.length) && sec) { // fixup for 'here##section' and '##section'
		var here=story.findContainingTiddler(place)
		var tid=here?here.getAttribute('tiddler'):tiddler?tiddler.title:'';
		arguments[4]=paramString.replace(new RegExp('(here)?'+sep+sec),tid+sep+sec);
!!!!sectionTOC macro
config.macros.sectionTOC = {
	targetClass: 'sectionTOC',
	linkFormat: '[[%0|##%0]]',
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var out=[];
		var targetClass=params[0]||this.targetClass;
		var t=story.findContainingTiddler(place); if (!t) return;
		var elems=t.getElementsByTagName('*');
		var level=5; // topmost heading level
		for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++) {
			var txt=getPlainText(elems[i]).trim();
			var link=this.linkFormat.format([txt]);
			switch(elems[i].nodeName) {
				case 'H1': out.push('#'+link);		level=1; break;
				case 'H2': out.push('##'+link);		level=level<2?level:2; break;
				case 'H3': out.push('###'+link);	level=level<3?level:3; break;
				case 'H4': out.push('####'+link);	level=level<4?level:4; break;
				case 'H5': out.push('#####'+link);	level=level<5?level:5; break;
				default: if (hasClass(elems[i],targetClass)) var target=elems[i];
		// trim excess bullet levels
		if (level>1) for (var i=0; i<out.length; i++) out[i]=out[i].substr(level-1);
		// show numbered list
		if (out.length && target) {
			if ('none')'block';
!!!Invoke macro
// //<<sectionTOC>>
<<gotoTiddler>><<search>><<closeAll>><<permaview>><<newTiddler>><<newJournal "DD MMM YYYY" "journal">><<saveChanges>><<thostUpload>><<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel OptionsPanel "options »" "Change TiddlyWiki advanced options">>
<<option chkShowQuickEdit>> show QuickEditToolbar
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Show tiddlers one at a time with automatic permalink, or always open tiddlers at top/bottom of page.|
This plugin allows you to configure TiddlyWiki to navigate more like a traditional multipage web site with only one tiddler displayed at a time.
>see [[SinglePageModePluginInfo]]
<<option chkSinglePageMode>> Display one tiddler at a time
><<option chkSinglePagePermalink>> Automatically permalink current tiddler
><<option chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are folded
><<option chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are being edited
<<option chkTopOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the top of the page
<<option chkBottomOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the bottom of the page
<<option chkSinglePageAutoScroll>> Automatically scroll tiddler into view (if needed)

* The "display one tiddler at a time" option can also be //temporarily// set/reset by including a 'paramifier' in the document URL: {{{#SPM:true}}} or {{{#SPM:false}}}.
* If more than one display mode is selected, 'one at a time' display takes precedence over both 'top' and 'bottom' settings, and if 'one at a time' setting is not used, 'top of page' takes precedence over 'bottom of page'.
* When using Apple's Safari browser, automatically setting the permalink causes an error and is disabled.
2010.11.30 2.9.7 use story.getTiddler()
2008.10.17 2.9.6 changed chkSinglePageAutoScroll default to false
| Please see [[SinglePageModePluginInfo]] for previous revision details |
2005.08.15 1.0.0 Initial Release.  Support for BACK/FORWARD buttons adapted from code developed by Clint Checketts.
version.extensions.SinglePageModePlugin= {major: 2, minor: 9, revision: 7, date: new Date(2010,11,30)};
config.paramifiers.SPM = { onstart: function(v) {
	if (config.options.chkSinglePageMode && config.options.chkSinglePagePermalink && !config.browser.isSafari) {
		config.lastURL = window.location.hash;
		if (!config.SPMTimer) config.SPMTimer=window.setInterval(function() {checkLastURL();},1000);
} };
if (config.options.chkSinglePageMode==undefined)
if (config.options.chkSinglePagePermalink==undefined)
if (config.options.chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers==undefined)
if (config.options.chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers==undefined)
if (config.options.chkTopOfPageMode==undefined)
if (config.options.chkBottomOfPageMode==undefined)
if (config.options.chkSinglePageAutoScroll==undefined)
config.SPMTimer = 0;
config.lastURL = window.location.hash;
function checkLastURL()
	if (!config.options.chkSinglePageMode)
		{ window.clearInterval(config.SPMTimer); config.SPMTimer=0; return; }
	if (config.lastURL == window.location.hash) return; // no change in hash
	var tids=decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.substr(1)).readBracketedList();
	if (tids.length==1) // permalink (single tiddler in URL)
	else { // restore permaview or default view
		config.lastURL = window.location.hash;
		if (!tids.length) tids=store.getTiddlerText("DefaultTiddlers").readBracketedList();

if (Story.prototype.SPM_coreDisplayTiddler==undefined)
Story.prototype.displayTiddler = function(srcElement,tiddler,template,animate,slowly)
	var title=(tiddler instanceof Tiddler)?tiddler.title:tiddler;
	var tiddlerElem=story.getTiddler(title); // ==null unless tiddler is already displayed
	var opt=config.options;
	var single=opt.chkSinglePageMode && !startingUp;
	var top=opt.chkTopOfPageMode && !startingUp;
	var bottom=opt.chkBottomOfPageMode && !startingUp;
	if (single) {
		story.forEachTiddler(function(tid,elem) {
			// skip current tiddler and, optionally, tiddlers that are folded.
			if (	tid==title
				|| (opt.chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers && elem.getAttribute("folded")=="true"))
			// if a tiddler is being edited, ask before closing
			if (elem.getAttribute("dirty")=="true") {
				if (opt.chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers) return;
				// if tiddler to be displayed is already shown, then leave active tiddler editor as is
				// (occurs when switching between view and edit modes)
				if (tiddlerElem) return;
				// otherwise, ask for permission
				var msg="'"+tid+"' is currently being edited.\n\n";
				msg+="Press OK to save and close this tiddler\nor press Cancel to leave it opened";
				if (!confirm(msg)) return; else story.saveTiddler(tid);
	else if (top)
	else if (bottom)
	if (single && opt.chkSinglePagePermalink && !config.browser.isSafari) {
		window.location.hash = encodeURIComponent(String.encodeTiddlyLink(title));
		config.lastURL = window.location.hash;
		document.title = wikifyPlain("SiteTitle") + " - " + title;
		if (!config.SPMTimer) config.SPMTimer=window.setInterval(function() {checkLastURL();},1000);
	if (tiddlerElem && tiddlerElem.getAttribute("dirty")=="true") { // editing... move tiddler without re-rendering
		var isTopTiddler=(tiddlerElem.previousSibling==null);
		if (!isTopTiddler && (single || top))
		else if (bottom)
		else this.SPM_coreDisplayTiddler.apply(this,arguments); // let CORE render tiddler
	} else
		this.SPM_coreDisplayTiddler.apply(this,arguments); // let CORE render tiddler
	var tiddlerElem=story.getTiddler(title);
	if (tiddlerElem&&opt.chkSinglePageAutoScroll) {
		// scroll to top of page or top of tiddler
		var isTopTiddler=(tiddlerElem.previousSibling==null);
		var yPos=isTopTiddler?0:ensureVisible(tiddlerElem);
		// if animating, defer scroll until after animation completes
		var delay=opt.chkAnimate?config.animDuration+10:0;

if (Story.prototype.SPM_coreDisplayTiddlers==undefined)
Story.prototype.displayTiddlers = function() {
	// suspend single/top/bottom modes when showing multiple tiddlers
	var opt=config.options;
	var saveSPM=opt.chkSinglePageMode; opt.chkSinglePageMode=false;
	var saveTPM=opt.chkTopOfPageMode; opt.chkTopOfPageMode=false;
	var saveBPM=opt.chkBottomOfPageMode; opt.chkBottomOfPageMode=false;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Documentation for SinglePageModePlugin|
Normally, as you click on the links in TiddlyWiki, more and more tiddlers are displayed on the page. The order of this tiddler display depends upon when and where you have clicked. Some people like this non-linear method of reading the document, while others have reported that when many tiddlers have been opened, it can get somewhat confusing.  SinglePageModePlugin allows you to configure TiddlyWiki to navigate more like a traditional multipage web site with only one item displayed at a time.
When the plugin is enabled, only one tiddler will be displayed at a time and the browser window's titlebar is updated to include the current tiddler title.  The browser's location URL is also updated with a 'permalink' for the current tiddler so that it is easier to create a browser 'bookmark' for the current tiddler.  Alternatively, even when displaying multiple tiddlers //is// permitted, you can still reduce the potential for confusion by forcing  tiddlers to always open at the top (or bottom) of the page instead of being displayed following the tiddler containing the link that was clicked.
<<option chkSinglePageMode>> Display one tiddler at a time
><<option chkSinglePagePermalink>> Automatically permalink current tiddler
><<option chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are folded
><<option chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are being edited
<<option chkTopOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the top of the page
<<option chkBottomOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the bottom of the page
<<option chkSinglePageAutoScroll>> Automatically scroll tiddler into view (if needed)

* {{block{
The "display one tiddler at a time" option can also be //temporarily// set/reset by including a 'paramifier' in the document URL: {{{#SPM:true}}} or {{{#SPM:false}}}. You can also use {{{SPM:expression}}}, where 'expression' is any javascript statement that evaluates to true or false.  This allows you to create hard-coded links in other documents that can selectively enable/disable the use of this option based on various programmatic conditions, such as the current username. For example, using
enables 'one tiddler at a time' display for all users //other than// "~SomeName")}}}
* If more than one display mode is selected, 'one at a time' display takes precedence over both 'top' and 'bottom' settings, and if 'one at a time' setting is not used, 'top of page' takes precedence over 'bottom of page'.
* When using Apple's Safari browser, automatically setting the permalink causes an error and is disabled.
2008.10.17 2.9.6 changed chkSinglePageAutoScroll default to false
2008.06.12 2.9.5 corrected 'scroll to top of page' logic in auto-scroll handling
2008.06.11 2.9.4 added chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers option
2008.06.05 2.9.3 in displayTiddler(), bypass single/top/bottom mode handling if startingUp.  Allows multiple tiddlers to be displayed during startup processing (e.g., #story:DefaultTiddlers), even if single/top/bottom mode is enabled.
2008.04.18 2.9.2 in displayTiddler() and checkLastURL(), handling for Unicode in tiddler titles (remove explicit conversion between Unicode and UTF, as this is apparently done automatically by encode/decodeURIComponent, resulting in double-encoding!
2008.04.08 2.9.1 don't automatically add options to AdvancedOptions shadow tiddler
2008.04.02 2.9.0 in displayTiddler(), when single-page mode is in use and a tiddler is being edited, ask for permission to save-and-close that tiddler, instead of just leaving it open.
2008.03.29 2.8.3 in displayTiddler(), get title from tiddler object (if needed).  Fixes errors caused when calling function passes a tiddler *object* instead of a tiddler *title*
2008.03.14 2.8.2 in displayTiddler(), if editing specified tiddler, just move it to top/bottom of story *without* re-rendering (prevents discard of partial edits).
2008.03.06 2.8.1 in paramifier handler, start 'checkURL' timer if chkSinglePageMode is enabled
2008.03.06 2.8.0 added option, {{{config.options.chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers}}}, so folded tiddlers won't be closed when using single-page mode.  Also, in checkURL(), if hash is a ''permaview'' (e.g., "#foo bar baz"), then display multiple tiddlers rather than attempting to display "foo bar baz" as a single tiddler
2008.03.05 2.7.0 added support for "SPM:" URL paramifier
2008.03.01 2.6.0 in hijack of displayTiddler(), added 'title' argument to closeAllTiddlers() so that target tiddler isn't closed-and-reopened if it was already displayed.  Also, added config.options.chkSinglePageAutoScrolloption to bypass automatic 'scroll into view' logic (note: core still does it's own ensureVisible() handling)
2007.12.22 2.5.3 in checkLastURL(), use decodeURIComponent() instead of decodeURI so that tiddler titles with commas (and/or other punctuation) are correctly handled.
2007.10.26 2.5.2 documentation cleanup
2007.10.08 2.5.1 in displayTiddler(), when using single-page or top-of-page mode, scrollTo(0,0) to ensure that page header is in view.
2007.09.13 2.5.0 for TPM/BPM modes, don't force tiddler to redisplay if already shown.  Allows transition between view/edit or collapsed/view templates, without repositioning displayed tiddler.
2007.09.12 2.4.0 added option to disable automatic permalink feature.  Also, Safari is now excluded from permalinking action to avoid bug where tiddlers don't display after hash is updated.
2007.03.03 2.3.1 fix typo when adding BPM option to AdvancedOptions (prevented checkbox from appearing)
2007.03.03 2.3.0 added support for BottomOfPageMode (BPM) based on request from DaveGarbutt
2007.02.06 2.2.3 in Story.prototype.displayTiddler(), use convertUnicodeToUTF8() for correct I18N string handling when creating URL hash string from tiddler title (based on bug report from BidiX)
2007.01.08 2.2.2 use apply() to invoke hijacked core functions
2006.07.04 2.2.1 in hijack for displayTiddlers(), suspend TPM as well as SPM so that DefaultTiddlers displays in the correct order.
2006.06.01 2.2.0 added chkTopOfPageMode (TPM) handling
2006.02.04 2.1.1 moved global variable declarations to config.* to avoid FireFox crash bug when assigning to globals
2005.12.27 2.1.0 hijack displayTiddlers() so that SPM can be suspended during startup while displaying the DefaultTiddlers (or #hash list).  Also, corrected initialization for undefined SPM flag to "false", so default behavior is to display multiple tiddlers
2005.12.27 2.0.0 Update for TW2.0
2005.11.24 1.1.2 When the back and forward buttons are used, the page now changes to match the URL.  Based on code added by Clint Checketts
2005.10.14 1.1.1 permalink creation now calls encodeTiddlyLink() to handle tiddler titles with spaces in them
2005.10.14 1.1.0 added automatic setting of window title and location bar ('auto-permalink').  feature suggestion by David Dickens.
2005.10.09 1.0.1 combined documentation and code in a single tiddler
2005.08.15 1.0.0 Initial Release

[img[]] starkakrats
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/* Mind Map */
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.mindMap {
height: 300px;
margin: 16px 448px 0px 72px;
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/* Image padding */
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.viewer img { padding:0em 0.5em 0em 0.5em; }
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/* Image formatting for float */
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/* Site titles */
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.siteTitle { 
 font-family: script;
 font-size: 3.0em;
 font-weight: bold;

.siteSubtitle { 
 font-family: script;
 font-size: 1.5em;
 font-weight: bold;
 padding-left: 1.0em;
/* -------------------------- */

/* -------------------------- */
/* Tiddler options*/
/* -------------------------- */
.tiddler .subtitle { display:none; } 
/* -------------------------- */
/* -------------------------- */
/* Font selection */
/* -------------------------- */
body {
 font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", freesans, clean, sans-serif;
 font-size: 1.0em;
/* -------------------------- */

/* This was the original border around the tab section at top   */
#tiddlersBar {
	margin: 0.5em;
        border: 1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]] solid;

/* Undo the xxx to have an underline / border underneath TopMenu or the tab section
#tiddlersBar {
	margin: 0.5em;
           border-bottom: 1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]] solid;
           border-top:    1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]] solid;

/* line-height controls the second row of tabs at top. Not noticeable until after 21px;   */
#tiddlersBar .tab { 
     white-space: nowrap;  
     padding: .2em; 
     border: 1px [[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]] solid;  
     line-height: 30px;

#tiddlersBar {padding : .5em}
.tabUnselected .tabButton, .tabSelected .tabButton {padding : 0 2px 0 2px; margin: 0 0 0 0px;}
.tiddler, .tabContents {border:0px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]] solid;}
.tabUnselected { background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.tabSelected   { background-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]];}

 #tiddlersBar .button 
    padding-right: 5px;
    padding-left: 5px;

txt_GATracker_id: %20
txt_GATracker_track: 0%2C0%2C1%2C1%2C1%2C0%2C0
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Original Author|Clint Checketts|
|Description|present a 'cloud' of tags (or links) using proportional font display|
<<cloud type action:... limit:... tag tag tag ...>>
<<cloud type action:... limit:... +TiddlerName>>
<<cloud type action:... limit:... -TiddlerName>>
<<cloud type action:... limit:... =tagvalue>>
* //type// is a keyword, one of:
** ''tags'' (default) - displays a cloud of tags, based on frequency of use
** ''links'' - displays a cloud of tiddlers, based on number of links //from// each tiddler
** ''references'' - displays a cloud of tiddlers, based on number of links //to// each tiddler
* ''action:popup'' (default) - clicking a cloud item shows a popup with links to related tiddlers<br>//or//<br> ''action:goto'' - clicking a cloud item immediately opens the tiddler corresponding to that item
* ''limit:N'' (optional) - restricts the cloud display to only show the N most popular tags/links
* ''tag tag tag...'' (or ''title title title'' if ''links''/''references'' is used)<br>shows all tags/links in the document //except// for those listed as macro parameters
* ''+TiddlerName''<br>show only tags/links read from a space-separated, bracketed list stored in a separate tiddler.
* ''-TiddlerName''<br>show all tags/links //except// those read from a space-separated, bracketed list stored in a separate tiddler.
* ''=tagvalue'' (//only if type=''tags''//)<br>shows only tags that are themselves tagged with the indicated tag value (i.e., ~TagglyTagging usage)
//note: for backward-compatibility, you can also use the macro {{{<<tagCloud ...>>}}} in place of {{{<<cloud ...>>}}}//
//all tags excluding<<tag systemConfig>>, <<tag excludeMissing>> and <<tag script>>//
{{{<<cloud systemConfig excludeMissing script>>}}}
{{groupbox{<<cloud systemConfig excludeMissing script>>}}}
//top 10 tags excluding<<tag systemConfig>>, <<tag excludeMissing>> and <<tag script>>//
{{{<<cloud limit:10 systemConfig excludeMissing script>>}}}
{{groupbox{<<cloud limit:10 systemConfig excludeMissing script>>}}}
//tags listed in// [[FavoriteTags]]
{{{<<cloud +FavoriteTags>>}}}
{{groupbox{<<cloud +FavoriteTags>>}}}
//tags NOT listed in// [[FavoriteTags]]
{{{<<cloud -FavoriteTags>>}}}
{{groupbox{<<cloud -FavoriteTags>>}}}
//links to tiddlers tagged with 'package'//
{{{<<cloud action:goto =package>>}}}
{{groupbox{<<cloud action:goto =package>>}}}
//top 20 most referenced tiddlers//
{{{<<cloud references limit:20>>}}}
{{groupbox{<<cloud references limit:20>>}}}
//top 20 tiddlers that contain the most links//
{{{<<cloud links limit:20>>}}}
{{groupbox{<<cloud links limit:20>>}}}
2009.07.17 [1.7.0] added {{{-TiddlerName}}} parameter to exclude tags that are listed in the indicated tiddler
2009.02.26 [1.6.0] added {{{action:...}}} parameter to apply popup vs. goto action when clicking cloud items
2009.02.05 [1.5.0] added ability to show links or back-links (references) instead of tags and renamed macro to {{{<<cloud>>}}} to reflect more generalized usage.
2008.12.16 [1.4.2] corrected group calculation to prevent 'group=0' error
2008.12.16 [1.4.1] revised tag filtering so excluded tags don't affect calculations
2008.12.15 [1.4.0] added {{{limit:...}}} parameter to restrict the number of tags displayed to the top N most popular
2008.11.15 [1.3.0] added {{{+TiddlerName}}} parameter to include only tags that are listed in the indicated tiddler
2008.09.05 [1.2.0] added '=tagname' parameter to include only tags that are themselves tagged with the specified value (i.e., ~TagglyTagging usage)
2008.07.03 [1.1.0] added 'segments' property to macro object.  Extensive code cleanup
version.extensions.TagCloudPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 7 , revision: 0, date: new Date(2009,7,17)};
//Originally created by Clint Checketts, contributions by Jonny Leroy and Eric Shulman
//Currently maintained and enhanced by Eric Shulman
//{{{ = {
	tagstip: "%1 tiddlers tagged with '%0'",
	refslabel: " (%0 references)",
	refstip: "%1 tiddlers have links to '%0'",
	linkslabel: " (%0 links)",
	linkstip: "'%0' has links to %1 other tiddlers",
	groups: 9,
	init: function() {; // for backward-compatibility
			+'.tagCloud span {line-height: 3.5em; margin:3px;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud1{font-size: 80%;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud2{font-size: 100%;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud3{font-size: 120%;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud4{font-size: 140%;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud5{font-size: 160%;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud6{font-size: 180%;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud7{font-size: 200%;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud8{font-size: 220%;}\n'
			+'.tagCloud9{font-size: 240%;}\n'
	getLinks: function(tiddler) { // get list of links to existing tiddlers and shadows
		if (!tiddler.linksUpdated) tiddler.changed();
		var list=[]; for (var i=0; i<tiddler.links.length; i++) {
			var title=tiddler.links[i];
			if (store.isShadowTiddler(title)||store.tiddlerExists(title))
		return list;
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		// unpack params
		var inc=[]; var ex=[]; var limit=0; var action='popup';
		var links=(params[0]&&params[0].toLowerCase()=='links'); if (links) params.shift();
		var refs=(params[0]&&params[0].toLowerCase()=='references'); if (refs) params.shift();
		if (params[0]&&params[0].substr(0,7).toLowerCase()=='action:')
		if (params[0]&&params[0].substr(0,6).toLowerCase()=='limit:')
		while (params.length) {
			if (params[0].substr(0,1)=='+') { // read taglist from tiddler
			} else if (params[0].substr(0,1)=='-') { // exclude taglist from tiddler
			} else if (params[0].substr(0,1)=='=') { // get tag list using tagged tags
				var tagged=store.getTaggedTiddlers(params[0].substr(1));
				for (var t=0; t<tagged.length; t++) inc.push(tagged[t].title);
			} else ex.push(params[0]); // exclude params
		// get all items, include/exclude specific items
		var items=[];
		var list=(links||refs)?store.getTiddlers('title','excludeLists'):store.getTags();
		for (var t=0; t<list.length; t++) {
			var title=(links||refs)?list[t].title:list[t][0];
			if (links)	var count=this.getLinks(list[t]).length;
			else if (refs)	var count=store.getReferringTiddlers(title).length;
			else 		var count=list[t][1];
			if ((!inc.length||inc.contains(title))&&(!ex.length||!ex.contains(title)))
				items.push({ title:title, count:count });
		if(!items.length) return;
		// sort by decending count, limit results (optional)
		while (limit && items.length>limit) items.pop();
		// find min/max and group size
		var most=items[0].count;
		var least=items[items.length-1].count;
		var groupSize=(most-least+1)/this.groups;
		// sort by title and draw the cloud of items
		var cloudWrapper = createTiddlyElement(place,'div',null,'tagCloud',null);
		for (var t=0; t<items.length; t++) {
			cloudWrapper.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
			var group=Math.ceil((items[t].count-least)/groupSize)||1;
			var className='tagCloudtag tagCloud'+group;
			var tip=refs?this.refstip:links?this.linkstip:this.tagstip;
			if (action=='goto') { // TAG/LINK/REFERENCES GOTO
				var btn=createTiddlyLink(cloudWrapper,items[t].title,true,className);
			} else if (!links&&!refs) { // TAG POPUP
				var btn=createTiddlyButton(cloudWrapper,items[t].title,tip,onClickTag,className);
				var btn=createTiddlyButton(cloudWrapper,items[t].title,tip,
					function(ev) { var e=ev||window.event; var;
						var popup = Popup.create(this);
						var title = this.getAttribute('tiddler');
						var count = this.getAttribute('count');
						var refs  = this.getAttribute('refs')=='T';
						var links = this.getAttribute('links')=='T';
						var label = (refs?cmt.refslabel:cmt.linkslabel).format([count]);
						if (refs) {
						if (links) {
							var tiddler = store.fetchTiddler(title);
							for(var i=0;i<links.length;i++)
						e.cancelBubble=true; if(e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
						return false;
					}, className);
|''Name:''         |ThostUploadPlugin |
|''Description:''  |Support saving to |
|''Version:''      |1.0.0 |
|''Date:''         |March 06, 2021 |
|''Source:''       | |
|''Author:''       |BidiX, Simon Baird |
|''License:''      |BSD open source license |
|''~CoreVersion:'' |2.9.2 |

version.extensions.ThostUploadPlugin = {
  major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0,
  date: new Date("Mar 06, 2021"),
  source: '',
  author: 'BidiX, Simon Baird',
  coreVersion: '2.9.2'

// Environment

if (!window.bidix) window.bidix = {};
bidix.debugMode = false;

// Upload Macro

config.macros.thostUpload = {
  handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
    createTiddlyButton(place, "save to tiddlyhost",
      "save this TiddlyWiki to a site on",
      this.action, null, null, this.accessKey);

  action: function(params) {
    var siteName = config.options.txtThostSiteName.trim();
    if (!siteName) {
      alert("Tiddlyhost site name is missing!");
    else {
      bidix.thostUpload.uploadChanges('https://' + siteName + '');
    return false;

// Upload functions

if (!bidix.thostUpload) bidix.thostUpload = {};

if (!bidix.thostUpload.messages) bidix.thostUpload.messages = {
  invalidFileError: "The original file '%0' does not appear to be a valid TiddlyWiki",
  mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded",
  mainFailed: "Failed to upload main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
  loadOriginalHttpPostError: "Can't get original file",
  aboutToSaveOnHttpPost: 'About to upload on %0 ...',
  storePhpNotFound: "The store script '%0' was not found."

bidix.thostUpload.uploadChanges = function(storeUrl) {
  var callback = function(status, uploadParams, original, url, xhr) {
    if (!status) {
    if (bidix.debugMode) {

    var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
    if ((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {

    bidix.thostUpload.uploadMain(uploadParams, original, posDiv);


  // get original
  var uploadParams = [storeUrl];
  var originalPath = document.location.toString();
  var dest = 'index.html';

  if (bidix.debugMode) {
    alert("about to execute Http - GET on "+originalPath);

  var r = doHttp("GET", originalPath, null, null, null, null, callback, uploadParams, null);

  if (typeof r == "string") {

  return r;

bidix.thostUpload.uploadMain = function(uploadParams, original, posDiv) {
  var callback = function(status, params, responseText, url, xhr) {
    if (status) {
    else {

  var revised = bidix.thostUpload.updateOriginal(original, posDiv);
  bidix.thostUpload.httpUpload(uploadParams, revised, callback, uploadParams);

bidix.thostUpload.httpUpload = function(uploadParams, data, callback, params) {
  var localCallback = function(status, params, responseText, url, xhr) {
    if (xhr.status == 404) {

    var saveNotOk = responseText.charAt(0) != '0';

    if (bidix.debugMode || saveNotOk) {

    if (saveNotOk) {
      status = null;

    callback(status, params, responseText, url, xhr);

  // do httpUpload
  var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x";
  var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin";
  // compose headers data
  var sheader = "";
  sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
  sheader += uploadFormName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
  sheader += "backupDir=x" +
        ";user=x" +
        ";password=x" +
  if (bidix.debugMode) {
    sheader += ";debug=1";
  sheader += ";;\r\n";
  sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
  sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\"index.html\"\r\n";
  sheader += "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8" + "\r\n";
  sheader += "Content-Length: " + data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
  // compose trailer data
  var strailer = "";
  strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
  data = sheader + data + strailer;
  if (bidix.debugMode) {
    alert("about to execute Http - POST on " + uploadParams[0]+ "\n with \n" + data.substr(0,500) + " ... ");
  var r = doHttp("POST", uploadParams[0], data,
    "multipart/form-data; ;charset=UTF-8; boundary=" + boundary, 'x','x', localCallback, params, null);

  if (typeof r == "string") {

  return r;

// same as Saving's updateOriginal but without convertUnicodeToUTF8 calls
bidix.thostUpload.updateOriginal = function(original, posDiv) {
  if (!posDiv) {
    posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
  if ((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {

  var revised = original.substr(0, posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + "\n" +
    store.allTiddlersAsHtml() + "\n" +

  var newSiteTitle = getPageTitle().htmlEncode();
  revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " ");
  revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-HEAD","MarkupPreHead");
  revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-HEAD","MarkupPostHead");
  revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-BODY","MarkupPreBody");
  revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-SCRIPT","MarkupPostBody");
  return revised;

// Site config

bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
  if (!config.options[name]) {
    config.options[name] = value;

merge(config.optionsDesc, {
  txtThostSiteName: "Site name for uploads to",


// Tiddlyhost stuff

// So you can see edit controls via http
config.options.chkHttpReadOnly = false;
window.readOnly = false;
window.showBackstage = true;

// Add 'upload to tiddlyhost' button
with (config.shadowTiddlers) {
  SideBarOptions = SideBarOptions.replace(/(<<saveChanges>>)/,"$1<<thostUpload>>");

|Author|Lyall Pearce|
|License|[[Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|]]|
|Overrides|store.getSaver().externalizeTiddler(), store.getTiddler() and store.getTiddlerText()|
|Description|Encrypt/Decrypt Tiddlers with a Password key|

* Tag a tiddler with Encrypt(prompt)
** Consider the 'prompt' something to help you remember the password with. If multiple tiddlers can be encrypted with the same 'prompt' and you will only be asked for the password once.
* Upon save, the Tiddler will be encrypted and the tag replaced with Decrypt(prompt).
** Failure to encrypt (by not entering a password) will leave the tiddler unencrypted and will leave the Encrypt(prompt) tag in place. This means that the next time you save, you will be asked for the password again.
** To have multiple tiddlers use the same password - simply use the same 'prompt'.
** Tiddlers that are encrypted may be automatically tagged 'excludeSearch' as there is no point in searching encrypted data - this is configurable by an option - you still may want to search the titles of encrypted tiddlers
** Tiddlers that are encrypted may be automatically tagged 'excludeLists', if you have them encrypted, you may also want to keep them 'hidden' - this is configurable by an option.
** Automatic removal of excludeLists and excludeSearch tags is performed, if the above two options are set, only if these two tags are the last 2 tags for a tiddler, if they are positioned somewhere else in the tags list, they will be left in place, meaning that the decrypted tiddler will not be searchable and/or will not appear in lists.
** Encrypted tiddlers are stored as displayable hex, to keep things visibly tidy, should you display an encrypted tiddler. There is nothing worse than seeing a pile of gobbledy gook on your screen. Additionally, the encrypted data is easily cut/paste/emailed if displayed in hex form.
* Tiddlers are decrypted only if you click the decrypt button or the decryptAll button, not when you load the TiddlyWiki
** If you don't display a tiddler, you won't have the option to decrypt it (unless you use the {{{<<EncryptionDecryptAll>>}}} macro)
** Tiddlers will re-encrypt automatically on save.
** Decryption of Tiddlers does not make your TiddlyWiki 'dirty' - you will not be asked to save if you leave the page.
* Errors are reported via diagnostic messages.
** Empty passwords, on save, will result in the tiddler being saved unencrypted - this should only occur with new tiddlers, decrypted tiddlers or with tiddlers who have had their 'prompt' tag changed.
** Encrypted tiddlers know if they are decrypted successfully - failure to decrypt a tiddler will ''not'' lose your data.
** Editing of an encrypted (that has not been unencrypted) tiddler will result in loss of that tiddler as the SHA1 checksums will no longer match, upon decryption. To this end, it is best that you do not check the option. You can, however edit an encrypted tiddler tag list - just do ''not'' change the tiddler contents.
** To change the password on a Tiddler, change the Encrypt('prompt') tag to a new prompt value, after decrypting the tiddler.
** You can edit the tags of an encrypted tiddler, so long as you do not edit the text.
** To change the password for all tiddlers of a particular prompt, use the {{{<<EncryptionChangePassword ["button text" ["tooltip text" ["prompt string" ["accessKey"]]]]>>}}} macro.
** To decrypt all tiddlers of a particular "prompt string", use the {{{<<EncryptionDecryptAll ["button text" ["tooltip text" ["prompt string" ["accessKey"]]]]>>}}} macro - this will make tiddlers encrypted with "prompt string" searchable - or prompt for all 'prompt strings', if none is supplied.
Useful Buttons: 
<<EncryptionChangePassword>> - Change passwords of encrypted tiddlers.
<<EncryptionDecryptAll>> - Decrypt ALL tiddlers - enables searching contents of encrypted tiddlers.
<<option chkExcludeEncryptedFromSearch>> - If set, Encrypted Tiddlers are excluded from searching by tagging with excludeSearch. If Clear, excludeSearch is not added and it is also removed from existing Encrypted Tiddlers only if it is the last Tag. Searching of Encrypted Tiddlers is only meaningful for the Title and Tags.
<<option chkExcludeEncryptedFromLists>> - If set, Encrypted Tiddlers are excluded from lists by tagging with excludeLists. If Clear, excludeLists is not added and it is also removed from existing Encrypted Tiddlers only if it is the last Tag. Preventing encrypted tiddlers from appearing in lists effectively hides them.
<<option chkShowDecryptButtonInContent>> - If set, Encrypted Tiddlers content is replaced by <<EncryptionDecryptThis>> button. This has consequences, in the current version as, if you edit the tiddler without decrypting it, you lose the contents.
!!!!!Revision History
* 3.2.2 - added tiddler.changed() calls whenever plugin changes tiddler content as per recommendations by Udo.
* 3.2.1 - Returned the <<EncryptionDecryptThis>> button as an option.
* 3.2.0 - Ditched the 'Decrypt' button showing up in the tiddler contents if the tiddler is encrypted. It caused too much pain if you edit the tiddler without decrypting it - you lost your data as it was replaced by a Decrypt Macro call!  Additionally, a 'decrypt' button will now appear in the toolbar, just before the edit button, if the tiddler is encrypted. This button only appears if using core TiddlyWiki version 2.4 or above.
* 3.1.1 - Obscure bug whereby if an encrypted tiddler was a certain length, it would refuse to decrypt.
* 3.1.0 - When creating a new Encrypt(prompt) tiddler and you have not previously decrypted a tiddler with the same prompt, on save, you will be prompted for the password to encrypt the tiddler. Prior to encrypting, an attempt to decrypt all other tiddlers with the same prompt, is performed. If any tiddler fails to decrypt, the save is aborted - this is so you don't accidentally have 2 (or more!) passwords for the same prompt. Either you enter the correct password, change the prompt string and try re-saving or you cancel (and the tiddler is saved unencrypted).
* 3.0.1 - Allow Enter to be used for password entry, rather than having to press the OK button.
* 3.0.0 - Major revamp internally to support entry of passwords using forms such that passwords are no longer visible on entry. Completely backward compatible with old encrypted tiddlers. No more using the javascript prompt() function.
!!!!!Additional work

version.extensions.TiddlerEncryptionPlugin = {major: 3, minor: 2, revision: 2, date: new Date(2012,05,17)};

// where I cache the passwords - for want of a better place.
config.encryptionPasswords = new Array();
config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = false;

if(config.options.chkExcludeEncryptedFromSearch == undefined) config.options.chkExcludeEncryptedFromSearch = false;
if(config.options.chkExcludeEncryptedFromLists == undefined) config.options.chkExcludeEncryptedFromLists = false;
if(config.options.chkShowDecryptButtonInContent == undefined) config.options.chkShowDecryptButtonInContent = false;

config.macros.EncryptionChangePassword = {};
config.macros.EncryptionChangePassword.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    var theButton = createTiddlyButton(place,
				       (params[0] && params[0].length > 0) ? params[0] : "Change Passwords", 
				       (params[1] && params[1].length > 0) ? params[1] : "Change Passwords" + (params[2] ? " for prompt "+params[2] : ""), 
    if(params[2] && params[2].length > 0) {
	theButton.setAttribute("promptString", params[2]);

config.macros.EncryptionDecryptAll = {};
config.macros.EncryptionDecryptAll.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    var theButton = createTiddlyButton(place,
				       (params[0] && params[0].length > 0) ? params[0] : "Decrypt All", 
				       (params[1] && params[1].length > 0) ? params[1] : "Decrypt All Tiddlers" + ((params[2] && params[2].length > 0) ? " for prompt "+params[2] : " for a given 'prompt string'"), 
    if(params[2] && params[2].length > 0) {
	theButton.setAttribute("promptString", params[2]);

config.macros.EncryptionDecryptThis = {};
config.macros.EncryptionDecryptThis.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    var theButton = createTiddlyButton(place,
				       (params[0] && params[0].length > 0) ? params[0] : "Decrypt", 
				       (params[1] && params[1].length > 0) ? params[1] : "Decrypt this Tiddler", 
    if(params[2] && params[2].length > 0) {
	theButton.setAttribute("theTiddler", params[2]);
// toolbar button to decrypt tiddlers.
config.commands.decryptThis = {
  text: "decrypt",
  tooltip: "Decrypt this tiddler",
  isEnabled : function(tiddler) {
	// Only show decrypt button if tiddler is tagged as Decrypt(
	if(tiddler.tags.join().indexOf('Decrypt(') == -1)  {
	    return false;
	} else {
	    return true;
  handler: function(event, src, title) {
	return false; 
// core version 2.4 or above get a 'decrypt' button in the toolbar.
if(config.shadowTiddlers && config.shadowTiddlers.ToolbarCommands  && config.shadowTiddlers.ToolbarCommands.indexOf('decryptThis') == -1) {
    // put our toolbar button in before the edit button.
    // won't work if editTiddler is not the default item (prefixed with plus)
    config.shadowTiddlers.ToolbarCommands.replace(/\+editTiddler/,'decryptThis +editTiddler');

// Called by the EncryptionChangePassword macro/button
// Also invoked by the callback for password entry
function onClickEncryptionChangePassword(eventObject) {
    var promptString;
    if(!promptString && this.getAttribute) {
	promptString = this.getAttribute("promptString");
    // I do call this function directly
    if(!promptString && typeof(eventObject) == "string") {
	promptString = eventObject;
    if(!promptString) {
	promptString = prompt("Enter 'prompt string' to change password for:","");
    if(!promptString) {
    if(! config.encryptionPasswords[promptString]) {
	var changePasswordContext = {changePasswordPromptString: promptString,
				     callbackFunction: MyChangePasswordPromptCallback_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin};
	// Callback function will re-invoke this function

    // Decrypt ALL tiddlers for that prompt
    // Now ditch the cached password, this will force the re-request for the new password, on save.
    displayMessage("Save TiddlyWiki to set new password for '"+promptString+"'");
    config.encryptionPasswords[promptString] = null;
    // mark store as dirty so a save will be requrested.
// Called by the password entry form when the user clicks 'OK' button.
function MyChangePasswordPromptCallback_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(context) {
    config.encryptionPasswords[context.passwordPrompt] = context.password;
// Called by the EncryptionDecryptThis macro/button
function onClickEncryptionDecryptThis() {
    var theTiddler = this.getAttribute("theTiddler");
    if(!theTiddler) {

function encryptionGetAndDecryptTiddler(title) {
    config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = true;
    try {
	theTiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
	config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = false;
    } catch (e) {
	if(e == "DecryptionFailed") {
	    displayMessage("Decryption failed");
    } // catch

// called by the EncryptionDecryptAlll macro/button
// Also called by the callback after the user clicks 'OK' button on the password entry form
function onClickEncryptionDecryptAll(eventObject) {
    var promptString;
    if(!promptString && this.getAttribute) {
	promptString = this.getAttribute("promptString");
    // I do call this function directly
    if(!promptString && typeof(eventObject) == "string") {
	promptString = eventObject;
    if(!promptString) {
	promptString = "";

    // Loop through all tiddlers, looking to see if there are any Decrypt(promptString) tagged tiddlers
    // If there are, check to see if their password has been cached.
    // If not, ask for the first one that is missing, that we find
    // the call back function will store that password then invoke this function again, 
    // which will repeat the whole process. If we find all passwords have been cached
    // then we will finally do the decryptAll functionality, which will then
    // be able to decrypt all the required tiddlers, without prompting.
    // We have to do this whole rigmarole because we are using a 'form' to enter the password
    // rather than the 'prompt()' function - which shows the value of the password.
    var tagToSearchFor="Decrypt("+promptString;
    config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = true; 
    var promptGenerated = false;
    store.forEachTiddler(function(store,tiddler) {
	    // Note, there is no way to stop the forEachTiddler iterations
	    if(!promptGenerated && tiddler && tiddler.tags) {
		for(var ix=0; ix<tiddler.tags.length && !promptGenerated; ix++) {
		    if(tiddler.tags[ix].indexOf(tagToSearchFor) == 0) {
			var tag = tiddler.tags[ix];
			var lastBracket=tag.lastIndexOf(")");
			if(lastBracket >= 0) {
			    // Ok, tagged with Encrypt(passwordPrompt)
			    // extract the passwordPrompt name
			    var passwordPromptString=tag.substring(8,lastBracket);
			    if(!config.encryptionPasswords[passwordPromptString]) {
				// no password cached, prompt and cache it, rather than decryptAll
				// callback from prompting form will resume decryptAll attempt.
				var decryptAllContext = {decryptAllPromptString: promptString,
							 callbackFunction: MyDecryptAllPromptCallback_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin};
				promptGenerated = true;
			    } // if(!config.encryptionPasswords
			} // if(lastBracket
		    } // if(tiddler.tags[ix]..
		} // for
	    } // if
	}); // store.forEachTiddler
    // If we get here, all passwords have been cached.
    if(!promptGenerated) {
	config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = false;
	// Now do the decrypt all functionality
	try {
	    store.forEachTiddler(function(store,tiddler) {
		    // Note, there is no way to stop the forEachTiddler iterations
		    if(tiddler && tiddler.tags) {
			for(var ix=0; ix<tiddler.tags.length; ix++) {
			    if(tiddler.tags[ix].indexOf(tagToSearchFor) == 0) {
				try {
				} catch (e) {
				    displayMessage("Decryption of '"+tiddler.title+"' failed.");
				    // throw e;
			    } // if(tiddler.tags
			} // for
		    } // if
		}); // store.forEachTiddler
	    displayMessage("All tiddlers" + (promptString != "" ? " for '"+promptString+"'" : "") + " have been decrypted");
	} catch (e) {
	    if(e == "DecryptionFailed") {
	} // catch

function MyDecryptAllPromptCallback_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(context) {
    config.encryptionPasswords[context.passwordPrompt] = context.password;
    // restart the decryptAll process again after the user has entered a password.

saveChanges_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin = saveChanges;
saveChanges = function(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers) {
    // Loop through all tiddlers, looking to see if there are any Encrypt(string) tagged tiddlers
    // If there are, check to see if their password has been cached.
    // If not, ask for the first one that is missing, that we find
    // the call back function will store that password then invoke this function again, 
    // which will repeat the whole process. If we find all passwords have been cached
    // then we will finally call the original saveChanges() function, which will then
    // be able to save the tiddlers.
    // We have to do this whole rigmarole because we are using a 'form' to enter the password
    // rather than the 'prompt()' function - which shows the value of the password.
    config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = true; 
    var promptGenerated = false;
    store.forEachTiddler(function(store,tiddler) {
	    if(!promptGenerated && tiddler && tiddler.tags) {
		for(var ix=0; ix<tiddler.tags.length && !promptGenerated; ix++) {
		    if(tiddler.tags[ix].indexOf("Encrypt(") == 0) {
			var tag = tiddler.tags[ix];
			var lastBracket=tag.lastIndexOf(")");
			if(lastBracket >= 0) {
			    // Ok, tagged with Encrypt(passwordPrompt)
			    // extract the passwordPrompt name
			    var passwordPrompt=tag.substring(8,lastBracket);
			    if(!config.encryptionPasswords[passwordPrompt]) {
				// no password cached, prompt and cache it, rather than save
				var saveContext = {onlyIfDirty: onlyIfDirty, 
						   tiddlers: tiddlers, 
				                   callbackFunction: MySavePromptCallback_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin};
				promptGenerated = true;
			    } // if(!config.encryptionPasswords
			} // if(lastBracket
		    } // if(tiddler.tags[ix]..
		} // for
	    } // if
	}); // store.forEachTiddler
    // If we get here, all passwords have been cached.
    if(!promptGenerated) {
	config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = false;

function MySavePromptCallback_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(context) {
    config.encryptionPasswords[context.passwordPrompt] = context.password;
    // validate the password entered by attempting to decrypt all tiddlers
    // with the same encryption prompt string.

    // restart the save process again
    saveChanges(context.onlyIfDirty, context.tiddlers);

store.getSaver().externalizeTiddler_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin = store.getSaver().externalizeTiddler;
store.getSaver().externalizeTiddler = function(store, tiddler) {
    // Ok, got the tiddler, track down the passwordPrompt in the tags.
    // track down the Encrypt(passwordPrompt) tag
    if(tiddler && tiddler.tags) {
	for(var g=0; g<tiddler.tags.length; g++) {
	    var tag = tiddler.tags[g];
	    if(tag.indexOf("Encrypt(") == 0) {
		var lastBracket=tag.lastIndexOf(")");
		if(lastBracket >= 0) {
		    // Ok, tagged with Encrypt(passwordPrompt)
		    // extract the passwordPrompt name
		    var passwordPrompt=tag.substring(8,lastBracket);
		    // Ok, Encrypt this tiddler!
		    var decryptedSHA1 = Crypto.hexSha1Str(tiddler.text);
		    var password =  GetAndSetPasswordForPrompt_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(passwordPrompt);
		    if(password) {
			var encryptedText = TEAencrypt(tiddler.text, password);
			encryptedText = StringToHext_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(encryptedText);
			tiddler.text = "Encrypted("+decryptedSHA1+")\n"+encryptedText;
			// Replace the Tag with the Decrypt() tag
			// prevent searches on encrypted tiddlers, still nice to search on title though.
			if(config.options.chkExcludeEncryptedFromSearch == true) {
			// prevent lists of encrypted tiddlers
			if(config.options.chkExcludeEncryptedFromLists == true) {
			// let the store know it's dirty
			store.setDirty(tiddler.title, true);
		    } else {
			// do not encrypt - no password entered
		} // if (lastBracket...
	    } // if(tag.indexOf(...
	} // for(var g=0;...
    } // if(tiddler.tags...
    // Then, finally, do the save by calling the function we override.

    return store.getSaver().externalizeTiddler_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(store, tiddler);

function CheckTiddlerForDecryption_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(tiddler) {
    if(tiddler && tiddler.tags) {
	for(var g=0; g<tiddler.tags.length; g++) {
	    var tag = tiddler.tags[g];
	    if(tag.indexOf("Decrypt(") == 0) {
		var lastBracket=tag.lastIndexOf(")");
		if(lastBracket >= 0) {
		    if(tiddler.text.substr(0,10) == "Encrypted(") {
			var closingSHA1Bracket = tiddler.text.indexOf(")");
			var decryptedSHA1 = tiddler.text.substring(10, closingSHA1Bracket);
			// Ok, tagged with Decrypt(passwordPrompt)
			// extract the passwordPrompt name
			var passwordPrompt=tag.substring(8,lastBracket);
			// Ok, Decrypt this tiddler!
			var decryptedText = tiddler.text.substr(closingSHA1Bracket+2);
			decryptedText = HexToString_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(decryptedText);
                        // prompt("Decryption request for Tiddler '"+tiddler.title+"'");
			var password = GetAndSetPasswordForPromptToDecrypt_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(passwordPrompt);
			if(password) {
			    decryptedText = TEAdecrypt(decryptedText, password );
			    var thisDecryptedSHA1 = Crypto.hexSha1Str(decryptedText);
			    if(decryptedSHA1 == thisDecryptedSHA1) {
				tiddler.text = decryptedText;
				// Replace the Tag with the Encrypt() tag
				if(tiddler.tags[tiddler.tags.length-1] == 'excludeLists') {
				    // Remove exclude lists only if it's the last entry
				    // as it's automatically put there by encryption
				if(tiddler.tags[tiddler.tags.length-1] == 'excludeSearch') {
				    // Remove exclude search only if it's the last entry
				    // as it's automatically put there by encryption
			    } else {
				// Did not decrypt, discard the password from the cache
				config.encryptionPasswords[passwordPrompt] = null;
				config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = false;
				throw "DecryptionFailed";
			} else {
			    // no password supplied, dont bother trying to decrypt
			    config.encryptionReEnterPasswords = false;
			    throw "DecryptionFailed";
		    } else {
			// Tagged as encrypted but not expected format, just leave it unchanged
		    break; // out of for loop
		} // if (lastBracket...
	    } // if(tag.indexOf(...
	} // for(var g=0;...
    } // if (tiddler && tags)
    return tiddler;

store.getTiddler_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin = store.getTiddler;
store.getTiddler = function(title) {
    var tiddler = store.getTiddler_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(title);
    if(tiddler) { // shadow tiddlers are not expected to be encrypted.
	try {
	    return CheckTiddlerForDecryption_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(tiddler);
	} catch (e) {
	    if (config.options.chkShowDecryptButtonInContent == true) {
		if(e == "DecryptionFailed") {
		    var tiddler = store.getTiddler("DecryptionFailed");
		    if(!tiddler) {
			tiddler = new Tiddler();
				    "<<EncryptionDecryptThis \"Decrypt\" \"Decrypt this tiddler\" \""+title+"\">>",
		    return tiddler;
		} // if(e)
	} // catch
    } // if(tiddler) {
    return null;

store.getTiddlerText_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin = store.getTiddlerText;
store.getTiddlerText = function(title,defaultText) {
    // Simply retrieve the tiddler, normally, if it requires decryption, it will be decrypted
    var decryptedTiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
    if(decryptedTiddler) {
	return decryptedTiddler.text;
    //Ok, rather than duplicate all the core code, the above code should fail if we reach here
    // let the core code take over.
    return  store.getTiddlerText_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(title,defaultText);

// Given a prompt, search our cache to see if we have already entered the password.
// Can return null if the user enters nothing.
function MyPrompt_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(promptString,defaultValue,context) {
    if(!context) {
	context = {};
    context.passwordPrompt = promptString;
    PasswordPrompt.prompt(MyPromptCallback_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin, context);

function MyPromptCallback_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(context) {
    if(context.callbackFunction) {
    } else {
	config.encryptionPasswords[context.passwordPrompt] = context.password;

function GetAndSetPasswordForPrompt_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(promptString) {
    if(!config.encryptionPasswords[promptString]) {
	config.encryptionPasswords[promptString] = MyPrompt_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(promptString, "");
    return config.encryptionPasswords[promptString]; // may be null, prompt can be cancelled.

function GetAndSetPasswordForPromptToDecrypt_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(promptString) {
    if(config.encryptionReEnterPasswords) {
	return GetAndSetPasswordForPrompt_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(promptString);
    } else {
	return config.encryptionPasswords[promptString];

// Make the encrypted tiddlies look a little more presentable.
function StringToHext_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(theString) {
    var theResult = "";
    for(var i=0; i<theString.length; i++) {
	var theHex = theString.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
	if(theHex.length<2) {
	    theResult += "0"+theHex;
	} else {
	    theResult += theHex;
	if(i && i % 32 == 0)
	    theResult += "\n";
    return theResult;

function HexToString_TiddlerEncryptionPlugin(theString) {
    var theResult = "";
    for(var i=0; i<theString.length; i+=2) {
	if(theString.charAt(i) == "\n") {
	    i--;	// cause us to skip over the newline and resume
	theResult += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(theString.substr(i, 2),16));
    return theResult;
// Heavily leveraged from  Revision 5635
PasswordPrompt ={
  prompt : function(callback,context){
	if (!context) {
	    context = {};
	var box = createTiddlyElement(document.getElementById("contentWrapper"),'div','passwordPromptBox');
	box.innerHTML = store.getTiddlerText('PasswordPromptTemplate'); = 'absolute';;
	document.getElementById('promptDisplayField').value = context.passwordPrompt;
	var passwordInputField = document.getElementById('passwordInputField');
	passwordInputField.onkeyup = function(ev) {
	    var e = ev || window.event;
	    if(e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13) { // Enter
		PasswordPrompt.submit(callback, context);
	document.getElementById('passwordPromptSubmitBtn').onclick = function(){PasswordPrompt.submit(callback,context);};
	document.getElementById('passwordPromptCancelBtn').onclick = function(){PasswordPrompt.cancel(callback,context);};
  center : function(el){
	var size = this.getsize(el); = (Math.round(findWindowWidth()/2) - (size.width /2) + findScrollX())+'px'; = (Math.round(findWindowHeight()/2) - (size.height /2) + findScrollY())+'px';
  getsize : function (el){
	var x = {};
	x.width = el.offsetWidth ||;
	x.height = el.offsetHeight ||;
	return x;
  submit : function(cb,context){
	context.passwordPrompt = document.getElementById('promptDisplayField').value;
	context.password = document.getElementById('passwordInputField').value;
	var box = document.getElementById('passwordPromptBox');
	return false;

  cancel : function(cb,context){
	var box = document.getElementById('passwordPromptBox');
	return false;
  setStyles : function(){
	    "#passwordPromptBox dd.submit {margin-left:0; font-weight: bold; margin-top:1em;}\n"+
	    "#passwordPromptBox dd.submit .button {padding:0.5em 1em; border:1px solid #ccc;}\n"+
	    "#passwordPromptBox dt.heading {margin-bottom:0.5em; font-size:1.2em;}\n"+
	    "#passwordPromptBox {border:1px solid #ccc;background-color: #eee;padding:1em 2em;}",'passwordPromptStyles');
  template : '<form action="" onsubmit="return false;" id="passwordPromptForm">\n'+
  '    <dl>\n'+
  '        <dt class="heading">Please enter the password:</dt>\n'+
  '        <dt>Prompt:</dt>\n'+
  '        <dd><input type="text" readonly id="promptDisplayField" class="display"/></dd>\n'+
  '        <dt>Password:</dt>\n'+
  '        <dd><input type="password" tabindex="1" class="input" id="passwordInputField"/></dd>\n'+
  '        <dd class="submit">\n'+
  '            <a tabindex="2" href="javascript:;" class="button" id="passwordPromptSubmitBtn">OK</a>\n'+
  '            <a tabindex="3" href="javascript:;" class="button" id="passwordPromptCancelBtn">Cancel</a>\n'+
  '        </dd>\n'+
  '    </dl>\n'+
  init : function(){
	config.shadowTiddlers.PasswordPromptTemplate = this.template;

// TEAencrypt: Use Corrected Block TEA to encrypt plaintext using password
//             (note plaintext & password must be strings not string objects)
// Return encrypted text as string
function TEAencrypt(plaintext, password)
    if (plaintext.length == 0) return('');  // nothing to encrypt
    // 'escape' plaintext so chars outside ISO-8859-1 work in single-byte packing, but keep
    // spaces as spaces (not '%20') so encrypted text doesn't grow too long (quick & dirty)
    var asciitext = escape(plaintext).replace(/%20/g,' ');
    var v = strToLongs(asciitext);  // convert string to array of longs
    if (v.length <= 1) v[1] = 0;  // algorithm doesn't work for n<2 so fudge by adding a null
    var k = strToLongs(password.slice(0,16));  // simply convert first 16 chars of password as key
    var n = v.length;

    var z = v[n-1], y = v[0], delta = 0x9E3779B9;
    var mx, e, q = Math.floor(6 + 52/n), sum = 0;

    while (q-- > 0) {  // 6 + 52/n operations gives between 6 & 32 mixes on each word
        sum += delta;
        e = sum>>>2 & 3;
        for (var p = 0; p < n; p++) {
            y = v[(p+1)%n];
            mx = (z>>>5 ^ y<<2) + (y>>>3 ^ z<<4) ^ (sum^y) + (k[p&3 ^ e] ^ z);
            z = v[p] += mx;

    var ciphertext = longsToStr(v);

    return escCtrlCh(ciphertext);

// TEAdecrypt: Use Corrected Block TEA to decrypt ciphertext using password
function TEAdecrypt(ciphertext, password)
    if (ciphertext.length == 0) return('');
    var v = strToLongs(unescCtrlCh(ciphertext));
    var k = strToLongs(password.slice(0,16)); 
    var n = v.length;

    var z = v[n-1], y = v[0], delta = 0x9E3779B9;
    var mx, e, q = Math.floor(6 + 52/n), sum = q*delta;

    while (sum != 0) {
        e = sum>>>2 & 3;
        for (var p = n-1; p >= 0; p--) {
            z = v[p>0 ? p-1 : n-1];
            mx = (z>>>5 ^ y<<2) + (y>>>3 ^ z<<4) ^ (sum^y) + (k[p&3 ^ e] ^ z);
            y = v[p] -= mx;
        sum -= delta;

    var plaintext = longsToStr(v);

    // strip trailing null chars resulting from filling 4-char blocks:
    plaintext = plaintext.replace(/\0+$/,'');

    return unescape(plaintext);

// supporting functions

function strToLongs(s) {  // convert string to array of longs, each containing 4 chars
    // note chars must be within ISO-8859-1 (with Unicode code-point < 256) to fit 4/long
    var l = new Array(Math.ceil(s.length/4));
    for (var i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
        // note little-endian encoding - endianness is irrelevant as long as 
        // it is the same in longsToStr() 
        l[i] = s.charCodeAt(i*4) + (s.charCodeAt(i*4+1)<<8) + 
               (s.charCodeAt(i*4+2)<<16) + (s.charCodeAt(i*4+3)<<24);
    return l;  // note running off the end of the string generates nulls since 
}              // bitwise operators treat NaN as 0

function longsToStr(l) {  // convert array of longs back to string
    var a = new Array(l.length);
    for (var i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
        a[i] = String.fromCharCode(l[i] & 0xFF, l[i]>>>8 & 0xFF, 
                                   l[i]>>>16 & 0xFF, l[i]>>>24 & 0xFF);
    return a.join('');  // use Array.join() rather than repeated string appends for efficiency

function escCtrlCh(str) {  // escape control chars etc which might cause problems with encrypted texts
    return str.replace(/[\0\t\n\v\f\r\xa0'"!]/g, function(c) { return '!' + c.charCodeAt(0) + '!'; });

function unescCtrlCh(str) {  // unescape potentially problematic nulls and control characters
    return str.replace(/!\d\d?\d?!/g, function(c) { return String.fromCharCode(c.slice(1,-1)); });

|Description|Tiddler Table of Contents generator|
|Author|Julien Coloos|
|License|[img[CC BY-SA 3.0|][]]|

This plugin adds the {{{TiddlerToC}}} macro to generate a ~ToC inside a tiddler.
The generated ~ToC entries list the visible headings found in the tidder, each entry being preceded by a number representing its level and index (e.g.: //1.2.1//). Those numbers link to the corresponding heading.
Found headings are also altered to display a link back to the ~ToC.

The ~ToC does not reference tiddlers embedded using the {{{tiddler}}}, {{{slider}}} or {{{tabs}}} macro.

The ~ToC is either generated at a given target, or at the beginning of the place it was dropped in. If there are less headings than a given minimum (default being 2), the ~ToC is not displayed.
The ~ToC title can be clicked to hide/display the ~ToC content.

The {{{TiddlerToC}}} macro searches for the HTML headings ({{{h1}}} to {{{h6}}} tags) in the place where it is inserted. Each heading is then converted to a ~ToC entry, preserving inner text format.
The macro thus has to be inserted at the end of the tiddler: content has been generated and the ~ToC can be populated.

The {{{TiddlerToC}}} macro is intended to be inserted at the end of a tiddler.

By default the ~ToC is generated at the beginning of the place the macro was inserted in.
However a target can be used: if the place contains an element which class is {{{tw_ttoc}}}, this element will be replaced by the ~ToC.
Such an element can be generated by dropping one of the following inside the tiddler:
* using a ~TiddlyWiki macro
* inserting an explicit HTML tag; the advantage here is that attributes can be specified
<html><div class="tw_ttoc" min-entries="3"/></html>

The macro and/or target element can also be used in [[ViewTemplate]] to be applied to all tiddlers:
<!-- Wikified tiddler content -->
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'>
	<!-- Insert ToC right before tiddler content -->
	<div class='tw_ttoc'></div>
<!-- ToC generator, to use at the end of the tiddler -->
<div macro='TiddlerToC min-entries:3'></div>

The following parameters are available:
* {{{min-entries}}} (optional)
** minimum number of entries needed to display the ~ToC
** can be specified as macro parameter, and can be overridden in the target tag (needs explicit HTML tag; see before)
** default value is {{{2}}}

Without target:
Tiddler content.

<<TiddlerToC min-entries:3>>

With a target:
Beginning of the tiddler.

Where to generate the ToC:
Or, with a minimum number of entries specified:
<html><div class="tw_ttoc" min-entries="3"/></html>

Tiddler continues ...

<<TiddlerToC min-entries:3>>

~ToC content uses some classes which style can be overriden using CSS. Those classes are:
* {{{tw_ttoc}}}: ~ToC
* {{{tw_ttoc_title}}}: title ({{{Table of Contents}}})
* {{{tw_ttoc_level}}}: sub-level entry indentation
* {{{tw_ttoc_entry}}}: entry
* {{{tw_ttoc_id}}}: entry number
* {{{tw_ttoc_top}}}: heading link back to the ~ToC

Default style can be found in the code below, and can be overridden in the [[StyleSheet]] tiddler.

!Revision History
!!v1.1.0 (2011-06-12)
* by default, ~ToC is now displayed only if it contains more than one entry

* added a macro parameter to give the minimum number of entries needed to display the ~ToC
** the parameter can be overridden in the ~ToC target

* do not list headings that are not //displayed//

!!v1.0.1 (2011-05-29)
* if there is none, adds a {{{br}}} tag after the ~ToC

!!v1.0.0 (2011-05-28)
Initial release.

if (!config.macros.TiddlerToC) {(function($) {

version.extensions.TiddlerToCPlugin = {major: 1, minor: 1, revision: 0, date: new Date(2011, 6, 12)};

var hTag = /^h([1-6])$/i;

setStylesheet(".tw_ttoc {background-color: #F8F8F8; padding: 10px; border: 1px #CCCCCC solid;} .tw_ttoc_title {text-align:center; font-weight: bold; margin: 5px 0px 20px 0px;} .tw_ttoc_level {padding-left: 20px;} .tw_ttoc_id {margin-right: 6px;} .tw_ttoc_top {float: right; font-size: 0.5em;}", "TiddlerToCPlugin");

function cloneNodeWithEvents(node) {
	var clone = node.cloneNode(true);
	var n1 = [node].concat('*')));
	var n2 = [clone].concat('*')));

	for (var i=0 ; i<n1.length ; i++) {
		for (var j in n1[i]) {
			if (j.substr(0,2) != "on") continue;
			n2[i][j] = n1[i][j];

	return clone;

var pl = config.macros.TiddlerToC = {
handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
	var namedParams = paramString.parseParams(null, null, true), paramMinEntries = getParam(namedParams, "min-entries"), minEntries = paramMinEntries ? parseInt(paramMinEntries) : 2;

	if ($(place).hasClass("viewer") || $(place).parents(".viewer").size()) pl.generate(place, minEntries);
	else {
		/* the macro is not used inside a tiddler content but probably in a template */
		var t = story.findContainingTiddler(place);
		if (!t) return;
		pl.generate(t, minEntries);
getElements: function(place) {
	var els = $();

	$(place).children().each(function(i, n) {
		/* exclude embedded tiddlers */
		if ($(n).attr("tiddler") || $(n).hasClass("sliderPanel") || $(n).hasClass("tabsetWrapper")) return;
		/* include headings and ToC target */
		if (hTag.test(n.tagName) || $(n).is(".tw_ttoc")) els = els.add(n);
		/* recurse */
		els = els.add(pl.getElements(n));

	return els;
generate: function(place, minEntries) {
	var els = pl.getElements(place);

	/* get ToC target, or insert it as first element */
	var toc = els.filter(".tw_ttoc");
	if (toc.size()) {
		if (toc.size() > 1) {
			/* More than one target; happens when using ViewTemplate while
			 * tiddler already contains a ToC target. In any case, it is best
			 * to keep the last one and remove others.
			toc = toc.last();
		/* check the ToC was not already generated */
		if (toc[0].toc && toc[0].toc.generated) return;
		/* check if the minimum number of entries is overridden */
		if (toc.attr("min-entries")) minEntries = parseInt(toc.attr("min-entries"));
		/* rebuild target tag */
		toc = toc.empty().wrapInner("<div class='tw_ttoc'/>").children("div").unwrap();
	else toc = $("<div class='tw_ttoc'/>").prependTo(place);

	var hLevelCurrent = 0, hLevel;
	var tocInner = $("<div/>"), listCurrent = tocInner[0], listId = "1";
	toc.hide().append($("<div class='tw_ttoc_title'><a href='javascript:;'>Table of Contents</a></div>"), tocInner);
	$(".tw_ttoc_title a", toc).click(function() {
		if (":visible")) tocInner.hide("fast");

	var headings = $();
	els.each(function(i, c) {
		/* check we got a visible heading */
		var match = hTag.exec(c.tagName);
		if (!match || !$(c).is(":visible")) return;
		hLevel = parseInt(match[1]);

		/* check the heading level */
		if (!hLevelCurrent) hLevelCurrent = hLevel;
		if (hLevel < hLevelCurrent) {
			/* have to go up */
			while ((hLevel <= --hLevelCurrent) && listCurrent.parentNode) {
				listCurrent = listCurrent.parentNode.parentNode;
				ids = listId.split(".");
				listId = ids.join(".");
		else if (hLevel > hLevelCurrent) {
			/* have to go down */
			while (hLevel >= ++hLevelCurrent) {
				$(listCurrent.lastChild).append(listCurrent = $("<div class='tw_ttoc_level'/>")[0]);
				ids = listId.split(".");
				listId = ids.join(".");
		/* determine this heading index */
		ids = listId.split(".");
		ids[ids.length-1] = $(listCurrent).children("div.tw_ttoc_entry").size() + 1;
		listId = ids.join(".");

		/* clone the heading content to insert it in the ToC */
		$(cloneNodeWithEvents(c)).wrapInner("<div class='tw_ttoc_entry'/>").children("div").unwrap().prepend($("<a class='tw_ttoc_id' href='javascript:;'/>").html(listId).click({target: c}, function(ev){window.scrollTo(0,findPosY(})).appendTo(listCurrent);

		headings = headings.add(c);

		hLevelCurrent = hLevel;
	toc[0].toc = {generated: true};

	if (headings.size() >= minEntries) {
		/* display ToC */
		/* Note: jQuery 'next' does not take into account text nodes */
		var sibling =[0].nextSibling;
		if (sibling && (sibling.nodeName != "BR")) toc.after("<br/>");

		/* insert a 'ToC' link in the headings */
		headings.append($("<span class='tw_ttoc_top'><a href='javascript:;' title='Go to Table of Contents'>[ToC]</a></span>")).find(".tw_ttoc_top a").click(function() {window.scrollTo(0,findPosY(toc[0]))});

|''Description:''|A bar to switch between tiddlers through tabs (like browser tabs bar).|
|''Date:''|Jan 18,2008|
|''Author:''|Pascal Collin|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|License]]|
|''Browser:''|Firefox 2.0; InternetExplorer 6.0, others|
This plugin contains some changings, at the end of the plugin marked with !!MP!!

On [[homepage|]], open several tiddlers to use the tabs bar.
#import this tiddler from [[homepage|]] (tagged as systemConfig)
#save and reload
#''if you're using a custom [[PageTemplate]]'', add {{{<div id='tiddlersBar' refresh='none' ondblclick='config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTiddlersBarAction(event)'></div>}}} before {{{<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>}}}
#optionally, adjust StyleSheetTiddlersBar
*Doubleclick on the tiddlers bar (where there is no tab) create a new tiddler.
*Tabs include a button to close {{{x}}} or save {{{!}}} their tiddler.
*By default, click on the current tab close all others tiddlers.
!Configuration options 
<<option chkDisableTabsBar>> Disable the tabs bar (to print, by example).
<<option chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab >> Automatically hide the tabs bar when only one tiddler is displayed. 
<<option txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton>> ''selected'' tab command button.
<<option txtPreviousTabKey>> previous tab access key.
<<option txtNextTabKey>> next tab access key.
config.options.chkEnableTabsBar = config.options.chkEnableTabsBar ? config.options.chkEnableTabsBar : true;
config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab  = config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab  ? config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab  : true;
config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton = config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton ? config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton : "closeOthers";
config.options.txtPreviousTabKey = config.options.txtPreviousTabKey ? config.options.txtPreviousTabKey : "";
config.options.txtNextTabKey = config.options.txtNextTabKey ? config.options.txtNextTabKey : "";
config.macros.tiddlersBar = {
	tooltip : "see ",
	tooltipClose : "click here to close this tab",
	tooltipSave : "click here to save this tab",
	promptRename : "Enter tiddler new name",
	currentTiddler : "",
	previousState : false,
	previousKey : config.options.txtPreviousTabKey,
	nextKey : config.options.txtNextTabKey,	
	tabsAnimationSource : null, //use document.getElementById("tiddlerDisplay") if you need animation on tab switching.
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var previous = null;
		if (config.macros.tiddlersBar.isShown())
				if (title==config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler){
					var d = createTiddlyElement(null,"span",null,"tab tabSelected");
					if (previous && config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousKey) previous.setAttribute("accessKey",config.macros.tiddlersBar.nextKey);
					previous = "active";
				else {
					var d = createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"tab tabUnselected");
					var btn = createTiddlyButton(d,title,config.macros.tiddlersBar.tooltip + title,config.macros.tiddlersBar.onSelectTab);
					btn.setAttribute("tiddler", title);
					if (previous=="active" && config.macros.tiddlersBar.nextKey) btn.setAttribute("accessKey",config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousKey);
				var isDirty =story.isDirty(title);
				var c = createTiddlyButton(d,isDirty ?"!":"x",isDirty?config.macros.tiddlersBar.tooltipSave:config.macros.tiddlersBar.tooltipClose, isDirty ? config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTabSave : config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTabClose,"tabButton");
				c.setAttribute("tiddler", title);
				if (place.childNodes) {
					place.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(" "),place.firstChild); // to allow break line here when many tiddlers are open
				else place.appendChild(d);
	refresh: function(place,params){
		if (config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousState!=config.macros.tiddlersBar.isShown()) {
			if (config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousState) story.forEachTiddler(function(t,e){"";});
			config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousState = !config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousState;
	isShown : function(){
		if (! config.options.chkEnableTabsBar) return false;
		if (!config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab) return true;
		var cpt=0;
		return (cpt>1);
	selectNextTab : function(){  //used when the current tab is closed (to select another tab)
		var previous="";
			if (!config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler) {
			if (title==config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler) {
				if (previous) {
				else config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler=""; 	// so next tab will be selected
			else previous=title;
	onSelectTab : function(e){
		var t = this.getAttribute("tiddler");
		if (t) story.displayTiddler(null,t);
		return false;
	onTabClose : function(e){
		var t = this.getAttribute("tiddler");
		if (t) {
			if(story.hasChanges(t) && !readOnly) {
				return false;
		return false;
	onTabSave : function(e) {
		var t = this.getAttribute("tiddler");
		if (!e) e=window.event;
		if (t) config.commands.saveTiddler.handler(e,null,t);
		return false;
	onSelectedTabButtonClick : function(event,src,title) {
		var t = this.getAttribute("tiddler");
		if (!event) event=window.event;
		if (t && config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton && config.commands[config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton])
			config.commands[config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton].handler(event, src, t);
		return false;
	onTiddlersBarAction: function(event) {
		var source = ? :; // FF uses target and IE uses srcElement;
		if (source=="tiddlersBar") story.displayTiddler(null,'New Tiddler',DEFAULT_EDIT_TEMPLATE,false,null,null);
	createActiveTabButton : function(place,title) {
		if (config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton && config.commands[config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton]) {
			var btn = createTiddlyButton(place, title, config.commands[config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton].tooltip ,config.macros.tiddlersBar.onSelectedTabButtonClick);
			btn.setAttribute("tiddler", title);

story.coreCloseTiddler = story.coreCloseTiddler? story.coreCloseTiddler : story.closeTiddler;
story.coreDisplayTiddler = story.coreDisplayTiddler ? story.coreDisplayTiddler : story.displayTiddler;

story.closeTiddler = function(title,animate,unused) {
	if (title==config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler)
	story.coreCloseTiddler(title,false,unused); //disable animation to get it closed before calling tiddlersBar.refresh
	var e=document.getElementById("tiddlersBar");
	if (e) config.macros.tiddlersBar.refresh(e,null);

story.displayTiddler = function(srcElement,tiddler,template,animate,unused,customFields,toggle){
	var title = (tiddler instanceof Tiddler)? tiddler.title : tiddler;  
	if (config.macros.tiddlersBar.isShown()) {
			if (t!=title)"none";
	var e=document.getElementById("tiddlersBar");
	if (e) config.macros.tiddlersBar.refresh(e,null);

var coreRefreshPageTemplate = coreRefreshPageTemplate ? coreRefreshPageTemplate : refreshPageTemplate;
refreshPageTemplate = function(title) {
	/*-- new --*/
	var e = document.getElementById("tiddlersBar");
	if (config.macros.tiddlersBar && e) config.macros.tiddlersBar.refresh(e);

// !!MP!! old prevents a theme, which has no div id=tiddlersBar from loading.
//old	if (config.macros.tiddlersBar && e) config.macros.tiddlersBar.refresh(document.getElementById("tiddlersBar"));

// !!MP!! removed this line because it causes a scroll to top if a popup opens.
// ensureVisible=function (e) {return 0}

config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar = "/*{{{*/\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += "#tiddlersBar .button {border:0}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += "#tiddlersBar .tab {white-space:nowrap}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += "#tiddlersBar {padding : 1em 0.5em 2px 0.5em}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += ".tabUnselected .tabButton, .tabSelected .tabButton {padding : 0 2px 0 2px; margin: 0 0 0 4px;}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += ".tiddler, .tabContents {border:1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]] solid;}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar +="/*}}}*/";
store.addNotification("StyleSheetTiddlersBar", refreshStyles);

config.refreshers.none = function(){return true;}
config.shadowTiddlers.PageTemplate=config.shadowTiddlers.PageTemplate.replace(/<div id='tiddlerDisplay'><\/div>/m,"<div id='tiddlersBar' refresh='none' ondblclick='config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTiddlersBarAction(event)'></div>\n<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>");

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Cellular Automata: Conway's "Game of Life"|
[[TiddlyLife]] is a TiddlyWiki-enabled javascript version of Conway's "Game of Life" cellular automata simulator.  It provides a "life matrix" on which to place cells, run the simulation, and observe the results.  The speed of the simulation is related to the total size of the matrix (i.e., rows X cols): the larger the matrix, the longer it takes to compute each 'generation' of cells.

You can set the number of rows and columns in the matrix, as well as the size of each cell and the color of the cells, grid, and background.  You can use the mouse to click/drag over the grid to add/delete cells (hold shift to add "walls").  The current life matrix can be saved as text in a tiddler and then reloaded later from a popup list of tiddlers tagged with<<tag tiddlyLife>>

Please see Wikipedia for an overview of [[Conway's "Game of Life"|]].
<<life	cellcolor:... gridcolor:... bgcolor:... wallcolor:...
	cellsize:... gridwidth:... delay:... limit:... stability:...
	autostart nomenu nostats noedit width:... height:... tid:...>>
where all parameters are optional (default values are shown in parentheses):
*''cellcolor:'' (//green//), ''gridcolor:'' (//#111//), ''bgcolor:'' (//black//) and ''wallcolor:'' (//gray//)<br>are CSS color names or RGB values (e.g.: "black", "blue",  "#fff", "#9af", etc.)
*''cellsize:'' (//1em//), and ''gridwidth:'' (//1px//)<br>are CSS dimensions, including units (e.g., px,em,cm,in)
*''delay:'' (//0//)<br>delay time (in msec) between simulation ticks (a larger number results in a slower simulation, but also leaves more CPU cycles available for other processes)
*''limit:'' (//10000//)<br>automatically stop stimulation after the indicated number of generations (use 0 for no limit)
*''stability:'' (//500//)<br>automatically stop simulation if population count remains stable for the indicated number of generations (use 0 for no limit)
*''autostart'' (//keyword//)<br>when present, causes the simulation to begin running as soon as the macro is rendered
*''nomenu'' (//keyword//)<br>when present, suppresses display of command menu (use with ''autostart'')
*''nostats'' (//keyword//)<br>when present, suppresses display of the current matrix statistics (generation #, population count/min/avg/max, birthrate/deathrate, average age)
*''noedit'' (//keyword//)<br>when present, prevent hand editing of cells in the matrix.  Instead, clicking on the matrix starts/stops the simulation (useful with ''nomenu'' and ''autostart'')
*''width:'' (//30//) and ''height:'' (//30//)<br>are dimensions for an empty life matrix
*''tid:'' (//no default//)<br>specifies a tiddler containing a saved life matrix definition.  note: when using a saved matrix, the width/height are determined by the stored definition and any width/height macro parameters that are present will be ignored.
"Multi-cellular organisms" can be constructed by arranging blocks in specific patterns that exhibit emergent behaviors such as movement, symmetry, oscillation and generative abilities.  Two well-known organisms that are [[discussed in the Wikipedia article|]] are ''//gliders//'' and ''//Gosper's glider gun//'':

[[GliderDance]]: many small moving organisms just missing each other!
{{{<<life cellsize:.8em tid:GliderDance>>}}}
<<life cellsize:.8em tid:GliderDance>>
[[GliderGun]]: generates a stream of gliders that hits a wall
{{{<<life cellsize:.6em tid:GliderGun>>}}}
<<life cellsize:.6em tid:GliderGun>>
... and here's an ''empty life matrix'' for you to play with:
2008.10.11 [1.6.5] added 'step' command.  Also, for performance, removed birth/death stats and don't display average age (but //do// calculate it)
2008.10.10 [1.6.0] added birthrate, deathrate, and average age to statistics
2008.10.09 [1.5.0] use //named// params.  changed matrix values: 0==empty, >0==alive, <0==wall, where value=generation # in which cell was created
2008.10.08 [1.4.0] added 'stability' and 'limit' options (replaces 'autostop' checkbox)
2008.10.08 [1.3.0] added optional 'autostart', 'nomenu' and 'nostats' macro params
2008.10.07 [1.2.1] fixed update handling so multiple timers will no longer be created
2008.10.06 [1.2.0] added support for walls (unchanging dead cells) using dead="-", alive="O", wall="#"
2008.10.06 [1.1.1] redraw optimization: 300% speed improvement by setting CSS only when cell state *changes*
2008.10.05 [1.1.0] drag to draw (set/clear) multiple cells, new option controls (rows,cols,cellsize,delay,autostop), popup list for opening saved matrix
2008.10.04 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.TiddlyLifePlugin= {major: 1, minor: 6, revision: 5, date: new Date(2008,10,11)};
	cellcolor:	"green",
	cellsize:	"1em",
	gridcolor:	"#111",
	gridwidth:	"1px",
	bgcolor:	"black",
	wallcolor:	"gray",
	width:		30,
	height:		30,
	stability: 	300,
	limit:		5000,
	delay:		0,
	lifeTag:	"tiddlyLife",
	titlePrompt:	"Enter a new tiddler title",
	openErr:	"Could not open '%0'",
	limitMsg:	"stopped: completed %0 generations",
	stableMsg:	"stopped: no growth for %0 generations",
	cellEditTip:	"CLICK=set/clear, SHIFT-CLICK=set wall",
	noEditTip:	"CLICK=start/stop simulation",
	startLabel:	"start",
	stopLabel:	"<b>STOP</b>",
	stats:		"gen: <b>%0</b> pop: <b>%1</b> min: <b>%2</b> avg: <b>%3</b> max: <b>%4</b> %5",
	cmds:		"<a href='#' title='start/stop simulation'\
				onclick='return\"%0\")'>%1</a> \
			 | <a href='#' title='advance simulation by one generation'\
				onclick='return\"%0\")'>step</a> \
			 | <a href='#' title='reload the starting life matrix'\
				onclick='return\"%0\")'>reset</a> \
			 | <a href='#' title='clear the life matrix'\
				onclick='return\"%0\")'>clear</a> \
			 | <a href='#' title='load a life matrix from a tiddler'\
				onclick='return,event,\"%0\")'>open</a> \
			 | <a href='#' title='save the current life matrix to a tiddler'\
				onclick='return\"%0\")'>save</a> \
			 | <a href='#' title='change simulation option settings'\
				onclick='var; var show=s.display==\"none\"; \
					s.display=show?\"block\":\"none\"; \
					return false;'>options</a><span style='display:none'>%2</span>",
	opts:		"delay:<input type='text' title='delay between generations (msec)' \
				value='%1' style='width:4em;font-size:90%;text-align:center;'>\
			 limit:<input type='text' title='automatically stop after N generations (0=no limit)' \
				value='%2' style='width:4em;font-size:90%;text-align:center;'>\
			 stability:<input type='text' title='stop if population count is stable for N generations (0=no limit)'\
				value='%3' style='width:4em;font-size:90%;text-align:center;'><br>\
			 rows:<input type='text' title='matrix height' \
				value='%4' style='width:3em;font-size:90%;text-align:center;'>\
			 cols:<input type='text' title='matrix width' \
				value='%5' style='width:3em;font-size:90%;text-align:center;'>\
			 cells:<input type='text' title='cellsize' \
				value='%6' style='width:3em;font-size:90%;text-align:center;'>\
			 <input type='button' value='OK' style='font-size:90%;' \
				title='change the life matrix dimensions' \
				onclick='var ins=this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\"input\"); \
					var t=ins[0].value; var l=ins[1].value; var a=ins[2].value; \
					var h=ins[3].value; var w=ins[4].value; var s=ins[5].value; \
	msgfmt: 	"<br><span title='use \"options\" command to change autostop settings' \
			onclick='\"none\"' \
			style='display:block;position:absolute;padding:0 .5em;cursor:pointer; \
			margin:.5em;color:%1;background-color:%2;border:1px solid %1'>%3</span>",

	empty: function(w,h) { // generate an empty matrix
		var m=[]; for (var r=0; r<h; r++) { m[r]=[]; for (var c=0; c<w; c++) m[r][c]=0; } return m;
	paste: function(row,col,m1,m2) { // copy one matrix into another
		for (var r=row; r<m1.length && r<m2.length; r++)
			for (var c=col; c<m1[r].length && c<m2[r].length; c++)
	zeroPad: function(v,m) { // formatting for population stats
		var t=("0000"+v.toString());
		return t.substr(t.length-Math.max(m.toString().length,v.toString().length));
	getValue: function(s) { // cell value from stored matrix symbol
		return s=='O'?1:s=='#'?-1:0;
	getSymbol: function(v) { // stored matrix symbol from cell value
		return v>0?'O':v<0?'#':'-';
	getColor: function(v,d) { // color from cell value
		return v>0?d.cellcolor:v<0?d.wallcolor:'';
	getAge: function(v,d) { // age of a cell or wall
		return v?(d.gen||1)-Math.abs(v):0;
	isAlive: function(v) { // 0 if dead, 1 if alive
		return v>0;
	isWall: function(v) { // 1 if cell is a wall
		return v<0;
	isAncient: function(v,d) { // true if cell age is more than ten times the average age
		return d.avgage>0 && this.getAge(v,d)>10*d.avgage;
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var autostart	=params.contains("autostart");
		var nomenu	=params.contains("nomenu");
		var nostats	=params.contains("nostats");
		var noedit	=params.contains("noedit");
		params = paramString.parseParams("anon",null,true,false,false);
		var cellcolor	=getParam(params,"cellcolor",this.cellcolor);
		var wallcolor	=getParam(params,"wallcolor",this.wallcolor);
		var cellsize	=getParam(params,"cellsize",this.cellsize);
		var gridcolor	=getParam(params,"gridcolor",this.gridcolor);
		var gridwidth	=getParam(params,"gridwidth",this.gridwidth);
		var bgcolor	=getParam(params,"bgcolor",this.bgcolor);
		var tid		=getParam(params,"tid",this.tid);
		var w		=getParam(params,"rows",this.width);
		var h		=getParam(params,"cols",this.height);
		var delay	=getParam(params,"delay",this.delay);
		var stability	=getParam(params,"stability",this.stability);
		var limit	=getParam(params,"limit",this.limit);
		var m=this.load(tid); if (!m) var m=this.empty(w,h);
		var id="tiddlyLife_"+new Date().getTime()+Math.random();
		var e=createTiddlyElement(place,"span",id,"tiddlyLife");{w:w, h:h, tid:tid, matrix:m, gen:0, stopped:!autostart,
			gencount:0, stable:0, total:0, birthrate:0, deathrate:0, age:0, 
			cellcolor:cellcolor, wallcolor:wallcolor, gridcolor:gridcolor, bgcolor:bgcolor,
			cellsize:cellsize, gridwidth:gridwidth, delay:delay, stability:stability, limit:limit,
			nostats:nostats, nomenu:nomenu, noedit:noedit };
		this.draw(id); if (autostart) this.go(id);
	toggle: function(id) { // toggle simulation
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		if (d.stopped) this.go(id); else this.stop(id);
		return false;
	go: function(id) { // start simulation and set command text
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		var b=e.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if (b) b.innerHTML=this.stopLabel;
		d.stopped=false; d.stable=0; d.gencount=0; clearTimeout(d.timer); this.refresh(id);
		return false;
	stop: function(id) { // stop simulation and set command text
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		var b=e.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if (b) b.innerHTML=this.startLabel;
		d.stopped=true; clearTimeout(d.timer);		
		return false;
	reset: function(id) { // reload initial matrix
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var;
		var m=this.load(d.tid); if (!m) var m=this.empty(d.w,d.h);
		this.stop(id); d.matrix=m; d.gen=0; this.draw(id);
		return false;
	clear: function(id) { // load empty matrix
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var;
		var tid=d.tid; d.tid=""; this.reset(id); d.tid=tid;
		return false;
	setoptions: function(id,w,h,s,t,a,l) { // options: width,height,cellsize,delaytime,autostop,limit
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		clearTimeout(d.timer); // stop simulation while changing matrix content
		d.w=w; d.h=h; d.stability=a; d.limit=l; d.cellsize=s; d.delay=t;
		var m2=this.empty(w,h); this.paste(0,0,m,m2); d.matrix=m2; this.draw(id);
		d.min=Math.min(d.min,d.count); d.max=Math.max(d.max,d.count);
		if (!d.stopped) d.timer=setTimeout('"'+id+'")',d.delay);
		return false;
	load: function(tid) { // read tiddler into matrix
		var t=store.getTiddlerText(tid); if (!t) return;
		var lines=t.split("\n"); var m=[];
		if (lines[0]=="{{{") lines.shift();
		if (lines[lines.length-1]=="}}}") lines.pop();
		for (var r=0; r<lines.length; r++) { m[r]=[];
			for (var c=0; c<lines[r].length; c++) m[r].push(this.getValue(lines[r].substr(c,1)));
		return m;
	save: function(id) { // write matrix to tiddler
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		var tid=d.tid; var msg=config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([tid]);
		while (!tid||!tid.length ||(store.tiddlerExists(tid)&&!confirm(msg)))
			{ tid=prompt(this.titlePrompt,tid); if (!tid||!tid.length) return false; }
		var out=[];
		for (var r=0; r<m.length; r++) { var row='';
			for (var c=0; c<m[r].length; c++) row+=this.getSymbol(m[r][c]);
		var t=store.getTiddler(tid);
		var txt=out.join('\n');
		var who=t&&config.options.chkForceMinorUpdate?t.modifier:config.options.txtUserName;
		var when=t&&config.options.chkForceMinorUpdate?t.modified:new Date();
		var tags=t?t.tags:[]; tags.pushUnique(this.lifeTag);
		var fields=t?t.fields:{};
		story.displayTiddler(null,tid); story.refreshTiddler(tid,null,true);
		return false;
	open: function(here,event,id) { // select from a list of saved matrix tiddlers
		var p=Popup.create(here); if (!p) return false;"2px .5em";
		var tids=store.getTaggedTiddlers(this.lifeTag);
		for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
			var b=createTiddlyButton(createTiddlyElement(p,"li"),tids[t].title,tids[t].title,
				function() {
					var id=this.getAttribute("id");
					var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return false; var;
					var tid=this.getAttribute("tid");
					var m=cml.load(tid);
					if (!m) { displayMessage(this.openErr.format([tid])); return false; }
					cml.stop(id); d.tid=tid; d.matrix=m; d.gen=0; cml.draw(id);
					return false;
		return false;
	mousedown: function(here,ev,id,r,c) { // start manual edit
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		d.savedstop=d.stopped; this.stop(id); d.draw=!this.isAlive(m[r][c])?(d.gen||1):0;
		return this.setcell(here,id,r,c,ev&&ev.shiftKey?-(d.gen||1):d.draw);
	mouseover: function(here,ev,id,r,c) { // drag edit
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		if (d.draw!==undefined) this.setcell(here,id,r,c,ev&&ev.shiftKey?-(d.gen||1):d.draw);
		return false;
	mouseup: function(here,ev,id,r,c) { // end manual edit
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		if (d.savedstop!==undefined) d.stopped=d.savedstop; if (!d.stopped) this.go(id);
		d.draw=undefined; d.savedstop=undefined;
		return false;
	setcell: function(here,id,r,c,v) { // set cell content and revise stats display
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		if (m[r][c]==v) return;
		if (this.isAlive(m[r][c]) && !this.isAlive(v)) { d.count--; d.min=Math.min(d.min,d.count); }
		if (!this.isAlive(m[r][c]) && this.isAlive(v)) { d.count++; d.max=Math.max(d.max,d.count); }
		return false;
// // RENDER
	draw: function(id) { // render entire tiddlyLife container (menu, stats, and table)
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		var out=[]; var count=0; var maxwidth=0;
		var style="border:%0 solid %1;background:%2;height:%3 !important;width:%3; !important";
		var onmousedown=d.noedit?"":"return,event,'%4',%5,%6);";
		var onmouseover=d.noedit?"":"return,event,'%4',%5,%6);";
		var onmouseup  =d.noedit?"":"return,event,'%4',%5,%6);";
		var onclick    =d.noedit?"return'%4');":"";
		var tip="[%7,%8] "+(d.noedit?this.noEditTip:this.cellEditTip);
		var cell='<td style="margin:0;padding:0;'+style +'" title="'+tip+'" onclick="'+onclick
			+'" onmousedown="'+onmousedown+'" onmouseover="'+onmouseover+'" onmouseup="'+onmouseup+'"></td>';
		out.push('<table style="table-layout:fixed;border-collapse:collapse;'
		for (var r=0; r<m.length; r++) {
			if (m[r].length>maxwidth) maxwidth=m[r].length;
			out.push('<tr style="margin:0;padding:0;border:0;">');
			for (var c=0; c<m[r].length; c++) {
		if (!d.gen) {; d.min=d.max=d.avg=count; }
		var hdr=[];
		if (!d.nomenu) hdr.push(this.cmds.format([id,d.stopped?this.startLabel:this.stopLabel,
		if (!d.nostats) hdr.push('<div style="font-size:90%">'
		return false;
	refresh: function(id) { // timer-based refresh cycle
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		this.step(id); if (!d.stopped) d.timer=setTimeout('"'+id+'")',d.delay);
		return false;
	step: function(id) { // calc new matrix, gather stats and display changes
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		// calculate next generation
		var m2=[]; var count=agecount=agetotal=oldest=0; d.gen++; d.gencount++;
		var table=e.getElementsByTagName("table")[0]; if (!table) return;
		var rows=table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
		for (var r=0; r<m.length; r++) {
			var cells=rows[r].getElementsByTagName("td");
			for (var c=0; c<m[r].length; c++) {
				var v=this.tick(d.gen,m,r,c); // apply Conway's 23/3 rule
				var color=this.getColor(v,d);
				if (cells[c].style.backgroundColor!=color)
				if (this.isAlive(v)) {
					var a=this.getAge(v,d);
					if (!this.isAncient(v,d)) { agecount++; agetotal+=a; }
		d.matrix=m2; // update matrix
		this.calcstats(id,count,agecount,agetotal,oldest); // calculate statistics
		var msg=this.autostop(id); // autostop if conditions apply
		this.showstats(id,msg); // show statistics and message (if any)
		return false;
	tick: function(gen,m,r,c) { // apply Conway's 23/3 rule
		if (this.isWall(m[r][c])) return m[r][c]; // walls don't change
		var prevrow=r>0?r-1:(m.length-1);
		var nextrow=r<m.length-1?r+1:0;
		var prevcol=c>0?c-1:(m[r].length-1);
		var nextcol=c<m[r].length-1?c+1:0;
		var near=this.isAlive(m[prevrow][prevcol]) + this.isAlive(m[prevrow][c]) + this.isAlive(m[prevrow][nextcol])
			+this.isAlive(m[r][prevcol])       + this.isAlive(m[r][nextcol])
			+this.isAlive(m[nextrow][prevcol]) + this.isAlive(m[nextrow][c]) + this.isAlive(m[nextrow][nextcol]);
		if (!this.isAlive(m[r][c])&&near==3) return gen; // birth
		if (this.isAlive(m[r][c])&&near==2||near==3) return m[r][c]; // stay alive
		return 0; // death
	autostop: function(id) { // autostop if run limit reached or no changes for N generations
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		var msg='';
		var limited=d.limit>0 && d.gencount>=d.limit;
		var stabilized=d.stability>0 && d.stable>=d.stability;
		if (limited || stabilized) {
		return msg;
	calcstats: function(id,count,agecount,agetotal,oldest) {
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		d.stable+=(count==d.count)?1:-d.stable; // add one or reset to zero
		d.min=Math.min(d.min,count); d.max=Math.max(d.max,count); d.avg=Math.floor(;
		d.avgage=agecount?agetotal/agecount:0; d.oldest=oldest; d.maxage=Math.max(d.maxage,oldest);
		return false;
	showstats: function(id,msg) {
		var e=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) return; var; var m=d.matrix;
		var stats=e.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
		if (stats) stats.innerHTML=this.stats.format([d.gen,this.zeroPad(d.count,d.max),d.min,d.avg,d.max,msg]);
		return false;
* [[Projectify|]] - Projectify brings project management to TiddlyWiki, interlinking task and knowledge management in one place. 

* [[TiddlyWiki Guides|]] - This is one of two collaborative documentation projects for TiddlyWiki. 

!!How To
!!! Formating images
* [[TWHelp|]]

|Information|Version|{{{<<version>>}}}|Displays ~TiddlyWiki version|
|Information|Timeline|{{{<<timeline (created|modified) 5>>}}}|Displays last X tiddlers created or modified|

!!Creating macros
* BibRefMacro

|~|[[SlideShowPlugin|]]|Creates a slide show from any number of tiddlers.|
|~|[[LinkifyPlugin|]]|Automatically turns text into links, optionally using aliases.|
|TW 5|[[Projectify|]]|Projectify is a project management app for TiddlyWiki, inspired by products like Todoist and Basecamp.|
|~|[[Relink|]]|It expands on TW5's bulk updating to allow for any customizable fields to be updated, whether they're lists, filters, macros, or single-tiddler fields. In addition, relink parses through the text of all relevant tiddlers and updates prettyLinks, transclusions, widgets, and other syntax patterns to properly reflect the title change.|
See also [[TiddlyWiki Wish List|TiddlyWiki WishList]]
@@color:#c4d6ed; ^^
Description: TiddlyWiki related issues. 

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|show droplist of tiddlers that have changed since the last time the document was saved|
Display a list of tiddlers that have been changed since the last time the document was saved.  The list includes all new/modified tiddlers as well as those changed with "minor edits" enabled and any tiddlers that you import during the session, regardless of their modification date.
<<unsavedChanges panel>> or <<unsavedChanges>>
the ''panel'' keyword displays a 'control panel' interface containing a droplist of unsaved tiddlers and a 'goto' button, along with a command link to 'save changes'.  Depending upon what other plugins are installed, several additional elements will also be displayed: When [[NestedSlidersPlugin]] is installed, the entire control panel is contained within a ''SLIDER''.  When [[LoadTiddlersPlugin]] is installed, a ''REVERT'' button is added.  When [[SaveAsPlugin]] is installed, a ''SAVE AS'' link is added.  When [[UploadPlugin]] is installed, an ''UPLOAD'' (or ''save to web'') link is added.  When [[TrashPlugin]] is installed and there are tiddlers tagged with<<tag Trash>>, an ''EMPTY TRASH'' link is added.
<<unsavedChanges list separator>>
the ''list'' keyword displays a simple space-separated list of unsaved tiddlers without any other command links.  You can specify an optional ''separator'' value that can be used in place of the default space character.  For example, you can specify {{{"<br>"}}} as the separator in order to display each link, one per line.
<<unsavedChanges command label tip>>
the ''command'' keyword displays a single 'command link' that, when clicked, displays a ~TiddlyWiki popup containing the list of unsaved tiddlers, the 'save changes' command and, depending upon what other plugins are installed, additional commands for 'save as', 'upload', and 'empty trash' (similar to the panel display described above).

You can specify optional ''label'' and ''tip'' parameters in the macro to customize the command link text and tooltip.  The default label for the command link is: "There %1 %0 unsaved tiddler%2...", where:
* %0 is automatically replaced with the number of unsaved changes
* %1 is either "is" (if changes=1) or "are" (if changes>1)
* %2 is either blank (if changes=1) or "s" (if changes>1)
resulting in the text: //"There is 1 unsaved tiddler...", "There are 2 unsaved tiddlers...", etc.//
^^//note: the following examples will not display any output unless you have already created/modified tiddlers in the current document.//^^
{{{<<unsavedChanges command>>}}}
<<unsavedChanges command>>
{{{<<unsavedChanges list>>}}}
<<unsavedChanges list>>
{{{<<unsavedChanges list "<br>">>}}}
<<unsavedChanges list "<br>">>
2011.11.27 3.3.6 in panel(), command(), and list(), check for null 'place' (maybe caused if tiddlers are modified by a plugin during startup 'init' handling)
2011.04.29 3.3.5 in panel(), use custom label (if provided).  Also, removed "small" style from panel commands so surrounding CSS font size will be used.
2010.12.05 3.3.4 display 'save as...' command even if readOnly
2009.03.02 3.3.3 fix handling for titles that contain HTML special chars (lt,gt,quot,amp)
2008.09.02 3.3.2 cleanup popup list output generation and added timestamps/sizes to popup display
2008.08.23 3.3.1 added optional custom 'label' and 'tip' params to 'command' mode and defined default values for mode, label, tip, and separator as object properties for I18N/L10N-readiness.
2008.08.21 3.3.0 complete re-write of rendering and refresh processing to support multiple instances and automatic self-refresh (no longer depends upon core refresh notifications)
2008.08.21 3.2.0 added 'command' option for link+popup as alternative to 'control panel' interface
2008.04.22 3.1.2 use SaveAsPlugin instead of obsolete NewDocumentPlugin to add "save as" link
2007.12.22 3.1.1 hijack removeTiddler() instead of low-level deleteTiddler() to correct tracking and refresh handling issues.  in saveTiddler(), check for 'tiddler rename' (title!=newtitle) and adjust list accordingly.
2007.12.21 3.1.0 added support for {{{<<unsavedChanges list separator>>}}} usage to unsaved tiddlers as a simple list of links, embedded in tiddler content (e.g., [[MainMenu]])
2007.12.20 3.0.0 rewrite to track ALL changed tiddlers, including imports and minor edits, regardless of saved modification dates.  Also, rewrote display logic to directly refresh macro output instead of triggering a page refresh.  The entire process is MUCH more efficient now.
2007.08.02 2.0.0 converted from inline script
2007.01.01 1.0.0 initial release
version.extensions.UnsavedChangesPlugin= {major: 3, minor: 3, revision: 6, date: new Date(2011,12,27)};

config.macros.unsavedChanges = {
	changed: [], // list of currently unsaved tiddler titles
	defMode: "panel",
	defSep: " ",
	defLabel: "There %1 %0 unsaved tiddler%2",
	defTip: "view a list of unsaved tiddler changes",
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var wrapper=createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"unsavedChanges");
		wrapper.setAttribute("sep",params[1]||this.defSep); // for 'list' mode
		wrapper.setAttribute("label",params[1]||this.defLabel); // for 'command' mode
		wrapper.setAttribute("tip",params[2]||this.defTip); // for 'command' mode
	render: function(wrapper) {
		removeChildren(wrapper); // make sure its empty
		if (!this.changed.length) return; // no changes = no output
		switch (wrapper.getAttribute("mode")) {
			case "command": this.command(wrapper); break;
			case "list": this.list(wrapper); break;
			case "panel": default: this.panel(wrapper); break;
	refresh: function() {
		var wrappers=document.getElementsByTagName("span");
		for (var w=0; w<wrappers.length; w++)
			if (hasClass(wrappers[w],"unsavedChanges"))
	list: function(place) { // show simple list of unsaved tiddlers
		if (!place) return;
	command: function(place) { // show command link with popup list
		if (!place) return;
		var c=this.changed.length;
		var txt=place.getAttribute("label").format([c,c==1?'is':'are',c==1?'':'s']);
		var tip=place.getAttribute("tip");
		var action=function(ev) { if (!ev) var ev=window.event;
			var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false;
			var d=createTiddlyElement(p,"div");"normal";"auto";"2px";
			// gather pretty links for changed tiddlers
			var list=[]; var item=" &nbsp;[[%1 - %0 (%2 bytes)|%0]]&nbsp; ";
			for (var i=config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
				var tid=store.getTiddler(config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed[i]);
				if (!tid) continue;
				var when=tid.modified.formatString('YYYY.0MM.0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss');
			var t="\n----\n";
			t+="@@white-space:nowrap;display:block;text-align:center; &nbsp;";
			if (!readOnly) {
				t+=config.macros.saveAs?" | <<saveAs>>":"";
				t+=config.macros.upload?" | <<upload>>":"";
				t+=(config.macros.emptyTrash&&store.getTaggedTiddlers("Trash").length)?" | <<emptyTrash>>":"";
			} else {
			t+="&nbsp; @@";
			ev.cancelBubble=true; if(ev.stopPropagation)ev.stopPropagation();
	panel: function(place) { // show composite droplist+buttons+commands
		if (!place) return;
		// gather changed tiddlers (in reverse order by date - most recent first)
		var tids=[]; for (var i=this.changed.length-1; i>=0; i--)
			{ var t=store.getTiddler(this.changed[i]); if (t) tids.push(t); }
		tids.sort(function(a,b){return a.modified<b.modified?-1:(a.modified==b.modified?0:1);});
		// generate droplist items
 		var list=[]; var item='<option value="%0">%1 - %0 (%2 bytes)</option>';
		for (var i=tids.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
			var when=tids[i].modified.formatString('YYYY.0MM.0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss');
		// display droplist, buttons, and command links
		var out=''; var c=this.changed.length;
		var NSP=config.formatters.findByField("name","nestedSliders");
		var summary=place.getAttribute("label").format([c,c==1?'is':'are',c==1?'':'s']);
		out+='<html><form style="display:inline"><!--\
			--><select size="1" name="list" \
				title="select a tiddler to view" \
				onchange="var v=this.value; if (v.length) story.displayTiddler(null,v);"><!--\
			--><input type="button" value="goto" onclick="this.form.list.onchange();">';
		if (config.macros.loadTiddlers)  {
			out+='<input type="button" value="revert" \
				title="import the last saved version of this tiddler" \
				onclick="var v=this.form.list.value; if (!v.length) return; \
					var t=\'<\'+\'<loadTiddlers [[tiddler:\'+v+\']] \'; \
					t+=document.location.href; \
					t+=\' confirm force noreport>\'+\'>\'; \
					var e=document.getElementById(\'executeRevert\'); \
					if (e) e.parentNode.removeChild(e); \
					e=document.createElement(\'span\'); \\'executeRevert\'; \
		if (!readOnly) {
			out+=config.macros.saveAs?" | <<saveAs>>":"";
			out+=config.macros.upload?" | <<upload>>":"";
			out+=(config.macros.emptyTrash&&store.getTaggedTiddlers("Trash").length)?" | <<emptyTrash>>":"";
		} else {

// hijack store.saveTiddler() to track changes to tiddlers
if (store.showUnsaved_saveTiddler==undefined) {
	store.saveTiddler=function(title,newtitle) {
		if (title!=newtitle) {
			var i=config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed.indexOf(title);
			if (i!=-1) config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed.splice(i,1); // remove old from list
		var i=config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed.indexOf(newtitle);
		if (i!=-1) config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed.splice(i,1); // remove new title from list
		config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed.push(newtitle); // add new title to END of list
		var t=this.showUnsaved_saveTiddler.apply(this,arguments);
		if (!this.notificationLevel) config.macros.unsavedChanges.refresh();
		return t;

// hijack store.removeTiddler() to track changes to tiddlers
if (store.showUnsaved_removeTiddler==undefined) {
	store.removeTiddler=function(title) {
		var i=config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed.indexOf(title);
		if (i!=-1) config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed.splice(i,1); // remove from list
		if (!this.notificationLevel) config.macros.unsavedChanges.refresh();

// hijack store.setDirty() function to reset change list after file save
// note: do NOT hijack the prototype function.  This hijack should only be applied to
// the main 'store' instance only (i.e., don't refresh when loading temporary store
// as part of ImportTiddlers processing)
if (store.showUnsaved_setDirty==undefined) {
	store.setDirty = function(flag) {
		var refresh=this.isDirty() && !flag; // 'dirty' to 'clean', force a refresh...
		this.showUnsaved_setDirty.apply(this,arguments); // but change the flag first.
		if (refresh) {
			config.macros.unsavedChanges.changed=[]; // clear changed list
| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |
| 22/12/2023 21:16:50 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[|]] | . | [[starkakrats-retro.html |]] |  | failed |
| 22/12/2023 21:17:25 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[|]] | . | [[starkakrats-retro.html |]] |  | failed |
| 22/12/2023 21:18:54 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[|]] | | [[starkakrats-retro.html |]] |  | failed |
| 22/12/2023 21:19:40 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[.|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/.]] | | [[starkakrats-retro.html | file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/]] |  | failed |
| 22/12/2023 21:19:56 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[|]] | . | [[starkakrats-retro.html |]] |  | failed |
| 22/12/2023 21:23:55 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/]] | . | [[starkakrats-retro.html | file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/]] |  |
| 22/12/2023 21:24:36 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/]] | . | [[starkakrats-retro.html | file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] |  | failed |
| 22/12/2023 21:24:48 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/]] | . | [[starkakrats-retro.html | file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] |  | failed |
| 22/12/2023 21:25:01 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[store|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/store]] | . | [[starkakrats-retro.html | file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] |  |
| 22/12/2023 21:25:16 | YourName | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | [[starkakrats-retro.html|file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] | . | [[starkakrats-retro.html | file:///home/stark/%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3/math-owen/blog/starkakrats-retro.html]] |  | failed |
|''Description:''|Save to web a TiddlyWiki|
|''Date:''|Feb 24, 2008|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
version.extensions.UploadPlugin = {
	major: 4, minor: 1, revision: 3,
	date: new Date("Feb 24, 2008"),
	source: '',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0'

// Environment

if (!window.bidix) window.bidix = {}; // bidix namespace
bidix.debugMode = false;	// true to activate both in Plugin and UploadService
// Upload Macro

config.macros.upload = {
// default values
	defaultBackupDir: '',	//no backup
	defaultStoreScript: "store.php",
	defaultToFilename: "index.html",
	defaultUploadDir: ".",
	authenticateUser: true	// UploadService Authenticate User
config.macros.upload.label = {
	promptOption: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki with UploadOptions",
	promptParamMacro: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki in %0",
	saveLabel: "save to web", 
	saveToDisk: "save to disk",
	uploadLabel: "upload"	

config.macros.upload.messages = {
	noStoreUrl: "No store URL in parmeters or options",
	usernameOrPasswordMissing: "Username or password missing"

config.macros.upload.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
	if (readOnly)
	var label;
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
		label = this.label.saveLabel;
		label = this.label.uploadLabel;
	var prompt;
	if (params[0]) {
		prompt = this.label.promptParamMacro.toString().format([this.destFile(params[0], 
			(params[1] ? params[1]:bidix.basename(window.location.toString())), params[3])]);
	} else {
		prompt = this.label.promptOption;
	createTiddlyButton(place, label, prompt, function() {config.macros.upload.action(params);}, null, null, this.accessKey);

config.macros.upload.action = function(params)
		// for missing macro parameter set value from options
		if (!params) params = {};
		var storeUrl = params[0] ? params[0] : config.options.txtUploadStoreUrl;
		var toFilename = params[1] ? params[1] : config.options.txtUploadFilename;
		var backupDir = params[2] ? params[2] : config.options.txtUploadBackupDir;
		var uploadDir = params[3] ? params[3] : config.options.txtUploadDir;
		var username = params[4] ? params[4] : config.options.txtUploadUserName;
		var password = config.options.pasUploadPassword; // for security reason no password as macro parameter	
		// for still missing parameter set default value
		if ((!storeUrl) && (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http")) 
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString())+'/'+config.macros.upload.defaultStoreScript;
		if (storeUrl.substr(0,4) != "http")
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString()) +'/'+ storeUrl;
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = bidix.basename(window.location.toString());
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = config.macros.upload.defaultToFilename;
		if (!uploadDir)
			uploadDir = config.macros.upload.defaultUploadDir;
		if (!backupDir)
			backupDir = config.macros.upload.defaultBackupDir;
		// report error if still missing
		if (!storeUrl) {
			return false;
		if (config.macros.upload.authenticateUser && (!username || !password)) {
			return false;
		bidix.upload.uploadChanges(false,null,storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password); 
		return false; 

config.macros.upload.destFile = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir) 
	if (!storeUrl)
		return null;
		var dest = bidix.dirname(storeUrl);
		if (uploadDir && uploadDir != '.')
			dest = dest + '/' + uploadDir;
		dest = dest + '/' + toFilename;
	return dest;

// uploadOptions Macro

config.macros.uploadOptions = {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var wizard = new Wizard();
		var markList = wizard.getElement("markList");
		var listWrapper = document.createElement("div");
		var uploadCaption;
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.saveLabel;
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.uploadLabel;
				{caption: uploadCaption, tooltip: config.macros.upload.label.promptOption, 
					onClick: config.macros.upload.action},
				{caption: this.cancelButton, tooltip: this.cancelButtonPrompt, onClick: this.onCancel}
	options: [
	refreshOptions: function(listWrapper) {
		var opts = [];
		for(i=0; i<this.options.length; i++) {
			var opt = {};
			opt.option = "";
			n = this.options[i]; = n;
			opt.lowlight = !config.optionsDesc[n];
			opt.description = opt.lowlight ? this.unknownDescription : config.optionsDesc[n];
		var listview = ListView.create(listWrapper,opts,this.listViewTemplate);
		for(n=0; n<opts.length; n++) {
			var type = opts[n].name.substr(0,3);
			var h = config.macros.option.types[type];
			if (h && h.create) {
	onCancel: function(e)
		return false;
	wizardTitle: "Upload with options",
	step1Title: "These options are saved in cookies in your browser",
	step1Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input><br>",
	cancelButton: "Cancel",
	cancelButtonPrompt: "Cancel prompt",
	listViewTemplate: {
		columns: [
			{name: 'Description', field: 'description', title: "Description", type: 'WikiText'},
			{name: 'Option', field: 'option', title: "Option", type: 'String'},
			{name: 'Name', field: 'name', title: "Name", type: 'String'}
		rowClasses: [
			{className: 'lowlight', field: 'lowlight'} 

// upload functions

if (!bidix.upload) bidix.upload = {};

if (!bidix.upload.messages) bidix.upload.messages = {
	//from saving
	invalidFileError: "The original file '%0' does not appear to be a valid TiddlyWiki",
	backupSaved: "Backup saved",
	backupFailed: "Failed to upload backup file",
	rssSaved: "RSS feed uploaded",
	rssFailed: "Failed to upload RSS feed file",
	emptySaved: "Empty template uploaded",
	emptyFailed: "Failed to upload empty template file",
	mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded",
	mainFailed: "Failed to upload main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
	//specific upload
	loadOriginalHttpPostError: "Can't get original file",
	aboutToSaveOnHttpPost: 'About to upload on %0 ...',
	storePhpNotFound: "The store script '%0' was not found."

bidix.upload.uploadChanges = function(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers,storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password)
	var callback = function(status,uploadParams,original,url,xhr) {
		if (!status) {
		if (bidix.debugMode) 
		// Locate the storeArea div's 
		var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
		if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	if(onlyIfDirty && !store.isDirty())
	// save on localdisk ?
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "file") {
		var path = document.location.toString();
		var localPath = getLocalPath(path);
	// get original
	var uploadParams = new Array(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password);
	var originalPath = document.location.toString();
	// If url is a directory : add index.html
	if (originalPath.charAt(originalPath.length-1) == "/")
		originalPath = originalPath + "index.html";
	var dest = config.macros.upload.destFile(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir);
	var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
	log.startUpload(storeUrl, dest, uploadDir,  backupDir);
	if (bidix.debugMode) 
		alert("about to execute Http - GET on "+originalPath);
	var r = doHttp("GET",originalPath,null,null,username,password,callback,uploadParams,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

bidix.upload.uploadRss = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		if(status) {
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadRss
	if(config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed) {
		var rssPath = uploadParams[1].substr(0,uploadParams[1].lastIndexOf(".")) + ".xml";
		var rssUploadParams = new Array(uploadParams[0],rssPath,uploadParams[2],'',uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5]);
		var rssString = generateRss();
		// no UnicodeToUTF8 conversion needed when location is "file" !!!
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) != "file")
			rssString = convertUnicodeToUTF8(rssString);	
	} else {

bidix.upload.uploadMain = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
		if(status) {
			// if backupDir specified
			if ((params[3]) && (responseText.indexOf("backupfile:") > -1))  {
				var backupfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")+11,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")));
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadMain
	var revised = bidix.upload.updateOriginal(original,posDiv);

bidix.upload.httpUpload = function(uploadParams,data,callback,params)
	var localCallback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		url = (url.indexOf("nocache=") < 0 ? url : url.substring(0,url.indexOf("nocache=")-1));
		if (xhr.status == 404)
		if ((bidix.debugMode) || (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )) {
			if (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )
				responseText = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("\n\n")+2);
		} else if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0') 
		if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0')
			status = null;
	// do httpUpload
	var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x";	
	var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin";
	// compose headers data
	var sheader = "";
	sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
	sheader += uploadFormName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
	sheader += "backupDir="+uploadParams[3] +
				";user=" + uploadParams[4] +
				";password=" + uploadParams[5] +
				";uploaddir=" + uploadParams[2];
	if (bidix.debugMode)
		sheader += ";debug=1";
	sheader += ";;\r\n"; 
	sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\""+uploadParams[1]+"\"\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8" + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Length: " + data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
	// compose trailer data
	var strailer = new String();
	strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
	data = sheader + data + strailer;
	if (bidix.debugMode) alert("about to execute Http - POST on "+uploadParams[0]+"\n with \n"+data.substr(0,500)+ " ... ");
	var r = doHttp("POST",uploadParams[0],data,"multipart/form-data; ;charset=UTF-8; boundary="+boundary,uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5],localCallback,params,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

// same as Saving's updateOriginal but without convertUnicodeToUTF8 calls
bidix.upload.updateOriginal = function(original, posDiv)
	if (!posDiv)
		posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
	if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	var revised = original.substr(0,posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + "\n" +
				store.allTiddlersAsHtml() + "\n" +
	var newSiteTitle = getPageTitle().htmlEncode();
	revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " ");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-HEAD","MarkupPreHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-HEAD","MarkupPostHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-BODY","MarkupPreBody");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-SCRIPT","MarkupPostBody");
	return revised;

// UploadLog
// config.options.chkUploadLog :
//		false : no logging
//		true : logging
// config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine :
//		-1 : no limit
//      0 :  no Log lines but UploadLog is still in place
//		n :  the last n lines are only kept
//		NaN : no limit (-1)

bidix.UploadLog = function() {
	if (!config.options.chkUploadLog) 
		return; // this.tiddler = null
	this.tiddler = store.getTiddler("UploadLog");
	if (!this.tiddler) {
		this.tiddler = new Tiddler();
		this.tiddler.title = "UploadLog";
		this.tiddler.text = "| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |";
		this.tiddler.created = new Date();
		this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
		this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	return this;

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.addText = function(text) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	// retrieve maxLine when we need it
	var maxLine = parseInt(config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine,10);
	if (isNaN(maxLine))
		maxLine = -1;
	// add text
	if (maxLine != 0) 
		this.tiddler.text = this.tiddler.text + text;
	// Trunck to maxLine
	if (maxLine >= 0) {
		var textArray = this.tiddler.text.split('\n');
		if (textArray.length > maxLine + 1)
			this.tiddler.text = textArray.join('\n');		
	// update tiddler fields
	this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
	this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	// refresh and notifiy for immediate update
	store.notify(this.tiddler.title, true);

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.startUpload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir,  backupDir) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	var now = new Date();
	var text = "\n| ";
	var filename = bidix.basename(document.location.toString());
	if (!filename) filename = '/';
	text += now.formatString("0DD/0MM/YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss") +" | ";
	text += config.options.txtUserName + " | ";
	text += "[["+filename+"|"+location + "]] |";
	text += " [[" + bidix.basename(storeUrl) + "|" + storeUrl + "]] | ";
	text += uploadDir + " | ";
	text += "[[" + bidix.basename(toFilename) + " | " +toFilename + "]] | ";
	text += backupDir + " |";

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.endUpload = function(status) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	this.addText(" "+status+" |");

// Utilities

bidix.checkPlugin = function(plugin, major, minor, revision) {
	var ext = version.extensions[plugin];
	if (!
		(ext  && 
			((ext.major > major) || 
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor > minor))  ||
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor == minor) && (ext.revision >= revision))))) {
			// write error in PluginManager
			if (pluginInfo)
				pluginInfo.log.push("Requires " + plugin + " " + major + "." + minor + "." + revision);
			eval(plugin); // generate an error : "Error: ReferenceError: xxxx is not defined"

bidix.dirname = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	} else {
		return filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"));

bidix.basename = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("#")) != -1) 
		filePath = filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(lastpos + 1);
	} else
		return filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);

bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
	if (!config.options[name])
		config.options[name] = value;

// Initializations

// require PasswordOptionPlugin 1.0.1 or better
bidix.checkPlugin("PasswordOptionPlugin", 1, 0, 1);

// styleSheet
setStylesheet('.txtUploadStoreUrl, .txtUploadBackupDir, .txtUploadDir {width: 22em;}',"uploadPluginStyles");

	txtUploadStoreUrl: "Url of the UploadService script (default: store.php)",
	txtUploadFilename: "Filename of the uploaded file (default: in index.html)",
	txtUploadDir: "Relative Directory where to store the file (default: . (downloadService directory))",
	txtUploadBackupDir: "Relative Directory where to backup the file. If empty no backup. (default: ''(empty))",
	txtUploadUserName: "Upload Username",
	pasUploadPassword: "Upload Password",
	chkUploadLog: "do Logging in UploadLog (default: true)",
	txtUploadLogMaxLine: "Maximum of lines in UploadLog (default: 10)"

// Options Initializations

// Backstage
	uploadOptions: {text: "upload", tooltip: "Change UploadOptions and Upload", content: '<<uploadOptions>>'}


<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
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    <meta name="google-site-verification" content="QxsDtoeTgZKEjzA7NKUM3zO_bL4Px3zs4n8-7U8oNh0" />
    <title>Pure JavaScript TOTP Token Generator</title>
<!-- Site Specific css -->
<style type="text/css">
    font-family:Arial Unicode,Arial,Sans-Serif;
    font-family:Consolas,Lucida Console,Monospace;
.control-label{ /*.form label{*/
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  width : 55px;
  display : inline-block;
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  display : inline-block;
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    border:1px solid transparent;
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    <div class="container">
        <h1>Pure JavaScript TOTP Token Generator</h1>
                This website allows you to generate a TOTP Token from either 
                a single TOTP secret code or a list of OTPAuth url. 
                This page has no external dependency and can run on its own. 
                It runs completely in your browser and can be used offline.
            <div id="warningDiv" class="alert alert-danger online-only">
                <b><u>WARNING !!!</u></b>
                &nbsp;&nbsp;[<a id="hideWarningButton">Hide Warning</a>]
                This site is currently online.<br>
                Although we don't collect any code / data from this page, we recommend that you run it offline if you are going to use it for real codes.<br>
                You can just directly save this page or download this page from the links below and use it offline.
                If the link does not prompt for a download,
                you can right click it and then save the link target as <code>totp.html</code>
                (or any other file name).
                <label class='listLabel3'>
                    <a href="./index.html" download="totp.html">index.html</a>
                </label> : uncompressed-js version (40KB)<br>
                <label class='listLabel3'>
                    <a href="./index.min.html" download="totp.html">index.min.html</a>
                </label> : compressed-js version (24KB)<br>
                <label class='listLabel3'>
                    <a href="" download="totp.html">totp.html</a>
                </label> : original author's code, without OTPAuth url fetcher (18KB)
        <h2 style="display:inline-block;"><u>Single Token Generator</u></h2>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;[<a id="singleHelpButton">Show Help</a>]
        <div id="singleHelpDiv" class="alert alert-info" style="display:none">
            <h3>How To Use</h3>
                When you enable two factor authentication for a service or a website,
                write down the secret that is displayed next to the QR code.
                You can enter the secret on this page when you need a token.
                Most codes are only valid for 30 seconds but most servers accept them a few minutes longer,
                so ensure that your clock is set accurately.<br />
                Most services / websites will give you a Base32 code, with 30 seconds refresh period and ask for 6 digits,
                which means you can leave these three fields as-is.
                Your input is stored in the URL when you generate a token. This means you can set a bookmark to that specific URL to have the fields pre-filled. This allows you to store tokens in form of bookmarks.<br>
                <a href='index.html#{"c":"AABBCCDD334455","m":1,"d":6,"p":"30"}' target="_blank"><B>Example Bookmark Link</B></a>

            <h3>Securely using TOTP</h3>
                Do not blindly enable Two factor authentication.
                Be sure you can get access in case you lose your device.
                    <b>Backup Device :</b><br />
                    If you can, register the same token on multiple devices.
                    Don't rely on the backup/sync of the device.
                    <b>Password Manager :</b><br />
                    You can store the secret code and settings in a password manager.
                    The idea of Two Factor authentication is that you need to posess a device with the secret on it.
                    To not subvert this principle,
                    use a different computer to store the password file.
                    <b>"Backdoor" access :</b><br />
                    When enabling Two Factor Authentication,
                    be sure the website gives you a way to log in if you lose the device.
                    You can often enable multiple Two factor logins at once.
                    As long as you are able to proceed with one of them you should get in.
        <div class="form">
            <label class="listLabel1">Code</label> : 
                type="text" id="token" placeholder="TOTP Secret"
                size="30" class="form-control" required />
        <div class="form">
            <label class="listLabel1">Type</label> : 
            <select id="enctype" class="form-control" required>
                <option value="1">(Default) Base32 (a-z, 2-7)</option>
                <option value="2">Hexadecimal (a-f, 0-9)</option>
        <div class="form">
            <label class="listLabel1">Digits</label> : 
                TOTP only supports 6-8 digits.
                Extending the range here does nothing.
            <input type="number" id='digits' min="6" max="8" value="6" required class="form-control" style="width:40px;" />
        <div class="form">
            <label class="listLabel1">Period</label> : 
                type="number" id="interval" placeholder="Interval" value='30'
                class="form-control" style="width:40px;" required />
        <div class="form">
            <input type="button" id='getTokenSingle' class="btn btn-primary" value="Get Token" />
        <div class="row form-group">
            <div class="col-md-2">&nbsp;</div>
            <div class="col-md-4">
                <div id="codes" style="display:none">
                    Tokens generated at : <span class="time"></span>, 
                    refresh in <span class="counter"></span><br /><br />
                    <table class="table">
                            <td><code class="totp" id="totpN"></code></td>
                            <td>Next Code</td>
                            <td><code class="totp" id="totpC"></code></td>
                            <td><b>Current Code</b></td>
                            <td><code class="totp" id="totpP"></code></td>
                            <td>Previous Code</td>
                            <td><code class="totp" id="totpPP"></code></td>
                            <td>2nd Previous Code</td>
        <h2 style="display:inline-block;"><u>OTPAuth Token Generator</u></h2>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;[<a id="arrayHelpButton">Show Help</a>]
        <div id="arrayHelpDiv" class="alert alert-info" style="display:none">
                Most TOTP apps (like Google Authentication, Aegis, etc) have an option to export your TOTP database into a list of OTPAuth url. These urls will have at the very least your secret code. But most of the times they will also include issuer, username, algo, etc. You can use that OTPAuth file and load it to this page to fetch a token.
            <h3>How To Use</h3>
                    <b>Load OTPAuth List From File :</b><br />
                    Load your OTPAuth file into the page. It will be shown in textarea after you successfully loaded it. Optionally, you can just type any OTPAuth url into the textare directly.
                    <b>Save List To File :</b><br />
                    Save the text in textarea into a file.
                    <b>Fetch Token From OTPAuth List :</b><br />
                    If the text in textarea are valid OTPAuth urls, this page will process them and build a select option according to them. Select option will consist of <b>issuer - username</b>. If none are available, it will just say <b>Secret Code : YourSecretCode</b>. And then this page will fetch a token according to select option you have choosen.
            <h3>Custom OTPAuth Source</h3>
                You can change the default value of OTPAuth url in the textarea. It is very useful if your saving this page on your computer, your smartphone or your own website. Everytime you open the page, it will load your desired data. There are 2 ways to set the value :
                    <b>Add Variable Directly Into The Page</b><br><br>
                    Add a javascript code to set a value for variable <b>otpauthsource</b><br>
                        var otpauthsource = `otpauth://totp/GitServer:Dev123?secret=CCBBDDAA5432&issuer=GitServer&digit=7&period=5`;<br>
                    <b>Add JS File Containing The Variable</b><br><br>
                    Create a js file that contain the variable <b>otpauthsource</b>. In this example, the file is named <b>otpauthfile.js</b><br>
                        &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="otpauthfile.js">&lt;/script>
                    Then in the file, you declare the variable<br>
                        var otpauthsource = `otpauth://totp/GitServer:Dev123?secret=CCBBDDAA5432&issuer=GitServer&digit=7&period=5`;
        <div class="form">
            <input type="button" id="txtload" name="txtload" class="btn btn-primary" value="Load OTPAuth List From File">&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <input type="file" name="file" id="file" multiple hidden>
            <input type="button" id="txtsave" name="txtsave" class="btn btn-primary" value="Save List To File">&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <input type="button" id='getTokenArray' class="btn btn-primary" value="Fetch Token From OTPAuth List" />
            <textarea id='otpauthSource' cols='100' rows='9'></textarea>
            <select id="secretopt" class="form-control">
            <div id='arrayResult'>
                Last modified: 2020-02-18 08:44:15 GMT
                Current version:
            Copyright &copy; 2018 by <a rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Kevin Gut</a>               <i>[<a rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="">More Services</a>]</i>, Modified on 2023 by <a href="" target="_blank">A99US</a> [<a href="" target="_blank">Source on GitHub</a>]
    Custom OTPAuth Source File
    <script type="text/javascript" src="otpauthfile.js"></script>
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018, Kevin Gut (
This is a modified version by A99US (

// =================================================================================
// ============================ Conversion tools ===================================

"use strict";

var Convert = Convert || {};

//Converts a base32 string into a hex string. The padding is optional
Convert.base32toHex = function (data) {
    //Basic argument validation
    if (typeof(data) !== typeof("")) {
        throw new Error("Argument to base32toHex() is not a string");
    if (data.length === 0) {
        throw new Error("Argument to base32toHex() is empty");
    if (!data.match(/^[A-Z2-7]+=*$/i)) {
        throw new Error("Argument to base32toHex() contains invalid characters");

    //Return value
    var ret = "";
    //Maps base 32 characters to their value (the value is the array index)
    var map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567".split('');
    //Split data into groups of 8
    var segments = (data.toUpperCase() + "========").match(/.{1,8}/g);
    //Adding the "=" in the line above creates an unnecessary entry
    //Calculate padding length
    var strip = segments[segments.length - 1].match(/=*$/)[0].length;
    //Too many '=' at the end. Usually a padding error due to an incomplete base32 string
    if (strip > 6) {
        throw new Error("Invalid base32 data (too much padding)");
    //Process base32 in sections of 8 characters
    for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
        //Start with empty buffer each time
        var buffer = 0;
        var chars = segments[i].split("");
        //Process characters individually
        for (var j = 0; j < chars.length; j++) {
            //This is the same as a left shift by 32 characters but without the 32 bit JS int limitation
            buffer *= map.length;
            //Map character to real value
            var index = map.indexOf(chars[j]);
            //Fix padding by ignoring it for now
            if (chars[j] === '=') {
                index = 0;
            //Add real value
            buffer += index;
        //Pad hex string to 10 characters (5 bytes)
        var hex = ("0000000000" + buffer.toString(16)).substr(-10);
        ret += hex;
    //Remove bytes according to the padding
    switch (strip) {
    case 6:
        return ret.substr(0, ret.length - 8);
    case 4:
        return ret.substr(0, ret.length - 6);
    case 3:
        return ret.substr(0, ret.length - 4);
    case 1:
        return ret.substr(0, ret.length - 2);
        return ret;
//Converts a hex string into an array with numerical values
Convert.hexToArray = function (hex) {
    return hex.match(/[\dA-Fa-f]{2}/g).map(function (v) {
        return parseInt(v, 16);

//Converts an array with bytes into a hex string
Convert.arrayToHex = function (array) {
    var hex = "";

    if (array instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
        return Convert.arrayToHex(new Uint8Array(array));
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        hex += ("0" + array[i].toString(16)).substr(-2);
    return hex;

//Converts an unsigned 32 bit integer into a hexadecimal string. Padding is added as needed
Convert.int32toHex = function (i) {
    return ("00000000" + Math.floor(Math.abs(i)).toString(16)).substr(-8);

// =================================================================================
// =============================== TOTP functions ==================================

//TOTP implementation
var TOTP = {
    //Calculates the TOTP counter for a given point in time
    //time(number):      Time value (in seconds) to use. Usually the current time (
    //interval(number):  Interval in seconds at which the key changes (usually 30).
    getOtpCounter: function (time, interval) {
        return (time / interval) | 0;

    //Calculates the current counter for TOTP
    //interval(number): Interval in seconds at which the key changes (usually 30).
    getCurrentCounter: function (interval=30) {
        return TOTP.getOtpCounter( / 1000 | 0, interval);

    //Calculates the countdown until the new time period
    //interval(number): Interval in seconds at which the key changes (usually 30).
    getCountdown: function (interval=30) {
        return interval - ( ( / 1000 | 0) % interval )

    //Calculates a HOTP value
    //keyHex(string):      Secret key as hex string
    //size(number):        Number of digits (usually 6)
    //counterInt(number):  Counter for the OTP. Use TOTP.getOtpCounter() to use this as TOTP instead of HOTP
    //interval(number):    If not false, will automatically add TOTP.getOtpCounter() to counterInt
    //debug(boolean):      Show / hide console.debug
    otp: async function (keyHex, size=6, counterInt=false, interval=false, debug=false) {
        var isInt = function (x) {
            return x === x | 0;
        if (typeof(keyHex) !== typeof("")) {
            throw new Error("Invalid hex key");
        if(counterInt === false){
            counterInt = TOTP.getCurrentCounter()
        else if (typeof(counterInt) !== typeof(0) || !isInt(counterInt)) {
            throw new Error("Invalid counter value");
        if (typeof(size) !== typeof(0) || (size < 6 || size > 10 || !isInt(size))) {
            throw new Error("Invalid size value (default is 6)");
        if (interval!==false) {
            if(typeof(interval) !== typeof(0) || !isInt(interval)){
                throw new Error("Invalid interval value");
            counterInt += TOTP.getCurrentCounter(interval)
        // Original codes have been converted into an async function
        // So can directly return a value instead
        //Calculate hmac from key and counter
        let mac = await TOTP.hmac(keyHex, "00000000" + Convert.int32toHex(counterInt), debug);
        //The last 4 bits determine the offset of the counter
        let offset = parseInt(mac.substr(-1), 16);
        //Extract counter as a 32 bit number anddiscard possible sign bit
        let code = parseInt(mac.substr(offset * 2, 8), 16) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
        //Trim and pad as needed
        code = ("0000000000" + (code % Math.pow(10, size))).substr(-size)
        if(debug) console.debug("Token", code)
        return code
    //Calculates a SHA-1 hmac
    //keyHex(string):   Key for hmac as hex string
    //valueHex(string): Value to hash as hex string
    hmac: async function (keyHex, valueHex, debug) {
        var algo = {
            name: "HMAC",
            //SHA-1 is the standard for TOTP and HOTP
            hash: "SHA-1"
        var modes = ["sign", "verify"];
        var key = Uint8Array.from(Convert.hexToArray(keyHex));
        var value = Uint8Array.from(Convert.hexToArray(valueHex));
        // Original codes have been converted into an async function
        // So can directly return a value instead
        let result = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", key, algo, false, modes)
        if(debug) console.debug("Key imported", keyHex);
        result = await crypto.subtle.sign(algo, result, value)
        result = Convert.arrayToHex(result)
        if(debug) console.debug("HMAC calculated", value, result)
        return result
    //Checks if this browser is compatible with the TOTP implementation
    isCompatible: function () {
        var f = function (x) {
            return typeof(x) === typeof(f);
        if (typeof(crypto) === typeof(TOTP) && typeof(Uint8Array) === typeof(f)) {
            return !!(crypto.subtle && f(crypto.subtle.importKey) && f(crypto.subtle.sign) && f(crypto.subtle.digest));
        return false;
//Make sure the conversion script is loaded first
if (typeof(Convert) !== typeof(TOTP)) {
    TOTP = null;
    alert("Data conversion module not loaded");
    throw new Error("Data conversion module not loaded");

// =================================================================================
// ========================= Site specific JavaScript ==============================

"use strict";

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    //Because typing costs time and time is money (and money is life)
    var q = document.querySelector.bind(document);
    var qa = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);

    //Button to generate code
    var btnGetTokenSingle = q("#getTokenSingle"); // "[type=button]"
    var btnGetTokenArray = q("#getTokenArray");
    //TOTP Secret
    var formSecret = q("#token");
    //Number of TOTP digits
    var formDigits = q("#digits"); // [type=number]
    //Secret Code type
    var formMode = q("#enctype"); // select
    //Period / Interval
    var formPeriod = q("#interval");
    //OTPAuth textarea
    var formOtpauthSource = q("#otpauthSource")
    //Select option from OTPAuth textarea
    var secretopt = q("#secretopt")

    //Default value OTPAuth textarea
    formOtpauthSource.innerHTML = typeof otpauthsource !== "undefined" ?
    otpauthsource :

    //List of valid TOTP Secret code patterns
    var pattern = {
        //Base32 Code
        "1": {
            regex: "[A-Za-z2-7]+=*",
            title: "Secret should be Base32 encoded (using only a-z and 2-7)"
        //Raw Hex Code
        "2": {
            regex: "([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})*",
            title: "Hexadecimal only (0-9 and a-f, even number of characters)"

    var range = function (min, x, max) {
        return Math.max(Math.min(x | 0, max), min) | 0;

    //Validate a form element
    var validate = function (x) {
        return !x.reportValidity || x.reportValidity();

    //Updates the URL to the current values
    var setHash = function (code, mode, digits, period) {
        location.hash = "#" + JSON.stringify({
                c: code,
                m: mode,
                d: digits,
                p: period

    //Fills in values from the URL
    var getHash = function () {
        if (location.hash.length > 1) {
            try {
                var data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(location.hash.substr(1)));
                formSecret.value = data.c;
                formPeriod.value = data.p;
                if (pattern[data.m]) {
                    formMode.value = data.m;
                formDigits.value = range(6, data.d | 0, 8);
            } catch (e) {
                console.warn(e, "Invalid JSON in URL:", location.hash.substr(1));
                return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    //Checks and processes the form
    var checkForm = function () {
        //IE11 and older has no reportValidity support
        if (validate(formSecret) && validate(formDigits) && validate(formMode)) {
            var digits = range(6, +formDigits.value, 8);
            let period = formPeriod.value;
            var secret = formSecret.value;
            if (formMode.value === "1") {
                try {
                    secret = Convert.base32toHex(secret);
                } catch (e) {
                    alert("Invalid Base32 characters");

                // Set URL hash
                setHash(formSecret.value, +formMode.value, digits, period);
                // Show tokens div
                q("#codes").style.display = "block";

                    secret: secret,
                    digits: digits,
                    period: parseInt(period),
                    type: "single",
                    init: true,
                    target: {
                        time: ".time",
                        token: [
                            ["#totpPP",-2],  //2nd Prev
                            ["#totpP",-1],   //Prev
                            ["#totpC",0],    //Current
                            ["#totpN",1]     //Next
                        countdown: [".counter","s"]

    //Timer vars
    var timer = { single: null, array: null };

    //Get the token
    var checkToken = async function (st) {
        try {
            if(st.debug) console.debug("Getting TOTP for", st.secret);
            // Set or Reset Token on function init or countdown reset
            if(st.init || st.countdown==st.period){
                let counter = TOTP.getCurrentCounter(st.period);
                st.countdown = TOTP.getCountdown(st.period)
                let targetID = 0
                q( = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()
                    q([targetID][0]).textContent =
                        await TOTP.otp(
                            st.secret, st.digits,
                            counter + ([targetID][1]) //, false
                            //[targetID][1], st.period
                            //, true
                    targetID += 1;
                st.init = false;

            q([0]).textContent = st.countdown + ([1] || "")

            st.countdown = st.countdown==1 ? st.period : st.countdown-1

            // Timer to refresh TOTP
            timer[st.type] = setTimeout(async () => {
                await checkToken(st);
            }, 1000);

        } catch (e) {
            q("#codes").style.display = "none";
                "Problem decoding Secret.\n"+
                "Verify your secret and type are correct.\n"+
                "Message from decoder: " + e.message

    var selectArray = [];

    //Fetch OTPAuth list in textarea
    var FetchSelectArray = async function(){
        selectArray = []
        secretopt.innerHTML = ""
        q("#arrayResult").innerHTML = ""
        let secretArray = formOtpauthSource.value.split("\n"),
            arrayID = 0, item,
            parser, param, pathname, type, name,
            username, issuer, algo, digits, period, secret
            item = secretArray[arrayID]
            parser = new URL(item);
            param = str => parser.searchParams.get(str);
            pathname = parser.pathname.split("/");
            type = pathname[2] || null
            name = pathname[3] ? decodeURIComponent(pathname[3]) : null
            // console.log(name)
            if(parser.protocol=="otpauth:" && type=="totp" && param("secret")){
                username = name && name.split(":").length > 1 ?
                    name.split(":").slice(-1)[0] : null
                // Label issuer and param issuer should be the same
                // Param issuer is priority, label issuer for older version
                // Label and issuer might be URL-Encoded, Decode first
                issuer = param("issuer") ? decodeURIComponent(param("issuer")) :
                    name && username ?
                    name.substr(0, name.length - (username.length+1)) :
                    name ? name : null
                algo = param("algo") || param("algorithm") || "SHA1"
                digits = range(6, +(parseInt(param("digits") || param("digit"))), 8) || 6
                period = parseInt(param("period")) || parseInt(param("interval")) || 30
                // Assuming all secret codes are in Base32
                try {
                    secret = Convert.base32toHex(param("secret"));
                } catch (e) {
                        "Invalid Base32 characters\n"+
                        "code : "+ param("secret") +"\n"+
                        "Line : "+ (arrayID+1)
                    issuer: issuer,
                    username: username,
                    secret: secret,
                    secretori: param("secret"),
                    digits: digits,
                    period: parseInt(period),
                    algo: algo,
                    type: "array",
                    init: true,
                    target: {
                        time: ".timeArray",
                        token: [
                        countdown: [".counterArray","s"]
            arrayID += 1
        arrayID = 0
        // Add OTPAuth URL to select option
            item = selectArray[arrayID]
                (!item.issuer || item.issuer=='') && (!item.username || item.username=='') ?
                "Secret Code : "+ item.secretori :
                    (item.issuer && item.issuer!='' ? item.issuer : "No Issuer") +" - "+
                    (item.username && item.username!='' ? item.username : "No Username")
            arrayID += 1
        // Max size of OTPAuth select-option fetcher
        let optMax = 6
        // Set the size of OTPAuth select-option fetcher
        secretopt.size = selectArray.length<=optMax ? selectArray.length : optMax
        // Select option already built, Get the token

    var checkArray = async function(){
        if(secretopt.options.length<1) return;
        let item = selectArray[secretopt.value]
        item.init = true
        let label = (str1,str2='') => "<label class='listLabel2'>"+ str1 +"</label>"+ str2;
        let tr = (str1,str2) => "<tr><td>"+ str1 +"&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;"+ str2 +"</td></tr>"
        let formclass = str => "<div class='form'>"+ str +"</div>"
        q("#arrayResult").innerHTML =
            formclass(label("Issuer"," : ") + (
                item.issuer && item.issuer!='' ? item.issuer : "<i>No Issuer</i>"
            ) ) +
            formclass(label("Username"," : ") + (
                item.username && item.username!='' ? item.username : "<i>No Username</i>"
            ) ) +
            formclass(label("Setting"," : ") +
                item.digits +" digits, "+
                item.period +"s period, "+
                item.algo +" algorithm"
            formclass(label("Generated at"," : ") + "<span class='timeArray'></span>"+
            ", refresh in <span class='counterArray'></span>") +"<BR>"+
            "<table class='table'>"+
                tr("<code class='tokenArrayN totp'></code>","Next Token")+
                tr("<code class='tokenArrayC totp'></code>","<b>Current Token</b>")+
                tr("<code class='tokenArrayP totp'></code>","Previous Token")+
                tr("<code class='tokenArrayPP totp'></code>","2nd Previous Token")+
        await checkToken(item);

    var addselectoption = function(select, value, text=""){
        let option = document.createElement("option")
        option.value = value
        option.text = text
        if(value==0) option.selected = true
        // let select = document.getElementById("selectid")
        select.options.remove(0), or select.remove(0)
        select.innerHTML = ""

    if (TOTP.isCompatible()) {
        //Generate and display secret code
        btnGetTokenSingle.addEventListener("click", checkForm);
        btnGetTokenArray.addEventListener("click", FetchSelectArray);
        secretopt.addEventListener("change", checkArray);
    } else {
        //Incompatible browser
        alert("Your browser is outdated and lacks missing components for this implementation. Please update your browser");
        q(".container").innerHTML = "<h1 class=\"alert alert-danger\">" +
            "Outdated browser, try to live in the year" + (new Date()).getFullYear() +
    //Set the pattern for the secret code textbox
    var setPattern = function () {
        if (pattern[formMode.value]) {
            formSecret.setAttribute("pattern", pattern[formMode.value].regex);
            formSecret.setAttribute("title", pattern[formMode.value].title);
        } else {
            alert("attempted to select invalid Pattern. The website will reset now");
    //Hook up setPattern event
    formMode.addEventListener("change", setPattern);

    //Show warning if not running on file system
    var isOnline = (location.protocol.indexOf("file:") !== 0);
    var eleOnline = qa(".online-only");
    var eleOffline = qa(".offline-only");
    for (var i = 0; i < eleOffline.length; i++) {
        eleOffline[i].style.display = isOnline ? "none" : "block";
    for (var i = 0; i < eleOnline.length; i++) {
        eleOnline[i].style.display = isOnline ? "block" : "none";

    //Set initial data and pattern
    if (getHash()) {

    //"input,select"), 0)"#token,#digits,#enctype,#interval"), 0)
    .forEach(function (v) {
        v.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
            if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.which === 13) {

    //Link that opens the help box at the bottom and hides itself
    q("#singleHelpButton").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
            q("#singleHelpDiv").style.display = "none"
            q("#singleHelpButton").text = "Show Help"
            q("#singleHelpDiv").style.display = "block"
            q("#singleHelpButton").text = "Hide Help"
    q("#arrayHelpButton").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
            q("#arrayHelpDiv").style.display = "none"
            q("#arrayHelpButton").text = "Show Help"
            q("#arrayHelpDiv").style.display = "block"
            q("#arrayHelpButton").text = "Hide Help"
    q("#hideWarningButton").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
        q("#warningDiv").style.display = "none"

    //Load otpauth file
    q("#txtload").addEventListener("click", function(e){
    q("#file").addEventListener("change", async function(e){
      formOtpauthSource.value = ((await dataload(this)).join("\n\n")); // .change()
      q("#file").value = "";
    //Save otpauth text
    q("#txtsave").addEventListener("click", function(e){
      download_blob(formOtpauthSource.value, "OTPAuth.txt");

      * Download url
      * @param {string} url - Url to save
      * @param {string} filename - Default filename and extension when saving
      * @example
      * download_url("") // Will be saved as "download.txt"
      * download_url("","data-2023.txt")

     function download_url(url = "", filename = "download.txt"){
       let element = document.createElement('a');
       element.href = url; = filename; = 'none';

      * Save blob / data string to file
      * @param {object|string} blob - Blob / string to save
      * @param {string} filename - Default filename and extension when saving
      * @example
      * let dataBlob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain' });
      * download_blob(dataBlob) // Will be saved as "download.txt"
      * download_blob(dataBlob,"data-2023.txt")
      * download_blob("String to be saved","data-2023.txt")

     function download_blob(blob, filename = "download.txt"){
       if(typeof blob === 'string')
         blob = new Blob( [blob], { type: 'text/plain' } );
       blob = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
       let element = document.createElement('a');
       element.href = blob; = filename; = 'none';
     // Backward Compatibility
     function datasave(data = "", filename = "download.txt"){
       //download_url('data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,'+ encodeURIComponent(data), filename);
       download_blob(data, filename);
      * Load data from file
      * From : {@link}
      * @param {object} fileOpt - Input files
      * @return {object}
      * @example
      * // Single file
      * let data = (await dataload(this))[0]
      * // Multiple files
      * let data = (await dataload(this)).join("\n")

     async function dataload(fileOpt){
       const read = (file) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
         const reader = new FileReader();
         reader.onload = (event) => resolve(;
         reader.onerror = reject;
       let fileArray = fileOpt.files,
           file, data = [], arrlen;
       arrlen = Object.keys(fileArray).length;
       for(let i=0; i<arrlen; i++){
         file = fileArray[i];
         data.push(await read(file));
       return data;
